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How you doing?

2011/04/30 - 0 Comments

It's definitely not what you you but how you you do it. Intent, awareness, compassion, love, surrender, any "positive" human quality when mixed an action will result in a beneficial outcome of some manner.
Do your best be your unique incarnation make the effort to invoke your greatest attributes, apply them with trust in god that they will work to increase the pool of joy for all beings, then nothing can go astray. Act with integrity and the universe will back you all the way to heaven.


THE day has finally come

2011/04/29 - 0 Comments

Today is THE day.
The day to be your very highest self,
That the challenge moment by moment be aware and let's do our very best!


Beautiful life

2011/04/28 - 0 Comments

The beauty if life is born in seeing the innate beauty in all manifestations. Life itself being such a beautiful energy,pure and infinite. This energy is inherent in all and if just look deeply into ourselves we will see this force that is separate from our name. We will know that this ultimate beauty is all around, the air is imbibed with it, the light shines with it, it is all.
Beauty exists in it's glorious essence in ALL existence!
Beautiful, beautiful life!

Basics, revisit the basics.

Meditation, yoga, reiki, chi gong, EFT, whatever your practice or the with be benifited infinitely when you refresh them with renewed AWARENESS, GRATITUDE and COMPASSION . Going back to basics is always such a wonderful thing, masters of all disciplines require this and all have very simple embodiment of these three foundations of enlighmenment.
Now let's get back to basics so we can move forward into the ever expanding joy of the now!


Be true blue...

2011/04/27 - 0 Comments

Let your nature shine out!
The seasons change, now spring is here! Time to bloom!
If if your blue, be blue, like a flower just

True colours!

Show your true colours,
Compare not,
Like a flower, just blooming for the sake of it!
Be a flower, spring has come!


2011/04/26 - 0 Comments

The more I travelled...

When I was in my twenties I travelled and lived in close to 30 countries for a while the more I seemed know what different places were like. I began to make statements like Norwegians are lovely people, or Thais are so gentle..., it seemed to me I was becoming and man of the world.
There was a point though at which it dawned on me that all this experience was making me an expert at making informed generalizations.
I dropped that approach and now aim to see not the differences between people but look deeply find that common ground of humanity which we all share.
If your going to generalize be global like the dalia lama and see that we all simply want happiness.


Love whispers, peace is a subtle hue, freedom is a gentle scent.
These truths need not boast for there very fibre is power itself.
Joy is silent.


Love whispers, peace is a subtle hue, freedom is a gentle scent.
These truths need not boast for there very fibre is power itself.
Joy is silent.


I am as God created me.

2011/04/25 - 0 Comments

I believe I am a creation of the ultimate creator, the universe,nature, God, the source... I believe this "God" is perfect, for how else could life in any form exist if not for the existence of a perfect intelligence to guide the unknowable universe.
If such a perfect intelligence exists that I suppose any thing I created would thus be perfect. As I suppose it created everything including me, than I must be perfect.
It does not seem that way right now, but I imagine that if my perceptions were unclouded I might re-alize this truth and know that from my birth as an innocent that that core is unchanged, just covered over by illusions of imperfection.
What ever the truth, as I say slowly to myself the affirmation "I am as God created me" and remind myself of that throughout the day I certainly feel a sense of peace and acceptance, trust and positivity flow through my being.
The Course in Miracles is truly a profound work.
I like tapping (EFT) while I read the text and practice the exercises, this really seems to accelerate the deblocking of my negative beliefs that the course is endeavoring to do.
Anyway if I had two recommend one book to anyone it would ACIM. One technique it would be EFT.
Whatever you do, go out and let the day have a perfect you! (the day and everyone in it deserves to have you in perfection)
Love to all.


Small is beautiful

2011/04/24 - 0 Comments

Wild flowers
Blooming for the joy of it!
Self expression unbridled by convention.
Be yourself, your unique divinity is gods gift.
Creation is simply is love itself.

Prepare the way

The morning is for preparation,
Prepare for peace and joy,
Go out and shine with nature,
She is our teacher of love.

Right or happy?

In the end we have two choices when it comes to any disagreement you can be happy or right. Choose the ego and argue for your pain and victimization and you will win the right to feel bad and hold a grudge, you'll be righteously angry OR you can give up your stance and pride and say well balls with right and wrong I'd rather just be happy, let the past go and get on with being friendly.
Since I've been practicing this my relationship has improved 100%. and have about 10% of the stress. Go to argue a point, I realize my forehead is crinkling, shoulders are bunching, breathe is shortening, eyes are tightening, I remember "right or happy", swallow my pride, and a sigh breathes out as smile returns to my face and I let it go. Takes practice, but if it increases my happiness level it's worth ANYTHING.
Love to all!


