
Right or happy?

In the end we have two choices when it comes to any disagreement you can be happy or right. Choose the ego and argue for your pain and victimization and you will win the right to feel bad and hold a grudge, you'll be righteously angry OR you can give up your stance and pride and say well balls with right and wrong I'd rather just be happy, let the past go and get on with being friendly.
Since I've been practicing this my relationship has improved 100%. and have about 10% of the stress. Go to argue a point, I realize my forehead is crinkling, shoulders are bunching, breathe is shortening, eyes are tightening, I remember "right or happy", swallow my pride, and a sigh breathes out as smile returns to my face and I let it go. Takes practice, but if it increases my happiness level it's worth ANYTHING.
Love to all!

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