

All material things start with a thought.
The basic building block of energy that forms the entire universe, also forms the power of thought. The power of thought is what molds our very lives, when we think, whether it be conscious or not it has a effect, in fact it has every effect on us.
Physically we change with a thought.
A war starts with a thought, an act of compassion starts with a thought, ideas are what have made this world and they mould reality on every level.
If you want a coffee for example, it starts with a thought at the thought of it brings about action by which within moments you are drinking that coffee, did you not have the concept of coffee, nor the thought of it that coffee could never appear.
OK now when anything is focused it becomes more powerful, like the sunlight channeled through a magnifying glass, simple light can start a fire that destroys a whole forest or city, light is energy.
Now take a thought, add intention, emotion, faith and focus repeat it, and believe it and you have a very powerful tool!
This tool is called Prayer!
The power of prayer has been well documented; all medical research in this area has shown it has positive effect.
Many of us have forgotten this divine gift of communication, this opening of a channel to God, when we speak of prayer in these old fashioned terms many people cringe, with their negative association to religion.
Yes, organized religions have committed horrendous crimes on a global scale, but not all of those religions is bad, within each one there are truths that remain truth and wisdom, powerful basic truths, one of them is power of prayer.
Try it.
Use emotion, repetition, have faith in the process of your own focused intent and in the powers that lie unseen yet you know exist, the power that causes your heart to beat and the earth to spin, call it what you like, give up your prayer to this almighty creative force.
This is the power of a miracle, trust, miracles happen, have faith and pray!

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