Hexagram 31: HSIEN
An influence comes.
Good fortune to those
whose hearts are correct.
The hexagram Hsien indicates the coming of an influence. This may take the form of a teaching from the Sage, an interaction with another, or a disturbing or pleasing event. In any case, there is good fortune if you meet the influence with proper thoughts and actions.
It is a good time to remember that like attracts like. If one gives expression to higher things, then one is surrounded by higher things. If one indulges in what is inferior, then one can expect to have the company of inferiors. Therefore, it is wise to cling steadily to humility, independence, gentleness, and openness.
With others, keep an open heart, free of desire, condemning no one, enjoying affinities while retaining your equanimity. With the Sage, keep a clear connection. Seek resolutely to serve as a conduit for truth and innocence and goodness.
If the influence is challenging, persevere in correctness. If it is pleasing, also persevere in correctness. Maintaining your devotion to higher things insures success in the coming time.
Do no rush forward or allow yourself to be run over. Allow your quiet heart to lead you. |
Hexagram 45: TS'UI
To lead others toward the good,
one must purify one's own character.
The I Ching teaches that the world cannot move toward harmony and well-being unless human beings act in unison to further what is good and true. Our power as individuals is multiplied when we gather together as families, groups, and communities with common goals. It is our collective strength that makes positive change possible in the world. However, the tremendous power of human collectives must be directed by a qualified leader. The hexagram Ts'ui encourages you to develop your character into that of a leader.
Before a person may gather others together to achieve good, he must first gather together within himself proper principles. A leader who is not balanced and collected within himself will always be suspected by his followers, and in the hour when he needs them most, they will hesitate. Therefore the first task of the potential leader is to accumulate in his own character all that is good and true and correct.
In a very real sense the progress of the world depends upon your thoughts as an individual now. Concentrate, then, on examining and correcting your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Improve yourself into the kind of person you yourself would follow wholeheartedly and without hesitation. Learn to accept the natural progress that occurs when you act in harmony with proper principles, and seek no progress at the expense of those principles. Train yourself to avoid misfortunes by anticipating them in advance.
By purifying your character in this way and clinging steadfastly to higher things, you lead yourself and others toward well-being and good fortune.
The image of this hexagram is that of spring, a time when the darkness and decay of winter are about to give way to the light and plenty of summer. The transition is not yet complete; here it depends upon you strengthening your clarity, calm, and conscientiousness.
Wei Chi often comes as an indication that we have not yet achieved a genuine inner equanimity. As long as we respond to outer pressures with our egos - by worrying, desiring, or becoming aggressive - we cannot attain a successful repose. The I Ching reminds us now to abandon the hysterics of the ego in favor of acceptance, modesty, and inner balance.
Wei Chi denotes a time of great responsibility. In a very real sense it can be said that the state of the world depends upon your thoughts and conduct now. The external world will only come into order if the inner world has done so. Therefore, seek now to correct whatever in your self is at odds with the principles of the Sage. Quiet your ego, make humility and acceptance your primary goals, and move forward like a fox walking on ice: cautiously, deliberately, and gently. By persevering in what is true and good you build the foundation upon which good fortune can come to rest.
May all know inner peace 🙏
Hexagram 6: SUNG
The proper response to conflict, whether
it lies within or without us, is disengagement.
Whenever we allow ourselves to be drawn off balance, away from the strength of quiet integrity, we are in conflict. It matters not whether the confrontation is between competing values in one's own mind or with another person: it is the inner departure from clarity and equanimity that leaves us with feelings of despair and vulnerability. The only remedy is to disengage from the problem and return to quiet contemplation of what is correct.
Conflict provokes strong feelings of doubt, fear, anxiety, and impatience to resolve the situation. If you act under the influence of these inferior emotions, you will severely complicate the misfortune. By following the prescription of the Sage and returning to a position of neutrality, acceptance, and detachment, you are able to meet opposing forces halfway: not recoiling in anger and condemnation, not pressing forward for some unnatural change in things, but waiting calmly in the center until the Higher Power provides the correct solution.
The I Ching teaches us that all conflict is, in the end, inner conflict. When you see it beginning, you are obliged not to pursue it, for this only compounds your own misfortune. If you cannot regain your equanimity on your own, then seek the assistance of a just and impartial person in resolving the difficulty. The only way to live free of conflict is to hold steadfastly to proper principles in all things. Through balance, patience, and devotion to inner truth we rise above every challenge.
One is wise to turn the conflict over to the jurisdiction of the Sage or a just arbiter. Good fortune obtains. |
Hexagram 64: WEI CHI
The transition from chaos to order depends
upon your achieving true inner calm.
The image of this hexagram is that of spring, a time when the darkness and decay of winter are about to give way to the light and plenty of summer. The transition is not yet complete; here it depends upon you strengthening your clarity, calm, and conscientiousness.
Wei Chi often comes as an indication that we have not yet achieved a genuine inner equanimity. As long as we respond to outer pressures with our egos - by worrying, desiring, or becoming aggressive - we cannot attain a successful repose. The I Ching reminds us now to abandon the hysterics of the ego in favor of acceptance, modesty, and inner balance.
Wei Chi denotes a time of great responsibility. In a very real sense it can be said that the state of the world depends upon your thoughts and conduct now. The external world will only come into order if the inner world has done so. Therefore, seek now to correct whatever in your self is at odds with the principles of the Sage. Quiet your ego, make humility and acceptance your primary goals, and move forward like a fox walking on ice: cautiously, deliberately, and gently. By persevering in what is true and good you build the foundation upon which good fortune can come to rest.
May all know inner peace 🙏
It is all about love.
With love comes acceptance of everything.
Forgiveness of everything is a requisite for love. Yet once
Love is rediscovered there is nothing to forgive, for we see only the innate spark of divine and perfect beauty in all.
Yes, it's all about love.


Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️
This movie is produced by a total genius. The cast is of billions of actors that have taking there art to its peak. The story is so moving and no cost has been spared in the quality of the visuals, the soundtrack and all aspects this highly acclaimed event.
So your are trying to sit back and enjoy the story unfold , but the whole time their is some wise guy critic just behind you who thinks he's got a better idea about how things ought to have been done.
Their commentary goes on "... now that's well done, but no - awful, look what's she's wearing!, now he's hot, how could they do that, it's so sad, oh this is unbelievable, that's ok but it would be better if..., I would have it this way, I like that bit, awful!, horrifying, hilarious, beautiful, awesome, wild, disgusting, stupid, dum, atrocious, lovely, cute, I d like one of those, well not so sure about that bit, total crap......"
At some point you turn around and say " DONT YOU EVER GET SICK OF THE SOUND OF YOUR OWN VOICE? "
So they shut up.
Now you sit in silence and start to see the the subtle nuances in the actors expressions, you see the amazing attention to detail, the fly buzzing in the corner of the room, the sounds of the birds chattering out the window, the amazing extras each seem to acting out major roles in the background.
You start to appreciate the scope of this production, it's like your watching but living it at the same time, it's so real. The depth of each color starts to move you, you notice if you focus on even a leaf on a tree that the lighting is so perfect, it's life breathing and pumping of life to the rest of the tree.
You start to be aware of the enormous interplay of all the factors of this movie, evolving with such a natural harmony.
Now your so engrossed in the experience you become aware of the true magic of this producer is that not only is the screen part of her offering but the entire cinema is the set, and each of the other viewers! Oh god, even you have been somehow placed in this divinely inspired creation.
You start realize that not only has the building and the city become part of it, but the entire planet, the solar system, the moons, and suns, the galaxies, asteroids, comets.... Is there no end to this !?
Oh then comes the final twist in the plot!
It's already been enormous, beyond anything your mind could have even dreamt of, but the grand finally is literally MIND BLOWING!
It's not even about all the worlds and happenings! This masterpiece has a message... You now see that it's not about the awesome enormity of the production it's the space in which it's all be played out! The space so infinite that all those sets put together are just a speck, for even within each object the space can be found, and its all is immersed in it.
This space stretching out with no barriers and penetrates to the depths of each cell of every manifestation.
This space that is not commenting on the worlds within it, it's not condemning, approving, taking sides or stances, this space that is so huge that it can accept anything, even the chatter of the critic! This space is peacefully letting things unravel, this space is not only going with the flow, this space IS the flow, this space is unconditional love.
This space is your heart.
