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米ON Charity - positive love action!

2011/03/30 - 0 Comments

Hi Guys! Heres the deal. We figure there is so much media hype about various catastrophes, illness, wars etc. That it can tend to get everybody down. Things do seem to be going pretty crazy externally and for many emotionally.

The idea of the event is for us to accept the realities seeing them for what they are and then make a conscious choice to move out of the negative and be motivated into what positive action WE can make. Just accepting a problem can often change things around so we don't need to focus on it so much.

So let's get together,heal our woes and move together in joy and compassion to help those who are dealing with harsh realities.

I hope you can join us and spread the word, let's turn Miyazaki from being the victim into a positive force for good!

4/2 Tohoku Support Event

Let's move to Positive Action!

If you can send this mail on and print out a flyer or two to pin up somewhere your support would really be appreciated. Thanks (flyer_jp jpg) (flyer_jp pdf)

Let's do what we can do to help by finding power within ourselves to send positive vibes and things they need!

Live Music! Heal us, Heal them Session! Workshops! Natural Foods! Give and Send supplies!

(This is a free event, if you like to bring something that we can send to assist the Tohoku people your kind donation will be gratefully received. We'll be sending all donations via the Miyazaki city office.)

☆Priority needs:

1.Preserved Foods (Packed rice, Canned foods, Instant foods, etc.)

2.Cans and Bottles of beverages excluding water (especially vegetable and fruit juice)

3.Disposable cutlery and crockery

4.Womens personal sanitary products

5.Nappies/Diapers for children and adults

6.Wet tissues

★Other required goods:

1.Rice (3 and 5 kg packs, Preferably wash free type)

2.Drinking water


N.B. (* Sorry! Unsealed and used goods, fresh unpreserved foods, products with use by dates that expire within three months cannot be accepted.)

*The donations we collect will be sent to the Miyazaki Sogo sport gymnasium from9:00am on the 3rd of April.

If you can help with this transportation please see event staff on Saturday.

10:00 Start

10:30 Opening Act by Hou
11:00 Positive Meditation by Geoffree
12:00 Kushima Movie by Sascha
13:00 16:00 Various WorkShops (Self generated electricity /How to start fire without using matches and lighters /Yoga by Maryse and More!) / Open forum
16:00 17:00 Live - Hou / Fire / Vibration /Miyazaki DokiDokiBoyZ / Shige / ICHIKISPECIAL BAND / Harem Bellydance Fever / and More!
19:00 Packing of Donations

Produced & Organized by BOF inc.
For more info in Japanese Tel 0985-65-1508 Tenku Caf Zeal

In English 09096069795 Geoffree or


4/2 東北支援チャリティイベント
<Positive Action>に 米on! (チラシjpg) (チラシpdf)
(※ チラシは暫定のものです)

Live Music! Prayer! Workshop! Foods! And KOME Charity!




※ 翌日の 4/3 朝9:00から、集まった支援物資を 宮崎市の総合体育館 に届けます。
お車をお持ちの方で、ご協力いただけます方は、当日スタッフまで お申し出ください。

10時 開演
10時半 Opening Act Hou
11時 Positive Meditation by Geoffree
12時 Kushima Movie by Sascha
13時~16時 各種WorkShop(自家発電/火起こし/Yoga and More!) / Open Mic
16時~19時 Live Hou / Fire / Vibration /宮崎DokiDokiBoyZ / Shige / ICHIKI
SPECIAL BAND / Harem Bellydance Fever / and More!
19時 - 段ボールのパッキング

Produced & Organized by BOF inc.
お問合せ Tel 0985-65-1508 (天空カフェジール)


What is that is really your highest goal?
Do you have mission?
A light to which you move each day, guiding you through the maze of life.
It might help to have some direction and focus, so not be lost in pursuits that in the end do not serve your search for happiness.
To have an ultimate goal will make all stepping stones toward that goal meaningful and you may find peace knowing that what you are doing now is simply part of a process you go through to become your greatest you.
You could ask yourself "if I had all the money in the world and all resources at my disposal what would I do?" " What would I do as a job everyday even if I had to pay for it?"
When you know your answer start now to see yourself in that job and feel the joy it would bring you.
Use that joy to make 1 tiny step everyday in that direction. One small action, reading a book about it, making a vision board of it, downloading some image of sound that reminds you of it.
Do something to move you a little closer to that reality. Step by tiny step you may reach your dream.
Even if you don't each step will become important to you.
The job you are in now, your relationship, your present situation is all a launching pad to that attainment. Be grateful for hat base and life becomes a continuous pleasure, with meaning to it.
What is it you really want?
Go for it!


It all starts NOW!

2011/03/29 - 0 Comments

Nows the time to change! Always NOW!

The time

The time to act.
Follow your creative urges up with the power of these times.
The same powers that are destroying the old must be harnessed to heal and rebuild a new paradigm.
There is always a balance.

Another opportunity

Another free chance!
Today you have a chance to do it right! To be really happy! To live!
Go on take the risk, start now by doing your very best with this moment, with a smiling and feel great to have this chance to do it right! It always start NOW!









4/2 東北支援チャリティイベント
<Positive Action>に 米on! (チラシjpg) (チラシpdf)
(※ チラシは暫定のものです)

Live Music! Prayer! Workshop! Foods! And KOME Charity!




※ 翌日の 4/3 朝9:00から、集まった支援物資を 宮崎市の総合体育館 に届けます。
お車をお持ちの方で、ご協力いただけます方は、当日スタッフまで お申し出ください。

10時 開演
10時半 Opening Act Hou
11時 Positive Meditation by Geoffree
12時 Kushima Movie by Sascha
13時~16時 各種WorkShop(自家発電/火起こし/Yoga and More!) / Open Mic
16時~19時 Live Hou / Fire / Vibration / 宮崎DokiDokiBoyZ / Shige / ICHIKI
SPECIAL BAND / Harem Bellydance Fever / and More!
19時 - 段ボールのパッキング

Produced & Organized by BOF inc.
お問合せ Tel 0985-65-1508 (天空カフェジール)



2011/03/28 - 0 Comments

I always prefer to believe in the best of everybody - it saves so much trouble. -Rudyard Kipling

Joy to all!

Love everything!

Lovely chickpeas,
Fresh coriander, a joy!
Juicy tomato, perfect!
Yellow pepper, mmm.
Blended with coconut and AikiSpice - heaven.

Twitter Wisdom

Pray, forgive yourself, appreciate others, listen to your gut, do things you enjoy, & remind yourself that we are all loved & connected.

A divine song

There is a divine song
It's playing all the time
Just wake up and listen!
The morning is alive with music
Get up and dance into the day!
Yes! Dance, with praise and gratitude the the gift of life!
It's a song we can make our own,
Write your own lyrics,
Change the chords,
Produce a symphony,
Make it harmonious
Your life is a hit!
Play it with joy!


Support Tohoku, love yourself

2011/03/27 - 0 Comments

Hi Guys! Heres the deal. We figure there is so much media hype about various catastrophes, illness, wars etc. That it can tend to get everybody down. Things do seem to be going pretty crazy externally and for many emotionally.

The idea of the event is for us to accept the realities seeing them for what they are and then make a conscious choice to move out of the negative and be motivated into what positive action WE can make. Just accepting a problem can often change things around so we don't need to focus on it so much.

So let's get together,heal our woes and move together in joy and compassion to help those who are dealing with harsh realities.

I hope you can join us and spread the word, let's turn Miyazaki from being the victim into a positive force for good!

4/2 Tohoku Support Event

Let's move to Positive Action!

If you can send this mail on and print out a flyer or two to pin up somewhere your support would really be appreciated. Thanks (flyer_jp jpg) (flyer_jp pdf)

Let's do what we can do to help by finding power within ourselves to send positive vibes and things they need!

Live Music! Heal us, Heal them Session! Workshops! Natural Foods! Give and Send supplies!

(This is a free event, if you like to bring something that we can send to assist the Tohoku people your kind donation will be gratefully received. We'll be sending all donations via the Miyazaki city office.)

☆Priority needs:

1.Preserved Foods (Packed rice, Canned foods, Instant foods, etc.)

2.Cans and Bottles of beverages excluding water (especially vegetable and fruit juice)

3.Disposable cutlery and crockery

4.Womens personal sanitary products

5.Nappies/Diapers for children and adults

6.Wet tissues

★Other required goods:

1.Rice (3 and 5 kg packs, Preferably wash free type)

2.Drinking water


N.B. (* Sorry! Unsealed and used goods, fresh unpreserved foods, products with use by dates that expire within three months cannot be accepted.)

*The donations we collect will be sent to the Miyazaki Sogo sport gymnasium from 9:00am on the 3rd of April.

If you can help with this transportation please see event staff on Saturday.

