
Our world is built with thoughts.
Someone thought of the wheel, the thought grew, imagination took hold, passion arose. Now this is a good idea! This thing can be done!, YES!
From that thought, perhaps rising out sheer in-SPIRIT-ation, or out of focused desire to solve a problem, we don't know, but from that idea the wheel was born and it changed the course of this planet.
A single idea can change the world.
Each of us is endowed with this gift of thought, this ability to create from the root cause of all manifestation.
We do it all the time, mostly we seem to be unconscious of it and the subconscious just throws out old stuff and around we go in uncontrolled circles.

Well the time is now, that we must get our acts together if we are going save this world from US.
It is US, you and me, not "THEM", but each one of us can consciously create a new world
from the seeds of thought.
From a thought of love, of peace, imagining a world where wars are a hard to fathom history, a planet where hunger is a myth and all prosper in health and joy, a globe without political borders where freedom is not a right but a reality.
Imagine a world of clean energy sources, where rivers are drinkable and nature is not found in parks but that this whole environ is a garden as once it was, imagine, believe and go into your day with faith that your thought will change the world as it must, if there is enough of us, and there are, that really make the effort, then these ideas, like the wheel, will transform the world!
Be aware of your thoughts, they are our most divine power, constructively employed, coupled with passion we can change our world, YOU can change yours, go on! Let the day have a beautifully creative you.

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