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Let the day have a beautiful you!

2011/01/31 - 0 Comments

Love yourself, watching this could help...
Check out this video! Feel beautiful, be beautiful!

Joy to all!


Higher love - get higher, get this!

2011/01/29 - 0 Comments

If your going pray for anything, wouldn't it be higher love?
This is beautiful prayer and affirmation and it rocks !

Joy to all!

Get ya gear off!

There so many "ways" to reach, happiness, to know God, to be one with the universe, to reach enlightenment…
Mantras, yoga's, prayers, fasting, whirling, tantric sex, music, drugs… these are all tools, they can help us on the way.
We use to tools to create, to build a house we may wear a heavy carpenters belt full of nails and instruments of the trade, but when the house is ready we will not continue to walk around with this burden. It would prevent us from enjoying the comfort the home we had striven to build.
Spiritual tools are the same, we may use them wisely knowing they serve purpose to aid our journey, not to turn them into objects of worship or to place belief in them.
Remain aware that if our goal is ultimately to be at one with God then anything we hang onto is a barrier to that divine connection. No matter how fine the silks we are adorned in they will derive from the bliss of Gods embrace, we must stand naked before the universe, bereft of name, status, techniques, idols, dogmas and all such adornments.
When we finally drop our separateness, our individuality then we will know peace, it is our own desire to be special that causes the gap between our true joy, between connection with the seemingly separate others, who are in truth, like us born of the same formless energy, who are the same infinite love, when all drop the clothes we've fashioned around are eternally pure hearts then we can be at last be re united with the unending expanse of continuous , timeless bliss that is the source of all being.
Get your gear off, get naked, and let it all hang out, go forth and let the day have a beautiful nude you!

The Beatles - All You Need Is Love (HD)

Listen carefully,
You may learn something that will change your being.
Feel the vibration it may lift you into the light.
Watch VERY carefully you might see Mick!

Joy to all!



2011/01/28 - 0 Comments

Good life!
Good morning!
Good day!
Good you!
Let the day have a beautiful you!

Sivan Garr Presents - I Love You

One more time, because I love you!

Love to all!

Joy to all!


2011/01/27 - 0 Comments

Our world is built with thoughts.
Someone thought of the wheel, the thought grew, imagination took hold, passion arose. Now this is a good idea! This thing can be done!, YES!
From that thought, perhaps rising out sheer in-SPIRIT-ation, or out of focused desire to solve a problem, we don't know, but from that idea the wheel was born and it changed the course of this planet.
A single idea can change the world.
Each of us is endowed with this gift of thought, this ability to create from the root cause of all manifestation.
We do it all the time, mostly we seem to be unconscious of it and the subconscious just throws out old stuff and around we go in uncontrolled circles.

Well the time is now, that we must get our acts together if we are going save this world from US.
It is US, you and me, not "THEM", but each one of us can consciously create a new world
from the seeds of thought.
From a thought of love, of peace, imagining a world where wars are a hard to fathom history, a planet where hunger is a myth and all prosper in health and joy, a globe without political borders where freedom is not a right but a reality.
Imagine a world of clean energy sources, where rivers are drinkable and nature is not found in parks but that this whole environ is a garden as once it was, imagine, believe and go into your day with faith that your thought will change the world as it must, if there is enough of us, and there are, that really make the effort, then these ideas, like the wheel, will transform the world!
Be aware of your thoughts, they are our most divine power, constructively employed, coupled with passion we can change our world, YOU can change yours, go on! Let the day have a beautifully creative you.

Pray for this!

Pray and feel a higher love!
Nothing I'd better!
Love rocks!
Feel the love,
Spread the love, it grows and grows!
Love is infinite and everywhere open heart and it floods out!
Feel the higher love!


Perfection is now.

2011/01/26 - 0 Comments

Let it be.
If you can't act from peace
Let it be.
Go with what you can do now,
Get into your power,
When you're ready the problem will be gone!



2011/01/25 - 0 Comments

All you need is
Love to all



2011/01/24 - 0 Comments

Aiki spice tofu hamburger, やっぱり美味しすぎる!!

