Intrinsic Motivation
2014/01/13 by Geoffree
Intrinsic Motivation
What motivates us, what motivates me.
Takaharu, Japan- 13th January 2014
Moving into a new phase in my life it occurred to me that I should be clear on what was was motivating my sudden movement from a three sabbatical of relative inactive contentment to suddenly be cantering into a period of dynamic and exciting new fields.
Sitting in the bath I realized that my basic motivation since my earliest memories was to somehow ease suffering or it's positive opposite to promote joy, has always been the basic tenet for all my actions. Starting with totally self orientated pursuit evolving to seemingly global endeavors.
I remember as a child sharing a room with my brother (11 years my senior, and still my hero) who always insisted we said our evening prayers while kneeling.
Even at that time I was never one to get stuck on form and figured God didn't really care about posture or about reciting prayers but probably was happy with knowing we acknowledged his divinity and pledged our alliance to his desire for all encompassing love and peace.
Anyway being my big brother I always found myself getting out of my horizontal state of relaxation into the less comfortable, straight backed kneeling pose, of a good catholic school boy (which I was!).
Years later as a yoga and meditation instructor I realized this posture was certainly much more conducive to concentrated prayer or attainment of higher states of consciousness.
I recalled that even at a young age even though I didn't have the words to conceptualize my feelings I always sought the ultimate or the relative, and was at odds with the finite way of this Newtonian mind we are programmed with and the more mystical realm of the infinite.
I somehow felt dissatisfied with how limited everything was and wanted to skip intermediary steps and get to the source of things - as a catholic boy it meant giving rise to questioning why we prayed to Mary and saints and such when we could just go straight to God.
I would still recite the Hail Mary, Lords Prayer and Act of Contrition just in case they were somehow imbued with some magic power, but felt it also necessary to have one all encompassing prayer that would please all and sundry including myself.
What I came up with was " Dear God, please help me, to help you, to help others."
Pretty good for a kid of 6 or 7 right!?
So, sitting in the bath I realized this prayer had somehow continued to be my subconscious mantra and have to date been blessed with being able to help others on various levels and feel a great sense of inner happiness for the privilege to do so.
God (for want of a currently less loaded word) has helped me by lending the support of family and friends in attaining this my most basic of goals.
Now all this may seem quite spiritual and deep, yet when I look at it, it seems every human, as the Dalai Lama is always sure to point out so simply, we all share the desire for happiness. This is the common ground from which global peace maybe built, where communication can start. Regardless of our methods - we all attain to happiness.
Whether all realize it or not, helping others is a totally selfish pursuit as the pay off is always one of great happiness, for the individual who appears to be acting selflessly.
Ultimately this gives rise to knowledge that we are indeed one, that what is good for you is good for me and vice versa. (although again, the form that good may take may be different according the prevailing state of each individual concerned)
We are it seems innately motivated to help others in our own pursuit of happiness.
Modern research evidences this idea in a great volumes of work that has been done in recent times on what is and how do we attain happiness.
One particular experiment I read, involved measuring 3 different members of the experiments serotonin levels (the happy hormone), before and after the test.
All the Guinea pigs were unaware that the other two players were involved in the play.
One of the actors assumed the identity of a homeless person, one acting as a philanthropist was to give to that person a substantial sum of money and the third was to witness the act of compassion.
Results showed high increases of serotonin levels in all 3 of the participants.
In the movie-documentary "Happy" the researchers travel the world hoping to define the meaning of happiness and identify the basic requirements for attaining this most basic of needs. In their efforts to quantify various levels of happiness they used an arbitrary scale.
In the end they needed to recalibrate that scale when they found that meditators practicing "Metta" - "Loving Kindness" (as it's translates from Pali) achieved levels of happiness that went right off their previous scale.
So it would seem that compassion, in thought, word or deed, is the best way for humans to attain the loftiest heights of joy known to man.
Now as I look at my life on this horizontal time plane, I see clearly that through various means I've been doing my search for happiness as all others to varying degrees of success.
Each stage of my life lead me to realize that all must go through a process from where basics needs such as food, clothing, shelter and medication are needed before they may progress to higher desires where perhaps more sensual pleasures are sought, and defining this pursuit in to 3 broad phases, the final leg being that of internal happiness that is not reliant on external factors.
At last I come to peace with my need to embrace the relative and the ultimate!
I see that my path lies in helping others to help themselves to help others!
My passion to be holistic in my approach means offering modalities that people of all stages in their pursuit may benefit from my actions, which conclusively helps me to know the joy of compassion. Tags: