

Forgiveness and mercy is not showing weakness or acceptance of behavior that at some level is not appropriate.
It iss in fact a strength that can turn a so call infringement into a valuable lesson for all concerned.
If someone does something that in some way is deemed inacceptable, our first duty is to, at the very deepest level see that they at their deepest leve lthey had not truly intended to make things problematic.
At the deepest level as humans we all maintain the innocence and purity with which we as babies was reflected through non judging and unconditionally loving eyes.
Although this divinity has be clouded over, blocked out and veiled by misconception, education and experience of the illusionary sense of separateness that our fear and scarcity based society has taught, beneath all that still lies those clear pools of joy that clearly reflect all around but remain clear and pure.
We must realize first that each human regardless of what they have done is still at the most fundamental level, an immaculate creation of love, just as we are.
In that moment, we are saved. We have gone beyond blind re action into a space where we can act from that with love and acceptance and speak kindly to the heart of the other. Seeing them as they really are , our words will not be harsh and attacking , which would only foster more of the same but will be firm and assuring so the other may also remember their own state of grace.
The fruit of such a seed drawn from the heart can only produce love and what appeared at first to be dilemma will reveal its hidden lesson, a gift of peace, deep and healing peace.
Forgiveness and acceptance are not weakness but the strength that will save this globe from the disaster we face so imminently.
Be strong,show mercy.

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