Speak your truth

Speak your truth.
"Speak your truth", "be straight", "tell it how it is", "say what's on your mind",
All great advice, except, do you know your truth?
Do we really know our real mind? Do we know "how it really is?"
Often it helps to express our feelings, but we must be aware of what will be constructive and what will break down communication and widen separation.
The concept of communication is to commune, to become one, to live together in harmonious relationship.
Any word of anger, or negativity, may, when blurted out cause defensive or offensive responses and cause the fire of animosity to blaze with more ferocity.
Awareness is always the key. We must first reclaim awareness, reclaim a silent and peaceful mind; look at the situation that is evoking our need to comment from as subjective a stance as we can.

Let us honor our emotions, yet through a clear mind we will know how to speak, rather than what to say, to resolve any apparent dilemma.
An honest word spoken of sadness or anger, when spoken without attack, from a quiet heart, will foster empathy and understanding.
Sometimes silence itself will bring about an atmosphere of acceptance and diffuse any negativity that in the initial moment was just re action, an ego based response of fear and the need to protect its fragile identity.

May we speak our truth calmly without blame or attack, with intent to create union and mutual benefit, or be silent, find peace within, know that truth need not always be spoken as truth is the reality in which are immersed, should we choose to be aware.

Speak to your TRUTH, and let the day and all you meet have a truly beautiful you.

Happy 7th Birthday Zeal!
A truly wonderful place!


That's the Spirit!

2011/01/23 - 0 Comments

We are spirit.
Each one of us is in truth born from limitless, unformed, pure energy, each of us returns to this formless state. Without form yet imbibed with the supreme intelligence of love, that only open and infinite space can house.
Know that this is the spirit that we call life, this intangible yet obviously real force that beats our hearts and breathes our lungs, this is our essence. This is our spirit, this is our TRUE essence, our real I dentiy.
We are spirit!
We are one.
We are in harmony and embody peace and love,
Beyond our self imposed belief in our finite body we are a limitless and joyful existstance, neither unnamed nor fettered by patterns of thought or with need of belief.
We need to be reminded of this, to consciously change the paradigm that we have accepted into our minds, we need to reprogram our vision and see the unity of our being not the separation that divides and weakens us.
Let us come to the fore and change our minds, open them to the truth of what we really are.
The time to act is NOW, we are at a crossroads where we must choose between the paradigm they lays crumbling before our eyes or abandon it as we would a burning house and run out into the safety of open air and space.
Let us begin by accepting the truth of our spiritual inheritance.
These lines form a course in miracles may be a key to unlock our prison, acclaim them to your soul, affirm their truth and feel the joy and freedom they contain.

"Spirit am I, a holy child of God, free of limits, safe and healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world."
Set your mind in this pattern and free your Self to the beauty that lies within,
to the love that flows like a river from your unshackled heart, awake into the light and
Let the day have a beautiful YOU!


Listen to the masters

2011/01/22 - 0 Comments

embrace simplicity
put others first
desire little

lao tsu


New life, rebirth, resurrection!
Is this what we pray for, a fresh start, renewal and forgiveness?
Then first we must die, we must go through the pain of death, we must be prepared to give up our pain, surrender our hate, blame and selfish attachments. We must let go of identification with our current identity to which the problems we so loathe are now so entwined.
We like the Christ, dying on the cross must resist the temptation to cry out and place the responsibility of our "sins" on others, we must ally with love and release our anguish to die into the eternal first bared of theses burdens leaving them in the delusional world our ego based mind
If when in distress we desire a retrieve we must accept the challenge, we must face the misery, accept squarely on our shoulders as did Jesus his cross, we must be open to forgive all others, and let it go.
These are the basis of all healing principles, acceptance, forgiveness, intent to see beyond conflict and freely choosing to let go of the issue.
The intent is paramount; accepting the possibility of forgiveness is enough if our intent is that all will benefit from this openness to love.
By doing so we die to those burdens and will rise again cleansed and purified.
Pain may be our greatest teacher when accepted, blame will only continue the circle, acceptance and intent to forgive and release, open the door to a new life.
Every day, every breathe we have the chance! We can die peacefully with every exhale and be reborn as we inhale fresh air imbued with light and love.
Be reborn and let the day have fresh and loving You.



