
Healing words

Certain words can heal us. There is a power in words that if used consciously with focused intent can be used to heal and calm.
If you doubt the power of the word try saying out aloud to yourself, "I have Cancer".
Just the idea of it will bring about a negative feeling and corresponding physical response. Simply writing it was rather unpleasant, reading it almost begs its erasure from this page. Now, would like to say it out aloud ten times?
So we can see negative words have a charge, does the same hold for positive words?
Lets try "harmony" try saying this to yourself aloud "I am at harmony".
This is a favorite for me, and never fails to bring out a movement towards the broad meaning inherent in its vibration. It seems to calm, and round off the edges in almost any undesirable situation.
The use of prayer, mantra, affirmations, incantations, chanting, to name a few is not an idle fad or meaningless occupation these ancient of modern techniques have proven effects.
As words begin with thought we may examine the process of their action from that level.
It seems that when we first input new words into our vocabulary we connect them to their given meaning by way of creating an image or feeling of that of that meaning in the language center of our brain.
Thus when we recall this word we bring about a recollection of that initial input and thereby experience the meaning we initially connected to it.
Now if we purposefully use this knowledge we can tap the power of words to bring out whatever state we desire in the moment.
Words that we could play with might be Peace, Freedom, Joy, Balance, Surrender, Tranquil, Relax, Safe, Space, Divine, Laughter, Friend, Gratitude, Abundance, Yes…
Any word for god that may hold positive associations for you, such as God, angels, saints, life force, the ultimate, creator, source, the force, nature Buddah, Allah, Jesus …
As you read slowly, mouthing each word, annunciating each syllable, feeling its form in your mouth and the subltle vibration it causes in your present experience, you may find some words work for you and others don't, you may think of other words.
Select one or a few and either construct a easy phrase like " I now feel S a f e " or simply a word or words, "L o v e", "S u r r e n d e r, R e l a x, P e a c e,"
Take the time to savor the feeling, repeating the words softly and you may try just thinking them.
If this works for you try bringing such words into your everyday usage, say them to others, use them in times of stress, befriend them and know they are there for your support and guidance.
This is nothing new, the power of word is a gift, lets go forth and use this power to let the day have a beautiful You!

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