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Happy New Year

2011/12/31 - 0 Comments

Remember the time to be happy is NOW!
Always New, always Now, all ways Happy!
May all being know happiness!


Give praise for the light

2011/12/29 - 0 Comments

There is divine light at the core of all form.
Seek this and know unending awe.


It is up to YOU

2011/12/21 - 0 Comments

The light is ONLY seen within.
Enlightenment is not really something to be attained.
It is, as well as we may attempt to describe using language,
a RE-alisation, i.e. to say its a RE - membering of our innate light. We and all things are at our very cores pure,infitine awareness,energy, omniconscious presence. Not separate or in anyway divided from the totally of all.
We are the universe!
We can never cease to be connected to our whole.
We are simply delaying our awakening, lost in a dream , afraid to get up from our slumber, having grown attached to the familiarity of this prison.
Were we to look within, deeply and wait for the mental chatter to subside we would start to experience this inner peace.
This is why some form of meditation is crucial if we are to change our futile pursuit of happiness from the external world to the source of joy that we carry within each of our souls, beyond the false promises and shady illusions of materialistic gratification awaits endless treasures unimaginable to our deluded egos.
When you have fallen is disappointment ten thousand times, you'll eventually seek within, or you could save your self the wait and commit today to the only path you know may save you from another romp down a one way lane to dissatisfaction.
It doesn't really matter for finally this time in hell will fade away, soon discarded and forgotten as dreams evaporate into the mists of time.
Take to express train home or the local 2nd class chugger the choice is yours!


Change of color

2011/12/19 - 0 Comments

You can change the color,
But the unchanging base of all things remains the same.
The form fluxes continuously, yet the essence of the form, the formless energy is always formless and pure. Enjoy the light show, but remember its just show and the truth is whitest,brightest reality of undefiled love.

Follow the light

Follow the light
Into the inner shrine
There!In your heart, see the face of God.
It's the true you.
Follow the light and know the peace that lies within.


Just a text test

2011/12/07 - 0 Comments

Wishing all joy on the path

Just a test

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