Recession in heaven?
2011/01/04 by Geoffree
Do you think the economy crumbling means the source is drying up?That the energy of which money is a simply a symbolic store of has somehow been diminished?
Was Einstein wrong that energy is never list only changes form.
What is happening is a change of form. Yes the economy and structure as we know them are falling down around our ears.
See the blessing in this the natural evolution, this type of society has led the earth to the brink of destruction. It is time to change.
As we let go of old ways, make peace space for change our energy will move naturally into the vacuum left by the disintegration of old forms and new even better adapted humanity will evolve, economies and politics that serve to nurture all while allowing mother earth to heal and provide more and more bounty for her kind children.
Hard as it is, trust in the natural demise as a message to move into a new form, more in line with your heart and the ultimate good of existence as we know it.
Let go of the dying past and step bravely, excitedly into brave new world! Tags: