Recent Articles


Yeha Noha - Sacred Spirit - Wishes of Happiness - Native American Chant

2010/12/31 - 0 Comments

Nova magazine

This is a great Aussie magazine with loads of wonderful info on alternative healing and peace topics.
Highly recommend by me!

-I Love You

Definitely my favorite YouTube video this year!
A timeless message of priceless joy!
Check out this video on YouTube:

Joy to all!

Super 元気, happy 犬!

39 Ralph ! 39 Marianne!

"What lies before us and what lie behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
The old power of now! The only truth lies in the now.
Now only do we have the power to act.
As Marianne Williamson says, two choices, who will would trust the future to? The power that that beats your heart, that turns a cell into a human, that makes all the planets in the universe revolve in perfect balance, or your mind?
Give up the future to the great power. Let the past rest in peace.
Breath into the now wherein lies the power of god, within each and every living being.
The power of NOW!
An oldie but a goodie!
We are gods creation and he has give us the power of creation, the power miracles.
Access that power now, and create a miraculous world!


A great year! 39!

2010/12/30 - 0 Comments

May all give the the new year
A Happy New YOU!

Look up!

You might see a rainbow,
You might see storm clouds,
But if you look high enough, you will also see the perfect blue sky!

Be the change you want to see in the world!

I Committing to Changing the World, starting with ME! ~ Join me! ~ (via: @WEPromote) #winWECelebrate

Heal yourself, heal the world!

When we look at the world,we see wars,pollution,famine,disease,recession... The list problems is seemingly unending.
What can we do as individuals? It's all too big, too much.
Well we can pray. We put in the hands of God. By trusting that everything will (ie Is) ultimately return to source, than we can believe that like birth and death,life in-between is perfectly balanced when seen in the big picture.
So by trusting God with all problems we open to a life without fear,worry , hate... We can relax and then love and compassion that are innate in us can arise unhindered by the blocks those negative emotions and views created.
By trusting god we heal ourselves, and start to see world and others through eyes of love, we start to a world WITH love.
For in fact all we see is a projection of thoughts. So when when think with love we see love all around.
By healing our minds we do our bit to heal the world.
When we are healed and see love in deep in the hearts of all those around,then indeed the (our) world is healed. Our world is the only world there is. So it is up to each one of us to take responsibility to heal our own minds. Then war will cease, acting from clear minds, projecting the light of love our actions will be loving and we will create a perfect new external world from our inner vision.
First heal your mind, and create with love.
Let go of problems with a prayer.
Let go, let God.



2010/12/29 - 0 Comments




You r the worlds No.1 you

Nobody does it better.
Work on that and be a higher you.
Your are already the best, now lift the bar!

See any borders?

It's quite obvious, isn't it?
One planet. One living sphere, come on, let's get together and clean up our act. One by one, group by group, take down the barriers and let love flow.
Beautiful people nows the time to hug our mother and massage her aching body, to love all her children, to be one and dance with joy at the beauty of RE CREATION!

Heaven is now!

Happiness is a decision.
How you see your life is your choice. Do focus on what's wrong? Or count your blessing?
Even when life is really problematic and full of pain and confusion, we can be strong and see that this is chance for us to rise above circumstance and find a new way.
There is always a blessing somewhere.
Choose to see the glass half full rather than half empty.
Even if it's dry appreciate that means you have already drunk it's content.
Take hold of these turbulent times and see the opportunity to change.
The old ways just don't work anymore, let stand tall and dance our way into brave and loving new world!


2010/12/28 - 0 Comments

Teach love

Teaching is not preaching.
Teaching is demonstrating.
When we demonstrate it's a chance for us to practice, to truly embody the the essence of the lesson we are endeavor to part to others.
When someone is angry,hateful or in anyway negative to us or others,see it as a call for love. They are just like all of us, love is their only real need,their goal.
When emotions other than love arise it is simply a time when love is clouded over.
So instead of being sucked into the egos cloud of negativity, teach love by demonstrating, move from compassion, come into the awareness of your heart, act lovingly and understand the others pain.
This doesn't mean accepting violence,etc.
It empowers you to say no.
Yes I love you,
Yes I forgive you,
I do not accept your actions and choose to leave, ask you to refrain...
Love and be strong.
Love and do what you know is best for all.
It takes practice, in the practice we improve and love becomes our default response, not pity, not weakness, full of silence and backed by the power of all creation.
Act love, today.


Change the aspect

2010/12/27 - 0 Comments

2 choices (corrected version!)

When it appears we have some kind of problem, we always have two basic choices on how to deal with it. 
One change it on the external level, for example, quit the job we hate, or two change our mind about it, see the wonderful opportunities and merits that lie within our present position.
The world as we see it is made up of our various interpretations,judgements and perceptions. All based on imperfect info. Our mind having made mistakes created our imperfect world.
Now in choice one, we decide to use our imperfect mind to fix the world, the outcome can only be more imperfection.
In choice two we decide to release our mental constructs that have produced an apparent problem, by judging it so, and then accept the present without judgement and see it simply as it is. Immediately, a spaciousness arises, and from this space arises infinite possibilities for fresh new creation, in fact the situation maybe seen as inherently perfect and in accordance with the scheme of things, with blessings and lessons, your attitude refreshed the whole vision is then somehow transformed.
What has changed is not the external, the internal essence of you, has been revealed and the problematic, problem constructing ego mind has been dropped allowing the light of your higher consciousness to shine through.
Change your mind. Drop your judgements.
Let the miracles happen with out the little you getting in the way.