2011/01/21 - 0 Comments

Impossible? I`m POSSIBLE!
You are possible! Yes! YOU are possible! Say it out aloud, "I`m possible"!
If you think about it, if your very existence is possible is not anything possible?
Do you realize the miracle, the uncountable number of "coincidental" miracles that must have occurred to bring about the manifesting of your being?
The mind boggles at the thought of it! Our so call hi tech knowledge could not even calculate the probability of such an occurrence, for lack of being able to collect the complete data required.
For this planet out of infinite space, to harbor the environment capable of supporting such a life form is a miracle, that two microscopic cells could come together and combine endlessly to give rise to a being that can think, breathe , survive, self heal and procreate, the mechanisms and chemical reactions, electrical circuitry required for such a being…
Unbelievable yet here we are.
Our sight and other senses absolute miracles.
A flower, a bee, a bridge, an iPhone these are all absolute miracles.
So why should we doubt that anything is impossible?
Marconi's friends tried to have him placed in mental care when he announced his belief that he could produce a machine that could transmit sound information through the air to create a "radio".
Now we take for granted such a miracle.
The Wright brothers were scorned, yet now we ride in planes they themselves may have found difficult to imagine.
It is a matter of faith that nothing is impossible that brings all into the realms of reality, and opens the space for miracles to occur.
Faith is word almost loathed these days after much misuse within religions, but the fact is we all have faith in some thought system or another.
We have faith that when turn on the lights they will work, that when we turn our ignition keys our cars with take us to work, that the sun will rise and the night will fall…we have faith in our belief that certain things are impossible and others are not.
This is the difference between us and people you change are planets consciousness and bring the "impossible" into reality, the Galileos, the Edisons, the Fords, Gates, Jobs, the Mandelas, Ghandis, and Kings of this world. They all shared Faith and belief in dreams, in "impossible" realities, dreams that transformed our world.
This is the mind we need to cultivate if we too are to transform our own worlds, to perform miracles, to live the "impossible" dream.
The very idea of well this is possible, but that is not, solidifies faith in a world doomed to our own self imposed limits, ALL is possible!
Miracles never cease and they know no bound, we need to cultivate this miracle consciousness, and have faith in the possibility of our own healing, and of the healing of this entire planet if are to gain the motivation to take the positive steps to bring about that miracle.
We need to have faith, trust in miracles, believe all is possible, relinquish our faith doom scarcity, sickness, heartbreak and pain and place our faith in world peace, health, environmental renewal, abundance and an eternal state of joy!
Have faith! Have faith! Make space in your heart for love to blossom.
Say it to yourself throughout the day "I`m possible!" "I AM POSSIBLE!" know it, feel it and let the day have an impossibly beautiful you!



2011/01/20 - 0 Comments

Know your priority!
Aim for it and go!
Be awake for every step,
Enjoy the adventure!
All roads lead to light,
Your path is right for you,
Love it and give thanks for this precious life!
The grand journey home,
Be your own light!

Give up!

Give UP!
Do you know everything?
Do you know what the outcome of your every action will be?
Are you certain of anything at all…except death awaits and even then do you know what happens there?
The minds that we work with now are quite clueless!
We are really guessing our way through life, hoping things will turn out right, trying not to be consumed by worry and fear of an uncertain future.
Not really sure of anything we try secure our lives with insurance policies, bank accounts, we put faith in horoscopes and financial advisors! The blind leading the blind!
If it wasn't such a scary truth it would make a great comedy for some higher being looking down on the planet, laughing at us bumbling around oblivious to the reality of our situation and gambling on every toss of the coin, as we make decisions based on information so limited, we would appear to be like ants walking around thinking they have it all worked out!
What to do?
Well, a part of us knows. At some quiet place deep in our hearts there remains knowingness, a quiet voice whispering truth and guidance.
In the silence, when our minds are given a chance to settle, when we make the conscious decision to let go of our concerns for a moment, that voice calls us and if we care to listen, we will know what is right for that moment.
If we cultivate this giving up to the higher guidance, to giving time for silence in our day, the voice will grow and what we label, intuition, gut feeling, a hunch becomes our default GPS of life.
First we need to let go of the shouting of the ego mind and trust, take a leap of faith towards that voice that we have all experienced at sometime.
We need to practice, meditate, pray, take time to commune with nature in a harmonious union. We need to commit to cultivate awareness of the inner, withdraw the over emphasis of value we place in impermanent and fleeting external forms.
Let go of worry, let go of stress and excessive planning, leave space for the universal plan to unfold as it does regardless of our idle machinations, accept the here and now, make peace with what is and be happy NOW.
The past is gone, the future is distant but in this moment we can access God (call it what you will) within us and KNOW everything is perfect just the way it is.
Try that today, try to be aware of when worry arises, then take a deep breath let it go, and let GOD.Give UP!


