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Look at the birds

2014/02/25 - 0 Comments

Birds are always fascinating to me.
There is a sense of their mindlessness.
As they fly over lake and glide down effortlessly landing on the flat dimension of liquid, they exude their instinctive beauty.
Beyond thought, simply being birds.
This apparent oneness with their purpose within the scheme of nature is somehow reassuring.
It now occurs to me. what Jesus said "look at the birds...".
Yes, I see the point, worry and anxiety are not an option for these creatures. They exhibit this quality vividly to my inner eye and somehow the sight of their unrehearsed play awakens the silence in my own mind.
Look at the birds!


Divine Curry

2014/02/08 - 0 Comments

Sometimes, just sometimes, all my thoughts seem to float by like tiny insignificant clouds in the vast blue sky.

Mundane duties transform into joy filled actions and all sensory perceptions blend into single divinely flavored curry.

These moments I love to share.

These times I am glad to have been born and Indian ! : ) 

Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️


Special Event?

2014/02/04 - 0 Comments

Personally I like to take the specialness out of everything.

I then try to put specialness into every thing.


Yoga often copies the nature, cat pose, cow pose, tree pose ...

Each manifestation contains a harmony and perfection within itself. 

It's this common point of perfection where we all connect - this the oneness we seek to remember.

I saw a little bird bathing itself in a puddle after the rains a few days ago.

It did so with such abandonment and it's sheer unbridled joy left feeling me like a toddler.

I recalled this teaching when I went for my swim last night.

Instead of doing an hour of hypnotic lapping I danced, dived and skipped through the water.

To me that was yoga.

May all know inner peace 🙏

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