Take a moment out from judging everything, for a moment just trust the producer of all this might have a better idea of than the amateur know it all!
Take a moment to KNOW real love!
May all know inner peace 🙏
May all know inner peace 🙏
Hexagram 24: FU
A time of darkness comes to a close.
Receiving this hexagram is a sign that you have reached a turning point. This moment is akin to the winter solstice: the greatest adversity is past, and the light is beginning to return. Nonetheless, one cannot force the completion of the change, and it is wise to rest. Act only when you can move gently and innocently, and all will be well.
Fu also comes as a reminder to return to the light in yourself. Growth is only possible when we relinquish the expressions of the ego: pride, impatience, anger, and desire. To act forcefully or ambitiously now will only generate misfortune.
Let things develop naturally, in their own way. Simply observe and accept changes as you observe and accept the rising of the sun. Allow yourself to rest and gather strength for a time of growth ahead. By holding to modesty, gentleness, and correct conduct, you prepare the ground for a fruitful blossoming when the light fully returns.
There is danger of indulging in pride. Be tolerant of others and return to humbly following the good. | ||
The superior person avoids making excuses. Recognize errors, correct them, and there will be no misfortune. | ||
A wrong attitude prevents the return to light. It is time for careful self-examination and self-correction. Opportunity wasted returns very slowly. |
Hexagram 61: CHUNG FU
Through openness and gentleness
the correct solution is reached.
Arriving at the correct solution to a difficult situation requires a receptivity to inner truth. Unless we are willing to put aside the strong emotions of our egos and devote ourselves to discovering what is right, there can be no hope of progress at this time. Help only comes when we invite it with a sincere and innocent attitude.
The I Ching teaches a simple but effective method of influencing difficult people and arduous situations. It advises us first to lay aside our prejudices - our feelings of being wounded, angry, or in the right - and second to seek to understand the positions of others and the lesson that the Sage is teaching us with the situation. Even when another is truly out of line, it is only by accepting this and remaining balanced that you make it possible for positive change to occur. Gentleness and understanding create in others an unconscious willingness to be led.
The superior person therefore avoids the use of anger and force in trying times, knowing that they only prolong conflict. It is far wiser to accept that each experience we have is necessary for us to learn something about ourselves and about the higher laws of life. The greatest openings come when we meet difficulty with acceptance, gentleness, and a desire to understand the lesson underneath.
Wanna feel the love?
Watch this and spread the love!
Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️
The image of this hexagram is that of a tree growing high on a mountaintop. If this tree grows too fast, without first properly rooting itself, it becomes susceptible to being torn up and destroyed by the winds. If, however, it establishes a proper foundation and is content to grow gradually, it will enjoy a long life and a lofty view.
Human beings are no different. While we often desire rapid progress - we want to change someone's mind today, obtain an apology now, achieve all our goalsimmediately - sooner or later we must come to understand that the only lasting progress is gradual progress. Chien comes to urge you to accept that fact and base your thoughts, attitudes, and actions upon it.
When we have allowed ourselves to be pulled off balance by another or by some event, the ego tempts us to believe that we can influence the situation through forceful behavior. This is incorrect; the actions of the ego inevitably complicate our difficulties. The greatest influence possible always comes through the patient and steady refinement of one's inner self. If you will devote yourself to the path of the sage, with every step along that path you will be strengthened, and progress will come automatically. It will be gradual, but it will last.
Be patient, modest, and accepting now. Life often demands that we wait longer than we might like for some change, and the only true comfort available during these times is the knowledge that we are steadfastly developing ourselves into superior people. In time, every honor comes to those who are persevering and correct.
THIRD LINE | Do not enter rashly into a conflict. Stand quietly in the center and keep your balance. This enables a true and lasting resolution to be found. |

Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️
Now given that change is constant, were we to rely on external circumstance and other reasons for happiness, then this goal could never be achieved and life would be a meaningless pursuit of fleeting moments of happiness when circumstances equal our particular requirement. This would in its self deny happiness as we would be in constant fear of the fall from that temporary state.
If we assume that lasting happiness is obtainable, we must then realize that it must be one that is not determined by any material factors. It must be a happiness beyond reasons, desires and needs.