Beach peace

2011/04/23 - 0 Comments

Yes! Everyday has some we give thanks for! Thanks for peace on the beach! Let the day have a grateful you!


Check out what I drew on Doodle Buddy

2011/04/22 - 0 Comments

Are you serious about knowing true peace? Are you ready to commit to realization of the highest love? Are you honesty willing to give some time daily to a spiritual way?
If so check out A Course in Miracles, it works for many. I love it!


Life is full

2011/04/21 - 0 Comments

Color your world!
Explode with joy or relax in the beauty within!
Color your world by sharing love!

Accepting what happens in life is like putting your iPod on shuffle, just trust that what plays is something you put in there for you.

Blaspheme to heaven

I imagined I was God,
A white light enshrouded entity, exuding love and peace from my very being.
Totally joyful and bestowing grace to all.
I felt that joy and knew that indeed I was of God, without defilement and perfect as he created me and this entire existence.
Wow! I'll definitely try that one again!


The path is the goal

2011/04/20 - 0 Comments

All rivers flow to the sea,
Relax, we all reach the final destination,
Go with the flow and enjoy the view!


Love 弁当

2011/04/19 - 0 Comments

Today's love lunchbox.
By AikiSpice, organic love in a bottle.


Let go and choose beauty!

2011/04/18 - 0 Comments

Release the unessential
Feel the peace
Focus on the beauty
Know love, again.


Marianne Williamson's MiracleThought

2011/04/16 - 0 Comments

If I had to choose on book or teacher for the rest of my life? "A Course in Miracles".image.jpeg

Joy to all!


2011/04/14 - 0 Comments

I love doing distant healing(prayer).it's easier to see beyond the external. The personal effect is immediate and I ve experienced far more true miracles than with hands on sessions.
Metta mediation is the same thing and always leaves me alive with deepest vibration of love and harmony with all.
Let's get something happening with a circle and do a heal yourself heal the world reiki thing!
Actually I've kind if got one up my sleeve!
Let me know if anyone is interested.

You get what you focus on.
See flowers, see joy, look for the good in yourself and those around you!
Focus on the heart!


Charity Enjoy! Pray for peace.

2011/04/13 - 0 Comments

Let's enjoy and send good vibes and make a positive effort to HELP those in need!
Please put the word out to friends, students etc.
This will be something else!
Love,peace and party!

Love, peace, light.

Watch this, feel peace.
Do this, BE peace!
Joy to all!

Pick a word - GAME!

Pick your favorite word
Now try and be that(or the positive aspect of that) all day.
Have fun and be ...!


Dinner for you

2011/04/12 - 0 Comments

Aiki sardine pizza
Aiki bean salad
Aiki sauce steak
Aiki avocado organic pasta
For you
With the seasons love

I am as God created me
Relax, perfection begets perfection,
Love begets love,
God is perfect love and we are any extension if that, thus perfect love is our nature.
Nature will always assert it self, everything tends to state of homeostasis.
Relax and the process is catalyzed.
Let go and let god.


You are younique,
You are youniversal,
You are youtopia,
Who are you?

Life expands!

Life expands,
Life reproduces
Life is naturally beautiful!
Find your nature.
The seed lies within.


2011/04/11 - 0 Comments

Spring comes without effort
Flowers bloom without goals,
Nature naturally expands,
Beauty finds expression,
With out struggle,
Be yourself and you will expand into your natural beauty,
You will wilt and die,
But life will always continue to change form,
expanding, contracting, evolving always at it's perfect rate.
Relax and your pace will come,
Be at peace with your self and nature will reassert it's perfection.


米ON! photo album!

2011/04/08 - 0 Comments

What a day of love, peace and compassionate positive action!
Thanks Tender for upload and Qualishu for photos.
Love to all!
How about this album , upload by tender

Love to all!

Shanti,Shanti thats the way.There is no way to peace,peace is the way.Step by step we arrive.Be aware and the magic of NOW is known.Love is.

Sivan Garr Presents - I Love You



2011/04/05 - 0 Comments


Joy to all!


Lovely lunch

2011/04/04 - 0 Comments

Aikispice makes another great lunch, unbelievably delicious!
Organic love in a bottle.