We always have 2 basic choices.

A world garden girl a little brother.

Helping as we can.39 to everyone.

Joy to all!

2 choices

When it appears we have some kind of problem, we always have two basic choices on how to deal with it.
One change it on the external level, for example, quit the job we hate, or two change our mind about it, see the wonderful opportunities and merits that lie within our present position.
The world as we see it is made up of our various interpretations,judgements and perceptions. All based on imperfect info. Our mind having made mistakes created our imperfect world.
Now in choice one, we decide to use our imperfect mind to fix the world, the outcome can only be more imperfection.
In choice two we decide to release our mental constructs that have produced an apparent problem, by judging it so, and then accept the present without judgement and see it simply as it is. Immediately, a spaciousness arises, and from this space arises infinite possibilities for fresh new creation, in fact the situation maybe seen as inherently perfect and in accordance with the scheme of things, with blessings and lessons, your attitude refreshed the whole vision is then somehow transformed.
What has changed is not the external, the internal essence of you, has been revealed and the problematic, problem constructing ego mind has been dropped allowing the light of your higher consciousness to shine through.

We always have basic choices.


Triple love point

2010/12/26 - 0 Comments

Triple love point
青島寝たい植物園のLove corner.

Thanks to God

Give thanks for smoked turkey, turkey soup, roasted veggies,
Cranberry sauce,stuffing and course AikiSpice!
Use AikiSpice enjoy your blessings while helping those with less.

Nagisa 平和


Triple love point

青島寝たい植物園のLove corner.


Merrier Christ's Mass

2010/12/25 - 0 Comments

With love and compassion in our hearts may we be merry in Christs light!
May the joy of oneness be know to all the world!
Let's celebrate our birth into a heart of giving and active movement to the creation of heaven on earth!
Be at peace in our souls and see the world return to Eden!
Rejoice and be merrier!
Love Geoffree


Off to Iizuka - shi

2010/12/24 - 0 Comments

The first place I lived in Japan, the home of Aso Taro, AikiSpice makes it debut there 22 years later!
Shoko San 本当にありがとう!!本当に39!

青島森 (a video from me)


Come to and check the forest birds
And とてもめざらし青島猫

Joy to all!

WorldGarden kids

Beautiful seeds
Growing in the light of love
WorldGarden lives!



Happy New YOU!

Are you ready for 
The New Year?
Is The New Year 
Ready for YOU!
Let the new year have a Happy New YOU!

Joy to all!

Are you ready for
The New Year?
Is The New Year
Ready for YOU!
Let the new year have a Happy New YOU!


aikispice brunch
Steamed aikis veggies
Aiki spice vege meatloaf

Don't miss it!

Once only chance!
Today's sunrise!
Never repeated offer!
Totally original!
First and only release!
$Value: priceless
*conditions do NOT apply

Are you ready?

Are you ready for
The New Year?
Is The New Year
Ready for YOU!
Let the new year have a Happy New You!


What good did you do today?

2010/12/23 - 0 Comments

Ask yourself before you fall asleep.
Maybe something small like smiling at some one, or letting them in, in the traffic, picking up something someone dropped...
Celebrate your goodness,congratulate yourself on showing kindness, fall asleep with that in mind.
When you wake, ask yourself what can I do to help serve mankind today? As Jesus said "whatsoever you do unto the least of my brothers you do unto me".
Be conscious of this question and see how man opportunities arises to help. You naturally move towards service because have enjoyed the rewards of a sound and refresh sleep after recalling the previous days deeds. Then again before sleep ask again "what good did I do today?"
This a wonder exercise to promote compassion action and can transform your life to one concern with own niggling worries to know the joy of consciously performing kindly for the sake of your own joy.
Selfish motivation when derived from compassion is blessing and honest way to know the truth of our purpose in life.
Let's celebrate our innate goodness and watch it thrive in the light of honest praise!
Mudra of compassionate action.
New dehli international airport.


Aikispice picnic breakfast

2010/12/22 - 0 Comments

Simple, healthy, delicious,
Helps others, soul food.
Life is grand!

Fear is rooted in the ego.

If you feel fear in any guise, you are feeling separation from the whole, from the universe, creation, God.
If you feel like a single wave in the vastness of the ocean you are in defense, your are scared by the thought of what you are up against.
When you are out there relying on your name, on your resume on your self confidence, you will always feel some fear, cause there always someone better, there is always the chance of illness or attack, of challengers to your ideas or goals.
When you feel that something is missing that you are not what could be, not at total peace and fearless, assured of the life-force that runs through you but is not of you then you are one with God. You are functioning in conjuction with the tide of the entire ocean and feeling of freedom, trust and sheer power of being part that enormous, all encompassing force is not over whelming but empower in a totally non aggressive, in fact passive manner.
A feeling of contentment and sense of purpose even if the details of your path are unknown that you are surely on a mission from god. When you are about your fathers business you can relax because is father to all, and all are your loving caring brothers and sisters, each there to support or to be supported by you.
This is the love of god that beats your heart and flows in your viens, that breathes life into your lungs. This is coming home and becoming whole again.
Give up your agenda when you feel anything but this exhilarating tranquility, this joyous harmony, this divine energy.
Give up your self formed identity ,armor, and objectives and letgo ,let God.
Return to source of existence and trust that moment to moment the current of life will guide you willing being to the next perfect moment ad infinitum.
Feel not fear, or anger, sadness or pain but know the glory of the oneness that is your true SELF.


The solstice

2010/12/21 - 0 Comments

The winter at it's darkest point
Turns and looks to spring,
The light returns to warm our hearts,
A time to dance and sing!

Who are you?

You are not you past.
You are not your name, nationality, job...
All these things are things that were stuck on YOU that happened to YOU.
YOU are as you were born an innocent child, with boundless love and possibilities
Remember today that everyone you meet is just the same, we are all perfect children of the universe(God, nature ...) see that in others underneath the labels you and others have pasted on them, feel from that pure child like heart that is still shining deep within.
See you world fill with light and know you and all are equally perfect beings.
When someones faults are to much to ignore pray for there strength to overcome the external. When someone criticizes you see if there some external truth in that and work with love to polish your exterior to match the light within.
You will start shine and the world around you start to be a more heavenly place.
Heavan is a place in your mind, project on the external see the true beauty of creation.


Masters,students video.

2010/12/20 - 0 Comments

Tea master

Sasaki SENSEI, 46 years of tea ceremony teaching, a master.
Such and peaceful and all round delicious experience, from smell,taste and touch to the heart.
Thus is true art. A movement to the action of a silent mind.
A master.

Whose advice to seek?

When you're angry, sad, in trouble in some way, who can you trust to guide you?
Not your ego, not your small self who is already confused.
A friend or older person?are they all knowing,all loving?
Trust God.
Go quietly inside your heart as if entering a holy place. Trust and ask, what should I do?What should I do, where should I go, and who should I do this?
Try it!I t can't be any less risky than following the direction of your negative emotion or someone as blind to reality as you.
Trust god, go inside.


No nukes!

2010/12/18 - 0 Comments

Plans to build a nuclear station in Kushima, again.
Let's protect the world and promote our nature.

Sushi master video

Fuku Sushi

A true master
Smiling and joyful.beaming fresh energy,63 years young.
The best sushi I've ever dad.
A master.

Keep warm with EFT!

This brief article from Karen Stock shows how she keeps warm with EFT during cold Canadian winters. E-mail Karen
by Karen Stock

Dear EFT Friends,

As many of you know, winters in Canada are long and cold. I am finding EFT very useful for fast relief from the cold. When I am involved in outdoor activities and feel that my fingers, toes and / or face are starting to get cold, I then tap on the EFT point on my right middle finger. Within a minute my cold fingers, toes and face have warmed up again and I can continue with my winter activities with pleasure. At times I have even forgotten that I had cold fingers, toes or face and enjoyed a long walk in the winter wonderland without constantly having to focus on some cold body part struggling to keep it warm. Keeping warm in such cold climates is an important safety factor and EFT provides an excellent solution.

I very quickly tap:

My hands are warm.

My fingers are warm.

My fingertips are warm.

My feet are warm.

My toes are warm.

The tips of my toes are warm.

My face is warm.

My cheeks are warm.

My nose is warm.

I repeat these sentences a few times and feel the warming effect very fast. Stay warm with EFT.


Karen Stock

This brief article from Karen Stock shows how she keeps warm with EFT during cold Canadian winters. E-mail Karen
by Karen Stock

Dear EFT Friends,

As many of you know, winters in Canada are long and cold. I am finding EFT very useful for fast relief from the cold. When I am involved in outdoor activities and feel that my fingers, toes and / or face are starting to get cold, I then tap on the EFT point on my right middle finger. Within a minute my cold fingers, toes and face have warmed up again and I can continue with my winter activities with pleasure. At times I have even forgotten that I had cold fingers, toes or face and enjoyed a long walk in the winter wonderland without constantly having to focus on some cold body part struggling to keep it warm. Keeping warm in such cold climates is an important safety factor and EFT provides an excellent solution.

I very quickly tap:

My hands are warm.

My fingers are warm.

My fingertips are warm.

My feet are warm.

My toes are warm.

The tips of my toes are warm.

My face is warm.

My cheeks are warm.

My nose is warm.

I repeat these sentences a few times and feel the warming effect very fast. Stay warm with EFT.


Karen Stock

I tried this straight away and it really works!
Can't wait to see if it worst outside on a really cold day!
Try it on anything!

If all else fails try this with hot water!

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