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Life- formless into form into...

2011/09/29 - 0 Comments

Respect the formless life force that is innate in every form.
Love it, for to love all forms with equality and life will love you back.
Life and love are inseparable, know one and know the joy of inner peace.

What do you know?

Do you know what love is?
Do you know who you are?
Do you know happiness?
Do you know peace?
What do you REALLY KNOW about life?
So why do we keep acting of false ideas about reality.
Give up, let go of you misunderstandings and trust the higher consciousness to guide.
For want of a less loaded term,
Let go and let god.



2011/09/27 - 0 Comments

Mountain tops like islands
A wash in a sea of clouds
Crashing waves of white water frozen in another time.


Nothing is special.

2011/09/25 - 0 Comments

If we want to know true and permanent happiness beyond the external world, we must go beyond judgement.
We can hold no values.
There can be no polarity, not good nor bad, correct or incorrect, proper or improper. When we see something as special or sacred, it means we see other things as lesser and we become entrenched in attachment and repulsion.
There can no peace, if we are constantly trying to determine what is right and wrong.
If we believe something deserves respect more than another then we separate ourselves from total and unconditional love.
Equal acceptance of all forms, pays homage to the common bond that is the basic life force that makes up this entire universe.
Is a holy statue to be revered? Tibetan Buddhism may say yes at one level,that great merit will be bestowed opon one who prostrates to a picture of a deity. Yet Christianity would have you damned for idolatry, Islam forbids even the portrail of the face of God or holy beings.
Which is correct?
The deeper message of the Buddhist is to use a symbol to represent certain qualities of mind, that if cultivated will aid seeing beyond form into the realm of infinitely expanding consciousness.
Form, forever in flux cannot be governedd by rules. Ideas born in the mind cannot relate to reality, which is never constant yet always perfect.
Judge not, but honor all with out differentiation and eternal joy will be yours.

No thing IS special, nothing is special, all is special!
Joy to all!
Let go of all teachings and let the day have divine you!


Never trust...

2011/09/22 - 0 Comments

Never trust your eyes,
Nor your ears,
Expirience or knowledge.
Any source of information gathered from this world cannot be relied on to have any bearing on the truth.
There is no subjective reality to found in external forms. All are subject to continous flux and measured by spuriously inaccurate instruments against unstable databases of our minds.
Trust the silence within, it tells know lie, simply it lights up life and all searching for meaning is made redundant as the entirety of existence becomes instantly unveiled. We are one with infinite go with and rediscover divinity.
This world is a UFO.


2011/09/18 - 0 Comments

Celebrate again!

Natural shower party !
One of my favorite .Osho Zen Tarots.
He explains that we should not wait for "special occasions" but that we should celebrate the beauty in everything.
Dance (naked) in the rain!
To sum Osho entire teachings in a word - CELEBRATE!

I love them so much...

Special relationships

The way I understand it, according to ACIM, is that as long as we hold any judgements then we are still deeply intrenched in the slavery of the egos despotic will.
Acim explains that "special relationships" are the most damning traps into which we can fall.
As long as we hold any one more or less in love than any other child of god than we are holding ourselves in a position of limited love. If love is to anything at all special than it must by nature be infinite, meaning it's is indivisible, that any limitation is actually a complete denial of loves truth.
The course challenges us to give up our idea of levels of love, of withholding, lavishing or rationing, love..
We are asked to allow the possibility that the all encompassing light of love be allowed to flow freely through us to all around without direction or any manner of definition, focus, favoritism or revenge.
We should see any special relationship as a warning sign that we are judging and acting only to filter and choke our awareness of the eternal and unconditional nature of love.
We are to take the opportunity to let go of our petty preferences and give way to acknowledge that we are all undeniably equal and that love may only be known when we give everyone their right to complete and total love, which is our innate being.
By returning this right to all others equally, we open our hearts to receive our birthright of perfect divine love that removes all need for healing or forgiveness, for in it's light no shadow remains and only a unity of undying joy, bliss and abundant happiness remains.
Lets let the love flow!
May the day having a loving you.

Joy to all!

I love them so much...

