Inherent perfection?
2011/01/14 by Geoffree
Inherent perfection ? Really? Me? Her? This planet?Think about it.
Nature left to it's own intelligence forms the universe. Stars, countless planets, spinning and revolving in such a synchronized fashion that could maintain the birth of life as we know it on the very world.
From the moment of our miraculous conception two microscopic cells combine,divide and develop billions of times, in such an organized manner as to form eyes, ears fingers, brains, lungs...
This natural intelligence, is inherent in all forms of existence.
Infinitely evolving and creating endlessly unique masterpieces that commune in perfect balance with a myriad of other species that coordinate in in a glorious harmony.
Now, nature, God, call it what you will has designed us with an inherent perfection, plus the ultimate gift of freedom, options are infinite and we may choose how to continue the creative impulse he has seeded us with.
As we are made from creative genius so we embody that power.
All options are there and we have a built in guidance system of emotions,feelings to let us know, in no uncertain terms what is the right or wrong choice.
You in know in your gut, doing this brings me joy, doing that will cause me stress. If we trust our heart the voice will grow stronger and clearer and the trust in that feeling will grow.
Regardless of how many mistakes we make our inherent perfection is unchanged and we as a totality never at the deepest level can escape that.
The illusion of form which is in continuous flux appears real but if real while is so ephemeral? It's impermance is a hint, the energy and wisdom that drives us is the only unchanged factor and that same force is what lies in the power that pumps our heart and causes us to breathe and procreate, for cells to self regenerate and for us to be an intelligent part of this dance of light and shadow.
Remember innately we are infinitely perfect regardless of our past (illision) and we are free to create a new future in each every moment.
This our game. Relearn the rules play with this dimension and laugh and the enjoy free perfection!
Forgiveness is in fact not needed.
For it us only a confused mind that deduced their was any error.
Only ego list in the delusion of separateness maintains this shallow view. Our true self c sees beyond the form to the unchanged and unchanging innately perfect life force and rejoices in the immense variety of this singular energy.
Relax your perfect, just the way you are! Tags: