
The answer

Love? Peace? Harmony? Joy? Union? Freedom? Happiness?Abundance?
How do we attain these gifts?
They are all states of mind, are they not?
We cannot judge from an external point, we may look at someone's situation as impoverished yet they feel gratitude for compared to their neighbour they are blessed.
What makes one joyous may cause another to cringe.
So we must find the answers within, we must cultivate our minds so these seeds which lie in our hearts may sprout and give fruit to these most divine experiences.
The answers are all within.
This means meditation, simple techniques by which we practice to see beyond the business of the mind and ego.
As we go into meditation love is rediscovered, peace is renewed, joy revitalized, freedom revisited, abundance re-inherited, we feel re-harmonized, we return to our natural freedom, happiness is re instated and the reunion becomes complete.
We awake from the dream and realize we never really lost any of our birthrights, we had just dozed of into a slumber filled with insane fantasies.
Meditation is the answer.
What ever form you choose, cultivate awareness, this is meditation.

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