
A cry for love

Do we want fact, or truth, to be right or to be happy, retaliation or reconciliation?

In relationships, and all our activities are relationships of some form there are the facts which we determine throughour limited perceptions, included our experience whichcolors the present reality with the hues of a past.

When act on these fact as constructed by an imperfect system, run by an imperfect judge, using evidence both incomplete and tainted, we may arrive at a conclusion thatis logically more righteous and plausible than our opponent but none the less erroneous.

The truth is by seeking to be right it creates the desire to expose darkness and our ego will fool us into seeing it, to satisfy its hunger for consolidation. Great it wins and our triumph leaves us with a prize view of darkness to gloat over.

If in conflict if we choose instead to be happy (rather than right) we, if we take a moment to find grace, may see beyond the factsto the truth that lies beneath their stonyexterior.

We will see that darkness or a lack light, in the other is merely a call for love. The fact maybe they wronged you, but the truth is they are calling out for love.

Here is where we have a chance to transform retaliation into reconciliation that unites all concerned in the light of love. When choose to happy rather than right, we will find light, rather than darkness, we will find truth rather than fact, and we will know love rather than fear.

In that moment of grace where we choose to see the cry for love in the other, we give it them. By giving them peace and not our reactive anger see their love and they see our love and we may realize that is not something we possessbut are in fact bathing in together.

That single moment when we stop searching for darkness is all it takes to realize the light, when we choose to know the others anger is a cry for love, they become our savior as realize we too are crying for it and they have given us the wake up call from the nightmare of the self righteous ego.

Take a moment to wipe the tears from your scorned eyes and the light of love will truly shine in, your choice to happy rather than right will be a healing of all souls concerned.

There is no way to peace, peace is the way.


Joy to all!

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