
Give up!

Give UP!
Do you know everything?
Do you know what the outcome of your every action will be?
Are you certain of anything at all…except death awaits and even then do you know what happens there?
The minds that we work with now are quite clueless!
We are really guessing our way through life, hoping things will turn out right, trying not to be consumed by worry and fear of an uncertain future.
Not really sure of anything we try secure our lives with insurance policies, bank accounts, we put faith in horoscopes and financial advisors! The blind leading the blind!
If it wasn't such a scary truth it would make a great comedy for some higher being looking down on the planet, laughing at us bumbling around oblivious to the reality of our situation and gambling on every toss of the coin, as we make decisions based on information so limited, we would appear to be like ants walking around thinking they have it all worked out!
What to do?
Well, a part of us knows. At some quiet place deep in our hearts there remains knowingness, a quiet voice whispering truth and guidance.
In the silence, when our minds are given a chance to settle, when we make the conscious decision to let go of our concerns for a moment, that voice calls us and if we care to listen, we will know what is right for that moment.
If we cultivate this giving up to the higher guidance, to giving time for silence in our day, the voice will grow and what we label, intuition, gut feeling, a hunch becomes our default GPS of life.
First we need to let go of the shouting of the ego mind and trust, take a leap of faith towards that voice that we have all experienced at sometime.
We need to practice, meditate, pray, take time to commune with nature in a harmonious union. We need to commit to cultivate awareness of the inner, withdraw the over emphasis of value we place in impermanent and fleeting external forms.
Let go of worry, let go of stress and excessive planning, leave space for the universal plan to unfold as it does regardless of our idle machinations, accept the here and now, make peace with what is and be happy NOW.
The past is gone, the future is distant but in this moment we can access God (call it what you will) within us and KNOW everything is perfect just the way it is.
Try that today, try to be aware of when worry arises, then take a deep breath let it go, and let GOD.Give UP!

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