

The sum of the parts is so much greater that we can imagine.
When we work together in unity miracles can happen. We are all one, including all of this planet are one single living ,interactive organism, all connected and born of the same energy source and built of the same blocks.as a runner who moves in beautiful unison is swift so shall our endeavors be simple and economic when we coordinate our minds and actions.
Humans can do anything when we move together under A single goal.
Let's make peace our goal, a healthy,happy planet our goal,as one body with specialized components functioning in harmony ,health is a natural consequence . Are we serious about ecology,peace and freedom,equality of rights and economy? Then let us join in single minded cooperation to achieve those ends. What is are basic motivation,our number one priority? When e seriously ask ourselves this question and answer in all honesty we see we all have a common goal- happiness. Well start with those around you and soon the world will be one again and heaven will reign on earth.

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