10:00 Start

10:30 Opening Act by Hou
11:00 Positive Meditation by Geoffree
12:00 Kushima Movie by Sascha
13:00 16:00 Various WorkShops (Self generated electricity /How to start fire without using matches and lighters /Yoga by Maryse and More!) / Open forum
16:00 17:00 Live - Hou / Fire / Vibration / Miyazaki DokiDokiBoyZ / Shige / ICHIKI SPECIAL BAND / Harem Bellydance Fever / and More!
19:00 Packing of Donations

Produced & Organized by BOF inc.
For more info in Japanese Tel 0985-65-1508 Tenku Caf Zeal

In English 09096069795 Geoffree or mail


4/2 東北支援チャリティイベント
<Positive Action>に 米on! (チラシjpg) (チラシpdf)
(※ チラシは暫定のものです)

Live Music! Prayer! Workshop! Foods! And KOME Charity!




※ 翌日の 4/3 朝9:00から、集まった支援物資を 宮崎市の総合体育館 に届けます。
お車をお持ちの方で、ご協力いただけます方は、当日スタッフまで お申し出ください。

10時 開演
10時半 Opening Act Hou
11時 Positive Meditation by Geoffree
12時 Kushima Movie by Sascha
13時~16時 各種WorkShop(自家発電/火起こし/Yoga and More!) / Open Mic
16時~19時 Live Hou / Fire / Vibration / 宮崎DokiDokiBoyZ / Shige / ICHIKI
SPECIAL BAND / Harem Bellydance Fever / and More!
19時 - 段ボールのパッキング

Produced & Organized by BOF inc.
お問合せ Tel 0985-65-1508 (天空カフェジール)


More tapping for japan

2011/03/26 - 0 Comments



2011/03/25 - 0 Comments

We see what we focus on.
We believe what we see.
What we believe is our reality.
Focus on good.


A sunset

2011/03/23 - 0 Comments

Everyday a divine work,
Original and exquisite,
Enjoy for free and be gracious for the simple things.

Never forget.

Never forget to find joy in the simple pleasures you have right now. Remember even a single breathe is reason to be grateful for it gives hope of more joyous future. Be grateful and expect to recieve all peace you offer as you vibrate this joy to those around.



2011/03/21 - 0 Comments


We are tired, worn out and exhausted, ready to drop.
Like a tired old dress, thread bare, fading, losing shape, but we can't bear to let it go.
We are carrying around with us a bundle of tired old dresses, and we are tired of carrying them. We fear to giving up those comfy old dresses up for ones we do know . What will we wear when we've dropped the garments we've grown so attached to?
Of course we are tired, we are bored, the burden is heavy, we are tired of the stagnated relationship, the old ways, and our old patterns of behavior that at one time were bright and new, but just don't do it anymore.
We look in the mirror around us and it's not what we want see.
It's time to let go, the old world, the old economic and political systems, dogmas and societies, it's time for us to cast off the tired old personas and dance naked, with nothing to hide, let go of the world that is crumbling around us, stop trying to patch up those old jeans which have become more patch than jean, let them go and await your new gown.
It's scary to stand nude, but that is the first step before we can change.
Now in the winter of this age the cold winds, and crushing snows seem not the place to
discard our garments, but have no fear, the spring is near and bright new, fresh clothes await, we know not the shape, we know not the colors, nor material, but trust the designer she knows us so well, the suit shall be the latest, the brightest, most comfortable spring fashion, reflecting the birth of new life and in floral prints depicting the new season.
Go on get your gear off!
Let it all hang out!
The spring is coming and your party dress awaits.
It's time to Change!
Go on! Let the day have a beautiful NEW you!


Cherubs message

2011/03/19 - 0 Comments


Healing Japan

2011/03/16 - 0 Comments

Please check out this wonderful way to offer healing and relieve your own fears and worries around this situation.
Thanks all for your loving kindness.


World support for Japan is overwhelming!

2011/03/14 - 0 Comments


Powerful way to spread love.

2011/03/13 - 0 Comments

Hi loved ones!
Try this link and watch the video and tap along with the audio below it,
It could be what we all need!
Really beautiful,
Love, Peace, Light to all!


Aiki picnic 最高!

2011/03/11 - 0 Comments

Indian style tiffin box, Indian sheet, Miyazaki blue sky and hyuga nada blue, warm spring breeze, sponsored by AikiSpice.

Meditation is the key

The basis of spiritual progress is meditation in some form.
We must look in to find that which is within.
Simply mediate .

To give is to receive.