All you need

2011/01/19 - 0 Comments

Nothing you can make that can't be made,
No one you can save that can't be saved,
Nothing you can do that can't be done,
But can learn to be you in time,
It's easy!
All you need is LOVE!

The Beatles had a clue.

Time to change!


We are tired, worn out ,exhausted ready to drop.
Yes! Like a tired old dress, thread bare, fading, losing shape, but we can't bear to let it go.
We are carrying around with us a bundle of tired old dresses, and we are tired of carrying, but fearful to give them up for we do not know what to put in when we've dropped the outer garments we've grown so attached to.
Of course we are tired, we are bored, the burden is heavy, we are tired of the stagnated relationship, the old ways, and our old patterns of behavior that at one time were bright and new, but just don't do it anymore.
We look in the mirror around us and it's not what we want see.
It's time to let go, the old world, the old economic and political systems, dogmas and societies, it's time for us to cast off the tired old personas and dance naked, with nothing to hide, let go of the world that is crumbling around us, stop trying to patch up those old jeans which have become more patch than jean, let them go and await your new gown.
It's scary to stand nude, but that is the first step before we can change.
Now in the winter of this age the cold winds, and crushing snows seem not the place to
discard our garments, but have no fear, the spring is near and bright new, fresh clothes await, we know not the shape, we may not know the colors, the material, but trust the designer she knows us so well, the suit shall be the latest, the brightest, most comfortable spring fashion, reflecting the birth of new life and in floral prints depicting the new season.
Go on get your gear off!
Let it all hang out!
The spring is coming and your party dress awaits.
It's time to Change!



2011/01/18 - 0 Comments

A quitter never wins,
A winner never quits,

Or lie down low

Change your view, change your mind, change your life!

Dare yourself

Take the challenge! Be capricious! Do something today out of the usual.
Surprise yourself!
Have an adventure!
Climb the lighthouse on Aoshima!
Be careful and don't blame be me!
It's your life! Take control and live!


Aiki spice 美味しいかな?

2011/01/17 - 0 Comments

Aiki Spice?
Love in a bottle.


All material things start with a thought.
The basic building block of energy that forms the entire universe, also forms the power of thought. The power of thought is what molds our very lives, when we think, whether it be conscious or not it has a effect, in fact it has every effect on us.
Physically we change with a thought.
A war starts with a thought, an act of compassion starts with a thought, ideas are what have made this world and they mould reality on every level.
If you want a coffee for example, it starts with a thought at the thought of it brings about action by which within moments you are drinking that coffee, did you not have the concept of coffee, nor the thought of it that coffee could never appear.
OK now when anything is focused it becomes more powerful, like the sunlight channeled through a magnifying glass, simple light can start a fire that destroys a whole forest or city, light is energy.
Now take a thought, add intention, emotion, faith and focus repeat it, and believe it and you have a very powerful tool!
This tool is called Prayer!
The power of prayer has been well documented; all medical research in this area has shown it has positive effect.
Many of us have forgotten this divine gift of communication, this opening of a channel to God, when we speak of prayer in these old fashioned terms many people cringe, with their negative association to religion.
Yes, organized religions have committed horrendous crimes on a global scale, but not all of those religions is bad, within each one there are truths that remain truth and wisdom, powerful basic truths, one of them is power of prayer.
Try it.
Use emotion, repetition, have faith in the process of your own focused intent and in the powers that lie unseen yet you know exist, the power that causes your heart to beat and the earth to spin, call it what you like, give up your prayer to this almighty creative force.
This is the power of a miracle, trust, miracles happen, have faith and pray!