2011/04/03 - 0 Comments

We can heal
We did
We can HELP we
We did
We can enjoy
We did
We can continue to live in peace with the now and actively create an ever changing future of joy and prosperity for all.

Positive play!

Positive fun

Today 9am

Positive Action



2011/04/01 - 0 Comments

The event at Zeal is for us.
It's to get us motivated positively, joyfully and peacefully to HELP ourselves HELP others
We planned this day like a course, that will take you step by step into a NEW understanding of energy of real compassion. There's some joy, inner peace and lots REALLY interesting stuff.
* survival techniques
*1st hand info on what's happening up there
*effective ways to get yourself into the zone
*very relaxing yoga
And lots of good old fashioned fun and feasting!
And we can HELP people who really need our assistance in body and soul.
What's good for them is good for us
So spread the word and know how great you can feel!

Joy to all!Hi Guys! Heres the deal. We figure there is so much media hype about various catastrophes, illness, wars etc. That it can tend to get everybody down. Things do seem to be going pretty crazy externally and for many emotionally.
The idea of the event is for us to accept the realities seeing them for what they are and then make a conscious choice to move out of the negative and be motivated into what positive action WE can make. Just accepting a problem can often change things around so we don't need to focus on it so much.

So let's get together,heal our woes and move together in joy and compassion to help those who are dealing with harsh realities.

I hope you can join us and spread the word, let's turn Miyazaki from being the victim into a positive force for good!

4/2 Tohoku Support Event

Let's move to Positive Action!

If you can send this mail on and print out a flyer or two to pin up somewhere your support would really be appreciated. Thanks (flyer_jp jpg) (flyer_jp pdf)

Let's do what we can do to help by finding power within ourselves to send positive vibes and things they need!

Live Music! Heal us, Heal them Session! Workshops! Natural Foods! Give and Send supplies!

(This is a free event, if you like to bring something that we can send to assist the Tohoku people your kind donation will be gratefully received. We'll be sending all donations via the Miyazaki city office.)

☆Priority needs:

1.Preserved Foods (Packed rice, Canned foods, Instant foods, etc.)

2.Cans and Bottles of beverages excluding water (especially vegetable and fruit juice)

3.Disposable cutlery and crockery

4.Womens personal sanitary products

5.Nappies/Diapers for children and adults

6.Wet tissues

★Other required goods:

1.Rice (3 and 5 kg packs, Preferably wash free type)

2.Drinking water


N.B. (* Sorry! Unsealed and used goods, fresh unpreserved foods, products with use by dates that expire within three months cannot be accepted.)

*The donations we collect will be sent to the Miyazaki Sogo sport gymnasium from9:00am on the 3rd of April.

If you can help with this transportation please see event staff on Saturday.

10:00 Start

10:30 Opening Act by Hou
11:00 Positive Meditation by Geoffree
12:00 Kushima Movie by Sascha
13:00 16:00 Various WorkShops (Self generated electricity /How to start fire without using matches and lighters /Yoga by Maryse and More!) / Open forum
16:00 17:00 Live - Hou / Fire / Vibration /Miyazaki DokiDokiBoyZ / Shige / ICHIKISPECIAL BAND / Harem Bellydance Fever / and More!
19:00 Packing of Donations

Produced & Organized by BOF inc.
For more info in Japanese Tel 0985-65-1508 Tenku Caf Zeal

In English 09096069795 Geoffree or


4/2 東北支援チャリティイベント
<Positive Action>に 米on! (チラシjpg) (チラシpdf)
(※ チラシは暫定のものです)

Live Music! Prayer! Workshop! Foods! And KOME Charity!




※ 翌日の 4/3 朝9:00から、集まった支援物資を 宮崎市の総合体育館 に届けます。
お車をお持ちの方で、ご協力いただけます方は、当日スタッフまで お申し出ください。

10時 開演
10時半 Opening Act Hou
11時 Positive Meditation by Geoffree
12時 Kushima Movie by Sascha
13時~16時 各種WorkShop(自家発電/火起こし/Yoga and More!) / Open Mic
16時~19時 Live Hou / Fire / Vibration /宮崎DokiDokiBoyZ / Shige / ICHIKI
SPECIAL BAND / Harem Bellydance Fever / and More!
19時 - 段ボールのパッキング

Produced & Organized by BOF inc.
お問合せ Tel 0985-65-1508 (天空カフェジール)

Give away your iPod

In the inner silence
You will know
The serenity of the divine song
The wisdom in it's melody
Its peaceful of rhythm
(and you can give away your iPod)

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