This could only come then from feeling happy for no reason in each moment regardless of what is occurring. It would mean there was no room for judgement, just peaceful acceptance of what is. Beyond our training and past experiences which mold our perception of reality.
So, here in the now, as things are is the only time we can ever know true and lasting happiness.
Time to start, smile, laugh or dance for no reason at all! Just celebrate this being!
It's time to party is NOW!
Nothing special to get, to achieve, to avoid or attain . Nothing to get rid of, overcome or save.
No need to forgive or forget !
It's just as it always was, is and will be.
Perfect oneness, stillness, silence. Eternal and infinite!
Being here and now the mind is open and reality is seen once more !
Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️2014/04/10
The hexagram Tui teaches us how to come into possession of joy. In our search for success and happiness we are prone to think that we must take aggressive actions to achieve them. The instruction of the I Ching is just the opposite: only those who practice innocence, acceptance, and detachment inherit true joy in this world.
We often see around us how forcible effort brings about what appears to be progress. Our egos tempt us to believe that these gains are lasting and valuable, but the truth is otherwise. Whatever is won by the desirous, ambitious, demanding manipulations of the ego will soon be lost. Others can always be temporarily browbeaten into doing things our way, but only hearts won by friendliness and sincere goodwill are true over time.
The I Ching teaches us again and again that joy and success cannot be forced or stolen. They are achieved gradually - but steadily - by those who relate correctly to others and to the Higher Power. To relate correctly means to steadfastly practice innocence, detachment, acceptance, modesty, and gentleness. Life is full of shortcuts, but this is the only route that leads to true joy.
The image of the hexagram is that of two lakes joined together to keep from drying up. It is an encouragement to us to join with like-minded friends now in the discussion and contemplation of higher things. If we engage in an ongoing conversation about proper principles with our friends, our relationship to truth is steady and our ego cannot seduce us into the doubt, fear, and anxiety that lead away from joy.
In your heart, be firm in holding to what is good and honest and correct. In your thoughts and actions, be gentle and accepting. Those who persevere on this path will meet with true joy and lasting success.
May all know inner peace 🙏
The Answer
He told me "...wait in silence and you will know the answer..."
Takaharu, Japan - 2014年3月26日
So I asked the wise old man, "what is this salvation, what is peace or love for that matter, how can we know these things?"
He laughed saying "don't ask me! , ask God, in those words, ask from your heart and trust for just a moment, wait in silence and you will know the answer."
Sounded all too simple and quite improbable, yet the light in his eyes spoke assuredly of a sagely conviction.
I sat, closed my eyes, focussed as best I could on the area in the center of my chest and asked "God, what is salvation?" As I sat waiting in expectation my mind threw up all kinds of answers and doubts - but no "knowing" came to me.
I resolved to sit more silently and asked again, thoughts came and went, I let go, I let go of
of the underlying need for words, I let go of my desire to Know, and I glimpsed a moment of silence. There was no forth coming answer and my mind started up with all kinds of commentary, again I tried to come back to the space in my chest. I concentrated on its rise and and fall, expansion and contraction, I heard the sound of birds, I became aware of the slight breeze across my the bareness of my arms and face, the slight smell of the grass and foresty aromas, but behind all this was silence, no judgments as to the qualities of these perceived senses, no banter, just a silent openness, a plain sheet, blank of notations.
Beyond words and ideas I knew only the moment as it unravelled, simple and without extravagance.
I sat in silence and Knew the answer. Love is silent, peace is silent, salvation and freedom are beyond doctrine and dogma - God is without form, without commandments, just a infinite space with room for all creation.
An empty mind was filled with joy!
May all know inner peace 🙏2014/03/23
Where can we "feel" peace?
Is it not in the heart, beyond thoughts, comparisons, ideals or any external objects?
Is not that which we perceive, but that which is known when the mind is silent and without objection to any thing we may judge by our limited experience based only on second hand facts and information garnished from incomplete evidence in the past?
I believe we must find inner peace before we can hope to replicate it in form on the external, physical plane.
World peace through inner peace!
The I Ching says we should not oppose any situation . This doesn't mean support or condone,
simply accept it as it is, rather that fight against the truth of the moment.
This brings one to a space of peace with the now.
This is where our power lies.
From here we may act from a clear mind and without ego driven agendas.
