

New life, rebirth, resurrection!
Is this what we pray for, a fresh start, renewal and forgiveness?
Then first we must die, we must go through the pain of death, we must be prepared to give up our pain, surrender our hate, blame and selfish attachments. We must let go of identification with our current identity to which the problems we so loathe are now so entwined.
We like the Christ, dying on the cross must resist the temptation to cry out and place the responsibility of our "sins" on others, we must ally with love and release our anguish to die into the eternal first bared of theses burdens leaving them in the delusional world our ego based mind
If when in distress we desire a retrieve we must accept the challenge, we must face the misery, accept squarely on our shoulders as did Jesus his cross, we must be open to forgive all others, and let it go.
These are the basis of all healing principles, acceptance, forgiveness, intent to see beyond conflict and freely choosing to let go of the issue.
The intent is paramount; accepting the possibility of forgiveness is enough if our intent is that all will benefit from this openness to love.
By doing so we die to those burdens and will rise again cleansed and purified.
Pain may be our greatest teacher when accepted, blame will only continue the circle, acceptance and intent to forgive and release, open the door to a new life.
Every day, every breathe we have the chance! We can die peacefully with every exhale and be reborn as we inhale fresh air imbued with light and love.
Be reborn and let the day have fresh and loving You.

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