To Give And Recieve Are One. Close Your Eyes And Try Saying Phrases Like Those In The Photo, To Everyone Offer Joy! Expect Feel It Too, Realize Truth, Indeed To Give And Recieve Are One! It Is Equally Wonderful To Give As To Recieve!


Be open

2011/03/10 - 0 Comments

Like the sky
Be open, you cannot really hide anyway,
So just be open,
If they don't like you that way, they don't like YOU,
Be open
Be at peace with all of you,

Choose to be new

Each day
Each moment
We are free to choose our thoughts,
Our words
And actions.
Be aware,
Choose peace


The call to action

2011/03/08 - 0 Comments

See EFT doing what is does best. 1000 000 orphans in Rwanda have real hope as the simplicity, and speed of EFT helps them heal from the traumas of the million people genocide in 100 days that killed their parents.
Watch and be moved to joyous action, cause you HELP by learning more about this tool, EFT heals Fast.

The bottom line

The Dalai Lama gave me my bottom line "above all, cultivate compassion"
I believe I finally got it!


Look and you will find

2011/03/07 - 0 Comments

There is always space,
In the moment, as you choose to be here and now space is yours and time holds little weight.
Retreat to the safety in the now and gather force to move freely on.
You will see new possibilities and colour where only darkness reigned.

Depth vs lightness

Sometimes we get too deep.
We can heavy with spirituality, this is a sure sign the ego is running the show.
Be light and flippant the road to freedom can be travelled by dancing and skipping as well as by prostrating and hard ascetic practice. Balance is the key.
Laugh, be crazy, enjoy what you have and are, shout out and rejoice for life is there!
Give thanks for problems and give joy for the air that's free and miracles that are happening all around!
Life can be simple, just laugh!


When you smile pt2

2011/03/06 - 0 Comments

When you smile the whole world smiles with you!
There is great wisdom and depth in this little maxim
Modern medical science proves it on a bodily level. When we smile, various hormones are released into the blood stream, serotonin for one. This as we know is the "happy hormone" which causes every cell of our body to "smile" improving many vital functions.
Even smiles artificially induced seem to have a similar effect in changing of mood, and chemical activity in the brain and body.
We all know experientially the truth of this wonderful little motto. Walking down the street and receiving a smile induces an infectious up curling of the corners of your mouth which you may readily pass on the next unsuspecting stranger.
Medical science also reveals that the brain sends 10 times the amount of information signals to the body than vice versa. This means when the state of mind is happy we perceive the external world as happy.
This is an important understanding, of real spiritual value.
This means the whole world, i.e. your world, will be perceived to be "smiling" when your brain is in this "smiling" state.
Believing is seeing. Feeling is seeing. In contrary to the opposite adage.
The world is in fact, at our current level of consciousness nothing but what each individual perceives it to be. Most of us do actually live in a subjective reality most of the time.
Your judgment of a particular event will be entirely different to the discernment made by any other separate consciousness.
So at that level we can see that do create our own world reality with our thoughts.
Thus world peace is rooted in inner peace, as we each project our thoughts onto the external screen with we call the world.
This being said, we cannot disregard evidence that the mass consciousness will affect the cognizance of the individual, so your smiling mind will broadcast to others such signal which are in turn received by others minds.
The vibrations measured in hertz, of mind states shows positive thoughts, happiness, compassion… to vibrate at much higher levels than so called negative patterns of anger, violence etc.
High vibrations are also shown to effect a raising of lower vibrations with an exponentially greater force than that of lower frequencies.
By way of example, if a party was really humming with a joyous energy someone feeling down would be raised up towards that feeling.
In a room full of glum people the introduction of a single clown, or a Dalai Lama like individual could raise the entire mood by their single high frequency vibe.
In summary, when you smile the whole world smiles with you!
Go on smile! Go on, a big cheesy smile, feel it and let the day have a very happy you!


When you smile ...

2011/03/05 - 0 Comments

When you smile,
The whole world smiles
With you.
Try the wisdom of this little ditty. So true!


2011/03/04 - 0 Comments

The birth of love is breaking down the walls we have built around our hearts.
Trust, forgive, give up your identification to pain and choose open honesty and fear not rebuke.
Love heals and has no need to be protected, it the the greatest power.

The search for truth

Would you rather know the truth? Do know any truth? Would not one truth truly known not liberate us from all uncertainty and fear.
By what faculty do we understand or believe in anything?
It would seem that our life is made up of inputs of information that are both incomplete and unreliable.
Incomplete in that the evidence gathered by our senses are obviously extremely limited, we can not see every color, we hear only a tiny range of the infinite spectrum of sound that is continuously broadcasting through the universe, we are completely unaware of the vast and unfathomable happenings that are occurring in our own tiny bodies let alone this planet.
Obviously our senses and experience are not remotely adequate to assimilate any reasonable amount of information to make any nearly correct assumption as to what may be truth or otherwise.
We know deep down that we are not sure and that until now nothing we have acted out has brought us to ultimate knowing or the peace and happiness this knowing would bring should we somehow realize it.
So what are we left with? We cannot hope to garner proofs sufficient to even guess at what might be true, so if we are serious in our pursuit of the joy that the ultimate wisdom may awaken in us then we have no alternative but to accept that this is so.
We must first accept that our tiny minds are incapable of understanding anything of lasting and meaningful truth. This, in an instant is a huge step. By accepting that our mind is limited , we simultaneously abandon its incorrect judgment and become open to a realm that until now was blocked entirely due to our stubborn persistence in trying to maintain our own egotistical view point.
So first we let go of our simple minded findings and then relax in the idea that should there be any unchanging ultimate reality than whatever we do to hide from it, it will eventually become apparent to us if we choose not to be blinded by our focus on constructs that shade its brilliance from our inner eyes.
Surrender to the possibility that the unknown is greater than that which we currently grasp at to define our being, and allow the undefined, formless,openness of unconceptualized mind to enveloped us without barriers to its encapsulation.
The practice of such a letting go must come into our daily movements, so anytime we find ourselves taking a stance of positionality, that we correct it by giving into what is and trusting that the truth is an infinite and unchangeable reality that is existing in spite of any apparent falseness.
We need not take on the job of judge, juror and enforcer of laws which we have know immediate awareness of, as we are insanely under qualified for such a position.
Relax, let go, trust in the unknown, it cant get you any more lost than you already are, take it easy and smile!
Accept what is, walk into the unknown with a grin and let the day have a beautiful you!


Healing words

2011/03/03 - 0 Comments

Certain words can heal us. There is a power in words that if used consciously with focused intent can be used to heal and calm.
If you doubt the power of the word try saying out aloud to yourself, "I have Cancer".
Just the idea of it will bring about a negative feeling and corresponding physical response. Simply writing it was rather unpleasant, reading it almost begs its erasure from this page. Now, would like to say it out aloud ten times?
So we can see negative words have a charge, does the same hold for positive words?
Lets try "harmony" try saying this to yourself aloud "I am at harmony".
This is a favorite for me, and never fails to bring out a movement towards the broad meaning inherent in its vibration. It seems to calm, and round off the edges in almost any undesirable situation.
The use of prayer, mantra, affirmations, incantations, chanting, to name a few is not an idle fad or meaningless occupation these ancient of modern techniques have proven effects.
As words begin with thought we may examine the process of their action from that level.
It seems that when we first input new words into our vocabulary we connect them to their given meaning by way of creating an image or feeling of that of that meaning in the language center of our brain.
Thus when we recall this word we bring about a recollection of that initial input and thereby experience the meaning we initially connected to it.
Now if we purposefully use this knowledge we can tap the power of words to bring out whatever state we desire in the moment.
Words that we could play with might be Peace, Freedom, Joy, Balance, Surrender, Tranquil, Relax, Safe, Space, Divine, Laughter, Friend, Gratitude, Abundance, Yes…
Any word for god that may hold positive associations for you, such as God, angels, saints, life force, the ultimate, creator, source, the force, nature Buddah, Allah, Jesus …
As you read slowly, mouthing each word, annunciating each syllable, feeling its form in your mouth and the subltle vibration it causes in your present experience, you may find some words work for you and others don't, you may think of other words.
Select one or a few and either construct a easy phrase like " I now feel S a f e " or simply a word or words, "L o v e", "S u r r e n d e r, R e l a x, P e a c e,"
Take the time to savor the feeling, repeating the words softly and you may try just thinking them.
If this works for you try bringing such words into your everyday usage, say them to others, use them in times of stress, befriend them and know they are there for your support and guidance.
This is nothing new, the power of word is a gift, lets go forth and use this power to let the day have a beautiful You!


Beauty is...

2011/03/02 - 0 Comments

Small is beautiful ...
Big too is beauteous,
Without one we have not the other,
Beauty is inherent in all,
Open your to the beauty,
Enjoy a beautiful world!
Beauty is.

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