Happy test

2011/01/16 - 0 Comments

A cry for love - re edit

Do we want fact, or truth, to be right or to be happy, retaliation or reconciliation?

In relationships, and all our activities are relationships, of some form there are the facts which we determine throughour limited perceptions, included our experience whichcolors the present reality with the hues of a past.

When we choose to act on these fact as constructed by an imperfect system, run by an imperfect judge, using evidence both incomplete and tainted, we may arrive at aconclusion that is logically more righteous and plausible than our opponent but none the less erroneous.

The truth is by seeking to be right it creates the desire to expose darkness and our ego will fool us into seeing it, to satisfy its hunger for consolidation. Great! The ego ensures its win and its triumph leaves us with a prize view of darkness to gloat over.

If in conflict if we choose instead to be happy (rather than right) we, if we take a moment to find grace, may see beyond the factsto the truth that lies beneath their stonyexterior.

We will see that darkness or a lack light, in the other ismerely a call for love. The fact, maybe they wronged us, but the truth is they are calling out for love.

Here is where we have a chance to transform retaliation into reconciliation that unites all concerned in the light of love. When we choose to be happy rather than right, wewill find light, rather than darkness, we will find truth rather than fact, and we will know love rather than fear.

In that moment of grace where we choose to see the cry for love in the other, we give it to them. By giving them peace and not our reactive anger see their love and they see our love and we may realize that is not something we possessbut are in fact bathing in together.

That single moment when we stop searching for darkness is all it takes to realize the light, when we choose to know the others anger is a cry for love, they become our savior as werealize we too are crying for it and they have given us thewakeup call from the nightmare of the self righteous ego.

Take a moment to wipe the tears from your scorned eyes and the light of love will truly shine in, your choice to behappy rather than right will be a healing of all souls concerned.

There is no way to peace, peace is the way.


Joy to all!

A cry for love

Do we want fact, or truth, to be right or to be happy, retaliation or reconciliation?

In relationships, and all our activities are relationships of some form there are the facts which we determine throughour limited perceptions, included our experience whichcolors the present reality with the hues of a past.

When act on these fact as constructed by an imperfect system, run by an imperfect judge, using evidence both incomplete and tainted, we may arrive at a conclusion thatis logically more righteous and plausible than our opponent but none the less erroneous.

The truth is by seeking to be right it creates the desire to expose darkness and our ego will fool us into seeing it, to satisfy its hunger for consolidation. Great it wins and our triumph leaves us with a prize view of darkness to gloat over.

If in conflict if we choose instead to be happy (rather than right) we, if we take a moment to find grace, may see beyond the factsto the truth that lies beneath their stonyexterior.

We will see that darkness or a lack light, in the other is merely a call for love. The fact maybe they wronged you, but the truth is they are calling out for love.

Here is where we have a chance to transform retaliation into reconciliation that unites all concerned in the light of love. When choose to happy rather than right, we will find light, rather than darkness, we will find truth rather than fact, and we will know love rather than fear.

In that moment of grace where we choose to see the cry for love in the other, we give it them. By giving them peace and not our reactive anger see their love and they see our love and we may realize that is not something we possessbut are in fact bathing in together.

That single moment when we stop searching for darkness is all it takes to realize the light, when we choose to know the others anger is a cry for love, they become our savior as realize we too are crying for it and they have given us the wake up call from the nightmare of the self righteous ego.

Take a moment to wipe the tears from your scorned eyes and the light of love will truly shine in, your choice to happy rather than right will be a healing of all souls concerned.

There is no way to peace, peace is the way.


Joy to all!


The NeoCube 01

2011/01/15 - 0 Comments

Check out this video on YouTube:

Just a toy but also a wonderful model of reality, all made up of the same units, connected, and infinite in possible combination, appeared here as an idea and will again disappear into history with rubiks cube, dinosaurs and things beyond our known existence. Man that's cool!

Joy to all!


Forgiveness and mercy is not showing weakness or acceptance of behavior that at some level is not appropriate.
It iss in fact a strength that can turn a so call infringement into a valuable lesson for all concerned.
If someone does something that in some way is deemed inacceptable, our first duty is to, at the very deepest level see that they at their deepest leve lthey had not truly intended to make things problematic.
At the deepest level as humans we all maintain the innocence and purity with which we as babies was reflected through non judging and unconditionally loving eyes.
Although this divinity has be clouded over, blocked out and veiled by misconception, education and experience of the illusionary sense of separateness that our fear and scarcity based society has taught, beneath all that still lies those clear pools of joy that clearly reflect all around but remain clear and pure.
We must realize first that each human regardless of what they have done is still at the most fundamental level, an immaculate creation of love, just as we are.
In that moment, we are saved. We have gone beyond blind re action into a space where we can act from that with love and acceptance and speak kindly to the heart of the other. Seeing them as they really are , our words will not be harsh and attacking , which would only foster more of the same but will be firm and assuring so the other may also remember their own state of grace.
The fruit of such a seed drawn from the heart can only produce love and what appeared at first to be dilemma will reveal its hidden lesson, a gift of peace, deep and healing peace.
Forgiveness and acceptance are not weakness but the strength that will save this globe from the disaster we face so imminently.
Be strong,show mercy.


The miracle

2011/01/14 - 0 Comments

Not bad for a half Human half Vulcan.

Inherent perfection?

Inherent perfection ? Really? Me? Her? This planet?
Think about it.
Nature left to it's own intelligence forms the universe. Stars, countless planets, spinning and revolving in such a synchronized fashion that could maintain the birth of life as we know it on the very world.
From the moment of our miraculous conception two microscopic cells combine,divide and develop billions of times, in such an organized manner as to form eyes, ears fingers, brains, lungs...
This natural intelligence, is inherent in all forms of existence.
Infinitely evolving and creating endlessly unique masterpieces that commune in perfect balance with a myriad of other species that coordinate in in a glorious harmony.
Now, nature, God, call it what you will has designed us with an inherent perfection, plus the ultimate gift of freedom, options are infinite and we may choose how to continue the creative impulse he has seeded us with.
As we are made from creative genius so we embody that power.
All options are there and we have a built in guidance system of emotions,feelings to let us know, in no uncertain terms what is the right or wrong choice.
You in know in your gut, doing this brings me joy, doing that will cause me stress. If we trust our heart the voice will grow stronger and clearer and the trust in that feeling will grow.
Regardless of how many mistakes we make our inherent perfection is unchanged and we as a totality never at the deepest level can escape that.
The illusion of form which is in continuous flux appears real but if real while is so ephemeral? It's impermance is a hint, the energy and wisdom that drives us is the only unchanged factor and that same force is what lies in the power that pumps our heart and causes us to breathe and procreate, for cells to self regenerate and for us to be an intelligent part of this dance of light and shadow.
Remember innately we are infinitely perfect regardless of our past (illision) and we are free to create a new future in each every moment.
This our game. Relearn the rules play with this dimension and laugh and the enjoy free perfection!
Forgiveness is in fact not needed.
For it us only a confused mind that deduced their was any error.
Only ego list in the delusion of separateness maintains this shallow view. Our true self c sees beyond the form to the unchanged and unchanging innately perfect life force and rejoices in the immense variety of this singular energy.
Relax your perfect, just the way you are!


Lovely winter morning!

2011/01/13 - 0 Comments

Give thanks,
Feel love,
A dance and walk in cold morning sun by the sea,
Home thru the tropical gardens, meditate,shower and cook .
Tomato,cheese,onion, sausage omelette, sauteed potatoes, spinach salad.
Of course, only AIKISPICE
love in bottle!

For Aki and John Peter

Aoshima one world festival

Be famous!

Be famous for kindness, humility, for joy!
On some scale be know for your compassion and peace.
Lead by example, change the world by being a light of love.
We choose now for the future of this world, do perish in economic and ecological destruction, do we suffer as levels of mental health and crime skyrocket, or do we choose a path of unconditional love and a new world paradigm of cooperation and unity?
You choose you lead.
As Gandhi said "be the change you want see n the world." make this our mission and will see our worlds change before our changing eyes and our changing hearts.
Shine your brightest light and celebrate this mission of love today!


Light makes shadows

2011/01/12 - 0 Comments

No one

A hundred million lights,
Dancing on the sea,
A hundred million voices,
singing on the breeze,

A peaceful soul sitting on the pier,
No one there to see,
No one there to hear.


