
I Ching - by Brian Browne Walker

Hexagram 24: FU


A time of darkness comes to a close.

Receiving this hexagram is a sign that you have reached a turning point. This moment is akin to the winter solstice: the greatest adversity is past, and the light is beginning to return. Nonetheless, one cannot force the completion of the change, and it is wise to rest. Act only when you can move gently and innocently, and all will be well.

Fu also comes as a reminder to return to the light in yourself. Growth is only possible when we relinquish the expressions of the ego: pride, impatience, anger, and desire. To act forcefully or ambitiously now will only generate misfortune.

Let things develop naturally, in their own way. Simply observe and accept changes as you observe and accept the rising of the sun. Allow yourself to rest and gather strength for a time of growth ahead. By holding to modesty, gentleness, and correct conduct, you prepare the ground for a fruitful blossoming when the light fully returns.


There is danger of indulging in pride. Be tolerant of others and return to humbly following the good.


The superior person avoids making excuses. Recognize errors, correct them, and there will be no misfortune.


A wrong attitude prevents the return to light. It is time for careful self-examination and self-correction. Opportunity wasted returns very slowly.

Hexagram 61: CHUNG FU


Through openness and gentleness
the correct solution is reached.

Arriving at the correct solution to a difficult situation requires a receptivity to inner truth. Unless we are willing to put aside the strong emotions of our egos and devote ourselves to discovering what is right, there can be no hope of progress at this time. Help only comes when we invite it with a sincere and innocent attitude.

The I Ching teaches a simple but effective method of influencing difficult people and arduous situations. It advises us first to lay aside our prejudices - our feelings of being wounded, angry, or in the right - and second to seek to understand the positions of others and the lesson that the Sage is teaching us with the situation. Even when another is truly out of line, it is only by accepting this and remaining balanced that you make it possible for positive change to occur. Gentleness and understanding create in others an unconscious willingness to be led.

The superior person therefore avoids the use of anger and force in trying times, knowing that they only prolong conflict. It is far wiser to accept that each experience we have is necessary for us to learn something about ourselves and about the higher laws of life. The greatest openings come when we meet difficulty with acceptance, gentleness, and a desire to understand the lesson underneath.

from the I Ching, or Book of Changes: A Guide to Life's Turning Points, by Brian Browne Walker

May all know inner peace 🙏

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