The healers gift
2011/10/22 by Geoffree
The highest gift.We can only give what we have chosen to receive.
A spiritual teacher (and we all teachers of spirit to our world family) cannot give experience because we did not choose it was simply something that has happened to us in the dream of time.
We can give vision. Vision is something holy because we hold in the present where all power lies. By giving vision we also choose to behold it and thus receive again for ourselves.
By giving this vision continuously we remain in the now where fear is but a shadow and love is the infinite light that knows no end.
The vision we may share is to see beyond the bodies of those we meet as we see them as spirits unfettered by illness,mental anguish or suffering from an ailment of spirit.
We choose instead to behold them as they were before birth in their primordial state of eternal innocence, pure and uncorrupted by false teaching and biased time based assumptions.
By holding the vision of our brothers as beings of divinity and perfect clarity then we to share that heavenly realm of peace and unconditional love.
I choose to day to be aware of my thoughts and when I find myself in judgement, to awaken and look again at the deepest level of the one before my minds eye and see their core of perfection.
In this vision is healing over and wholeness known in joy and unending celebration!
This is gift of a teacher, a healer, a truly caring friend, parent, sibling or lover. This our gift to all if we so choose to give it, and know it's gift ourselves.
Every moment another chance to know the god within.
Let the day have an infinite you! Tags: