
2 choices

When it appears we have some kind of problem, we always have two basic choices on how to deal with it.
One change it on the external level, for example, quit the job we hate, or two change our mind about it, see the wonderful opportunities and merits that lie within our present position.
The world as we see it is made up of our various interpretations,judgements and perceptions. All based on imperfect info. Our mind having made mistakes created our imperfect world.
Now in choice one, we decide to use our imperfect mind to fix the world, the outcome can only be more imperfection.
In choice two we decide to release our mental constructs that have produced an apparent problem, by judging it so, and then accept the present without judgement and see it simply as it is. Immediately, a spaciousness arises, and from this space arises infinite possibilities for fresh new creation, in fact the situation maybe seen as inherently perfect and in accordance with the scheme of things, with blessings and lessons, your attitude refreshed the whole vision is then somehow transformed.
What has changed is not the external, the internal essence of you, has been revealed and the problematic, problem constructing ego mind has been dropped allowing the light of your higher consciousness to shine through.

We always have basic choices.

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