
The search for truth

Would you rather know the truth? Do know any truth? Would not one truth truly known not liberate us from all uncertainty and fear.
By what faculty do we understand or believe in anything?
It would seem that our life is made up of inputs of information that are both incomplete and unreliable.
Incomplete in that the evidence gathered by our senses are obviously extremely limited, we can not see every color, we hear only a tiny range of the infinite spectrum of sound that is continuously broadcasting through the universe, we are completely unaware of the vast and unfathomable happenings that are occurring in our own tiny bodies let alone this planet.
Obviously our senses and experience are not remotely adequate to assimilate any reasonable amount of information to make any nearly correct assumption as to what may be truth or otherwise.
We know deep down that we are not sure and that until now nothing we have acted out has brought us to ultimate knowing or the peace and happiness this knowing would bring should we somehow realize it.
So what are we left with? We cannot hope to garner proofs sufficient to even guess at what might be true, so if we are serious in our pursuit of the joy that the ultimate wisdom may awaken in us then we have no alternative but to accept that this is so.
We must first accept that our tiny minds are incapable of understanding anything of lasting and meaningful truth. This, in an instant is a huge step. By accepting that our mind is limited , we simultaneously abandon its incorrect judgment and become open to a realm that until now was blocked entirely due to our stubborn persistence in trying to maintain our own egotistical view point.
So first we let go of our simple minded findings and then relax in the idea that should there be any unchanging ultimate reality than whatever we do to hide from it, it will eventually become apparent to us if we choose not to be blinded by our focus on constructs that shade its brilliance from our inner eyes.
Surrender to the possibility that the unknown is greater than that which we currently grasp at to define our being, and allow the undefined, formless,openness of unconceptualized mind to enveloped us without barriers to its encapsulation.
The practice of such a letting go must come into our daily movements, so anytime we find ourselves taking a stance of positionality, that we correct it by giving into what is and trusting that the truth is an infinite and unchangeable reality that is existing in spite of any apparent falseness.
We need not take on the job of judge, juror and enforcer of laws which we have know immediate awareness of, as we are insanely under qualified for such a position.
Relax, let go, trust in the unknown, it cant get you any more lost than you already are, take it easy and smile!
Accept what is, walk into the unknown with a grin and let the day have a beautiful you!

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