
Another World

Mahatma Ghandi said "be the change you want to see in the world".
American best seller author Wayne Dyer wrote a wonderful book entitled "Believing is seeing", Jesus said "love thy neighbor ".
It is quite a common view point amongst both modern and ancient spiritual teachers and cutting edge quantum physics that we as individuals, who make up societies, create our external reality simply as a direct projection of our internal beliefs.
So as to say that each of us lives in an entirely different, thus subjective reality. Entirely separate from others and thus far from any proximity of living in the objective reality.
We are living in a self made dream, that realizes all it predicts.
For example, before us is a white dog.
One may look up on it and instantly start to sweat and shake in fear that it may bite them. Adrenaline and all kinds of hormones are pumped into the blood stream to prepare for a flight or fight response, panic is prevalent, muscles tense..
There reality is thus due to past experience.
They see not this white dog but associate with another mongrel that had bitten them.
Another individual seeing the pooch is totally enamored by it's soft floppy ears, shiny black snout and sluffy tail, serotonin levels skyrocket a pinkish hue comes to their cheeks and a smile extends across there glowing face.
Past experience tells them this canine is adorable.
Yet another may drool and salivate at the thought of a tasty hotpot and so on...
Meanwhile the dog is still just a dog with it's own entirely different attributes, and in it's own reality.

Understanding this we can begin to see that if we view the world as a place of danger, war,disease, corruption and fear these views are all projected from some inner conflict due to past experience, whether first hand or handed down through family, teachers,mass media etc.
People who see peace, beauty and abundance around are likewise manifesting this reality due to their inner vibration of these qualities being extended onto the external screen before them.
Accepting this explanations logical progression, we can see what Ghandi said was not merely metaphorical, poetic or symbolic but and enduring message to us all that any action to improve this world i.e. your world, must start with accepting responsibility for your own thoughts and beliefs.
When and only when we start to manage our own minds may we begin to effectively create a "better" world.
Rather than blame and seek outer reasons for our dilemmas we must own them, thus regaining power over them, to reconstruct according to our higher vision of how we would prefer to see the world.
Let's share in a vision of peace on earth, joy and prosperity for all, where we can all live in harmony with nature and each other.
Let's create the knew paradigm so our children and generations to come may know only beauty and all encompassing love.
Let this day have the most wonderful you!

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