

What is that is really your highest goal?
Do you have mission?
A light to which you move each day, guiding you through the maze of life.
It might help to have some direction and focus, so not be lost in pursuits that in the end do not serve your search for happiness.
To have an ultimate goal will make all stepping stones toward that goal meaningful and you may find peace knowing that what you are doing now is simply part of a process you go through to become your greatest you.
You could ask yourself "if I had all the money in the world and all resources at my disposal what would I do?" " What would I do as a job everyday even if I had to pay for it?"
When you know your answer start now to see yourself in that job and feel the joy it would bring you.
Use that joy to make 1 tiny step everyday in that direction. One small action, reading a book about it, making a vision board of it, downloading some image of sound that reminds you of it.
Do something to move you a little closer to that reality. Step by tiny step you may reach your dream.
Even if you don't each step will become important to you.
The job you are in now, your relationship, your present situation is all a launching pad to that attainment. Be grateful for hat base and life becomes a continuous pleasure, with meaning to it.
What is it you really want?
Go for it!

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