The sum of the parts is so much greater that we can imagine.
When we work together in unity miracles can happen. We are all one, including all of this planet are one single living ,interactive organism, all connected and born of the same energy source and built of the same a runner who moves in beautiful unison is swift so shall our endeavors be simple and economic when we coordinate our minds and actions.
Humans can do anything when we move together under A single goal.
Let's make peace our goal, a healthy,happy planet our goal,as one body with specialized components functioning in harmony ,health is a natural consequence . Are we serious about ecology,peace and freedom,equality of rights and economy? Then let us join in single minded cooperation to achieve those ends. What is are basic motivation,our number one priority? When e seriously ask ourselves this question and answer in all honesty we see we all have a common goal- happiness. Well start with those around you and soon the world will be one again and heaven will reign on earth.


The power of words.

2011/01/11 - 0 Comments

First is thought, this like steam.
Next phase is the word. A thought when spoken can can change the world. The thought of democracy changed the world... So every word has power, every word you utter will come back to you. What goes around comes around.Karma.
Watch your thoughts watch you words. Choose as you you choose your clothes.
Speak kindly, speak encouragingly , speak with love and see life blossom around you.
Watch your words, they do have power.

Imagine peace

If you can imagine it, if can believe it and have faith to the point that you feel it's already there/here that it will appear.
Have you seen the pictures of worldgarden Goa .? Compare.
I drew this 8 months ago! Now it's real.
Whatever you hold in your mind,good or bad held with faith and emotion will ALWAYS appear in material form.
Think about your life until now. Look at at what you have or do.
Where did it start?
You thought I'll be a nurse. Now you're a nurse. I'll buy a Toyota now you drive it. I'll go to USA you went.
Practice, get better, think of peace and joy!



2011/01/10 - 0 Comments

Grow rich in joy! Grow in peace, love and money!
Spiritually sound classic work!

Getting older?

Getting older?
Like the seasons we change. From the spring of youth to the winter of our lives , each season has it's beauty. Celebrate your age for what it is, we gain wisdom and inner peace, the outer fades and we mellow, change is beautiful.
"our beauty steals within" Emerson.
Respect your age,wrinkles are lines of lessons learns.
Your beauty lie within.



2011/01/09 - 0 Comments

Yes! I'm possible !
If a human is possible, if a sun is possible, if all things are made from the same building blocks, ie energy and matter plus thought (energy of creation and intention) than anything is posible.
Believe and possibility becomes a PROBABILITY !
Believe in world peace, believe in happiness and prosperity, belief in yourself! It all starts with a positive belief, it will give you power to move in that direction.
Say yes!
You hold power in your hands and heart. Imagine the most beautiful world you can, know it's possible, make it probable.



2011/01/08 - 0 Comments


Form and content

You are unlimited
Yes! Form may change. You may lose your job, your company may go bankrupt, your marriage may dissolve but the the content, ie energy, pure divine energy remains unchanging, simply changing form.
Flowing from one vessel to next.
The vase may change shape, but the water remains the same.
Go with flow, there are new flowers waiting to find a home in you.
They will die, the vase will break, but the water simply changes form.
Accept change,welcome it's new,fresh,infinite possibilities and dance into
The glorious future moment by glorius moment.


the hot house (a video from me)

2011/01/07 - 0 Comments

the hot house

Come to and see my latest video of Aoshima s jungle!

Joy to all!

Tropical winter

The Aoshima subtropical botanical gardens hothouse is the ideal place spend a sunny winter day.
Like a trip SE Asia, warm,
bright for ¥400 you can get in have coffee and snacks, plug in your laptop a sit down to work or study. You can meditate do yoga surrounded by jungle and flowers. Perfect!


Love lunch

2011/01/06 - 0 Comments

Love by AikiSpice.やっぱり美味しいすぎる!!
One touch organic love food!愛季スパイス!!39!

No fear. Cont.

simply ask in your heart, what's my move? Trust in the divine and follow what comes, fear will vanish when you align with the purpose of the universe for you are no longer separate or special but a perfect part of a perfect whole.
Give up your ego and had the reins of your life to the higher power.
Walk in the light of eternal love.

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