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Is she lovely

2011/07/29 - 0 Comments

Such eyes!
And so caring!
Thanks Panasonic Navigation System-chan.
Can I call you Pana chan?

Cross that bridge

See ya later Kyushu,
Honshu! Long time no see!
Go north!

Take it easy

Take a nap!
Drive safe.
Take it easy.

A nice guide

Always nice to a pretty guide on a big adventure.


NLO Natural Light Orchestra

2011/07/26 - 0 Comments
Check it out!
Awesome beauty abounds, open your eyes and see gods breathe taking beauty at the heart of all creation.

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You've been shared an iPhone video!

Hey there, has shared a video with you that was made on his/her iPhone! You can watch it on your iPhone or your computer by following this link: If you like it, why don't you try creating one yourself? You can get our app (for free!) in the app store with your iPhone, or in a regular web browser just head here: Thanks, The Animoto Team


You are light!

2011/07/25 - 0 Comments


2011/07/23 - 0 Comments

What is the role of Education?
Is education to prepare our children to recreate the past which produced the current society? Or is it to abandon the ways of thought that have lead us to be stressed, ailing, suicidal, depressive, alcholic, violent and generally disatified humans?
Is is educations role not to see the errors of the past and attempt to correct them so we may give our children a chance to create a new world based on fresh ideas and timeless truths, combined with the zest for life that only the youth can breathe into them?
Can we as overworked, unfufilled, fearful, incongruent adults hope to impart values of integrity and truth into the hearts of children?
Do children not learn more by example than by words, policies, cultural restrictions, rigid rules and systems?
Takaharu lies in the heart of one of the most depressed and suicidal areas of the entire world. The rates of alcoholism, domestic violence, gambling addiction, are astonishingly high.
Childrens levels of health, fitness and general mental ease are plummetting before our eyes.
We must face ourselves and ask honestly am I qualified to teach children how to be? Difficult as it maybe, we must admit that we would not wish our children to follow in our footsteps. We dont want our children to be exhausted by work that often has no meaning but to continue the destruction of our economies, environment, health and souls.
Do we teach our children that image is important, that form is everything or that spirit is the only thing that really matters.
Is it important where one lives, what one wears, how much they earn or HOW they live, or how they enjoy the natural blessings that abound and how they communicate their feelings.
We must endeavour to abandon our ideas of what is correct, ideas that were given to us by a past that either lead us to this undesirable present or that were was once useful but do not apply to the realities that face us today.
If we as educators of our children truly hope they will flourish in a future where true inner peace and joy resound than we must see that they already embody that at birth.
Rather that suppressing and shaping that natural joy we must aim to encourage it to be free and run wild so that it may express itself fully. We must give them space and show by our actions that life is not duty, but responsibilty to be aware and choose moment by moment a path that feels right for us.
We must trust our innate guide to know that we ultimately want happiness, and that, that natural desire is wise enough to know that true happiness can only be known when all our happy.
When we accept this we can begin see that what really makes us happier as individuals, also make those around us happier. What is good for us is good for all and what is good for all is good us.
Ultimately the consciousness that we are all part of glorious whole is a truth that we must embody.
We as as educators need to bring this spirit into our form, curriculums and day today actions. Let us drop the need to judge for a practice of acceptance that when given freedom, natural beauty, peace, health and abundance will rise, grow and create the world we dream of in the depths of our hearts.
Let us live, and let live, let go and let love shine the way.


Go beyond!

2011/07/21 - 0 Comments

Beyond positive thinking
Is no mind
A place where judgement is unknown,
Polarity is unborn, a place of the infinite expanse of love, light and peace.
Commit to to being aware and as you see judgements arise step back into the golden heaven that accepts all in the spirit of joy!


Gift of the volcano

2011/07/19 - 0 Comments

This years sunsets a rare majesty, every evening a once only showing of a masterpiece by God.

Respect the nature

Respect your nature
We are powerful
More power than we know,
Respect, harness your power,
Create a joyous new world.


2011/07/18 - 0 Comments



Thanks fish

2011/07/14 - 0 Comments

Your life continues.
Gratitude to the fish and E village.


Give up jugdement to the just

2011/07/11 - 0 Comments

We have not all the evidence, least of all the wisdom to make assertions about even the tiniest issues. Give up to god who sees only perfection and can only jugde as innocent and his own child.
Let God.



2011/07/06 - 0 Comments

Shadows are born of light.
When someone shows your darkness through anger or pain, it is a choice to focus on that shadow or turn to see the light. The shadow is cast by the tiny ego that looks huge as shadow, seen in the light the ego is exposed and a lesson maybe learned.
Light may come any form, do not judge for you may miss the blessing believing your savior with come in robes and and halo.
The darkness is for us to dispel by being open and truly repentant with the strong will not repeat the same error, the rectify damage and accept forgiveness where kindly offered.
We must forgive ourselves and go forward into a new life closer to the light, following it unwaveringly till we know that light is us.
Thank you for your teaching.
May our inner light be known.


Sunday night sunset

2011/07/04 - 0 Comments

From kisaki with love
Real photo

This says it all

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