Special relationships


See it again

2011/09/15 - 0 Comments

If you ain't seen it, SEE IT.
If you've seen it, see it again.
It's ok to hope.


Another day

2011/09/14 - 0 Comments

Everyday is day to give thanks,
Another having lived,
Another day for having joy,
Another day to know that perfection is all.
Laugh and give praise!

The matrix

The Movie"matrax" is a perfect explanation of our brains. There is no AI computer program running it is our brain, programs by the ego that keeps us in a state of dreaming that this world of pain is reality.
We must devote out lives to escape this dream that holds only meaningless ephemeral pleasures.
"Escape from mental slavery, none but our selves can free our minds..."
Jah Rasta farai,
Babylon come down
Zion awaits!


Dad and I

2011/09/12 - 0 Comments

Must have been 10 years old, climbing mountains with dear old Dad. He was fit and still smoking!

Early times in Japan

21 and ready for fun!
Happily I'm still loving life!
Party on! Live in peace and celebrate!

...and there was peace

Crazy horse knew inner peace, a tantric shaman at home in the desert.

Crazy Horse

Who is this wild young man?
Let it out! Be alive!
That's me!
So much power, makes you wanna scream!


You have received a YouTube video!

2011/09/10 - 0 Comments


Peace Summit 2009 - Educating the Heart and Mind

2011/09/09 - 0 Comments

Check out this video on YouTube:

Joy to all!

Dalai Lama Peace Summit Morning Summary Sept 27 09

Simple is.

Beyond Achievement

Beyond Achievement
Think of all the great achievements of mankind throughout the ages.
The wheel, the bridge, the plane, computers the Internet ...
The Mona Lisa , the Taj Ma Hal...
In sports, politics and the arts.
All expressions of the beauty and genius of man,
Wonderful yes, but to what avail?
Does one the help the millions worldwide who cannot sleep at night without some kind of medication, the millions suffering depression,starvation ... Is the world a better place for all the emphasis we place on external manifestation?
There is only one positive aspect of the generations of humanities obsessions and that is to realize that true and lasting joy can only be accessed through the heart, inner peace and acceptance that we need not strive to obtain perfection but that we are perfect by nature.
Let us know this by witnessing our minds. Let us realize this is not us, let us trust that our children's purity will show them a better way rather than poison them with our out dated and dysfunctional manias. Let's take heed of our errors and turn them into the gold they really are- pointers towards NOT doing, and simply let are children be.
The way is not clear, yet we must trust that the first step towards simplicity with give rise to the next.
Start today to let go and let be.

Fwd: Eckhart Tolle TV: Present Moment Reminder

Joy to all!

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From: "Eckhart Tolle" <>
Date: 2011年9月9日5:06:42 JST
Subject: Eckhart Tolle TV: Present Moment Reminder

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It's all in you. If a book or any other teaching is powerful, how else do you feel it? There must be something in you that recognizes it because there are others to whom a spiritual book or teaching would be meaningless.

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The greatest present

2011/09/07 - 0 Comments


Beat box orchestra

2011/09/06 - 0 Comments

Saw the freaks outside Meiji jingu in Tokyo.
We can do anything! Express yourself and live!


The basics again!

2011/09/01 - 0 Comments

I think you understand this but sometimes we all need to be reminded.
Although so much emphasis is placed on lifestyle we know that, at the highest/deepest level, happiness has NOTHING to do with the external and EVERYTHING with the internal.
A happy heart amidst atrocious conditions (mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, tibetan lamas etc.) is happy, a confused mind (Paris Hilton, Kurt kobain, ...)in heaven like realms of riches and fame end in suicide,depression and drug dependancy.
Where ever you go the weather follows, for you perceive everything with your mind. If we place blame on our jobs, others etc. It is simply a projected of our own inner turmoil.
First we must accept ourselves and our present, then and only then can we truly forgive (that is, realize that forgiveness is not needed because in fact there was never any problem except that which we had projected upon an objective reality) and move peacefully into the present and start to act from awareness to create an external world which matches the inner peace we are emitting from our hearts.
This I believe is each one our soul responsibilities.
World peace through inner peace.

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