
Joy is a birthright earned

Hua Hu Ching

The cords of passion and desire

weave a binding net around you.

Worldly confrontation makes you

stiff and inflexible.

The trap of duality is tenacious.

Bound, rigid, and trapped,

you cannot experience liberation.


dual cultivation

it is possible to

unravel the net,

soften the rigidity,

dismantle the trap.

Dissolving your yin energy

into the source of universal life,

attracting the yang energy from

that same source, you leave behind

individuality and your life

becomes pure nature.

Free of ego,

living naturally,

working virtuously,

you become filled with

inexhaustible vitality and

are liberated forever from

the cycle of death and rebirth.

Understand this if nothing else:

spiritual freedom and

oneness with the Tao

are not randomly bestowed gifts,

but the rewards of conscious

self-transformation and self-evolution.

from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker

May all know inner peace 🙏

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