
Judge not, just laugh!

Grand Morning!
Judgement is key barrier to joy.
I found myself locked in a battle with someone who was judging me for judging! It infuriated me! I said "can't you see you're judging me!"
Off course I was stuck in judgement and realized it, thus judging myself as being terrible.
This morning after Meditation, I saw the beauty in its teaching. First I need to accept my own ego judgements and remind myself that deeper still there lies an innocent heart beneath all the scars and programming. This opened the door to seeing the other was simply a mirror and instead focussing on thier judgements I could see the innocence deep with there hearts.
A smile crept across my face and I had to laught!
It's very hard to jugde when you smile and darned near impossible when you laugh.
Lets laugh more and judge less and give the day a joyous us!

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