We will attract support of others who will respond to our integrity.
World peace through inner peace.
Let the day have a peaceful us!

Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️
There is a sense of their mindlessness.
As they fly over lake and glide down effortlessly landing on the flat dimension of liquid, they exude their instinctive beauty.
Beyond thought, simply being birds.
This apparent oneness with their purpose within the scheme of nature is somehow reassuring.
It now occurs to me. what Jesus said "look at the birds...".
Yes, I see the point, worry and anxiety are not an option for these creatures. They exhibit this quality vividly to my inner eye and somehow the sight of their unrehearsed play awakens the silence in my own mind.
Look at the birds!
Sometimes, just sometimes, all my thoughts seem to float by like tiny insignificant clouds in the vast blue sky.
Mundane duties transform into joy filled actions and all sensory perceptions blend into single divinely flavored curry.
These moments I love to share.
These times I am glad to have been born and Indian ! : )
Personally I like to take the specialness out of everything.
I then try to put specialness into every thing.
Yoga often copies the nature, cat pose, cow pose, tree pose ...
Each manifestation contains a harmony and perfection within itself.
It's this common point of perfection where we all connect - this the oneness we seek to remember.
I saw a little bird bathing itself in a puddle after the rains a few days ago.
It did so with such abandonment and it's sheer unbridled joy left feeling me like a toddler.
I recalled this teaching when I went for my swim last night.
Instead of doing an hour of hypnotic lapping I danced, dived and skipped through the water.
To me that was yoga.
May all know inner peace 🙏
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What motivates us, what motivates me.
Takaharu, Japan- 13th January 2014
Moving into a new phase in my life it occurred to me that I should be clear on what was was motivating my sudden movement from a three sabbatical of relative inactive contentment to suddenly be cantering into a period of dynamic and exciting new fields.
Sitting in the bath I realized that my basic motivation since my earliest memories was to somehow ease suffering or it's positive opposite to promote joy, has always been the basic tenet for all my actions. Starting with totally self orientated pursuit evolving to seemingly global endeavors.
I remember as a child sharing a room with my brother (11 years my senior, and still my hero) who always insisted we said our evening prayers while kneeling.
Even at that time I was never one to get stuck on form and figured God didn't really care about posture or about reciting prayers but probably was happy with knowing we acknowledged his divinity and pledged our alliance to his desire for all encompassing love and peace.
Anyway being my big brother I always found myself getting out of my horizontal state of relaxation into the less comfortable, straight backed kneeling pose, of a good catholic school boy (which I was!).
Years later as a yoga and meditation instructor I realized this posture was certainly much more conducive to concentrated prayer or attainment of higher states of consciousness.
I recalled that even at a young age even though I didn't have the words to conceptualize my feelings I always sought the ultimate or the relative, and was at odds with the finite way of this Newtonian mind we are programmed with and the more mystical realm of the infinite.
I somehow felt dissatisfied with how limited everything was and wanted to skip intermediary steps and get to the source of things - as a catholic boy it meant giving rise to questioning why we prayed to Mary and saints and such when we could just go straight to God.
I would still recite the Hail Mary, Lords Prayer and Act of Contrition just in case they were somehow imbued with some magic power, but felt it also necessary to have one all encompassing prayer that would please all and sundry including myself.
What I came up with was " Dear God, please help me, to help you, to help others."
Pretty good for a kid of 6 or 7 right!?
So, sitting in the bath I realized this prayer had somehow continued to be my subconscious mantra and have to date been blessed with being able to help others on various levels and feel a great sense of inner happiness for the privilege to do so.
God (for want of a currently less loaded word) has helped me by lending the support of family and friends in attaining this my most basic of goals.
Now all this may seem quite spiritual and deep, yet when I look at it, it seems every human, as the Dalai Lama is always sure to point out so simply, we all share the desire for happiness. This is the common ground from which global peace maybe built, where communication can start. Regardless of our methods - we all attain to happiness.
Whether all realize it or not, helping others is a totally selfish pursuit as the pay off is always one of great happiness, for the individual who appears to be acting selflessly.
Ultimately this gives rise to knowledge that we are indeed one, that what is good for you is good for me and vice versa. (although again, the form that good may take may be different according the prevailing state of each individual concerned)
We are it seems innately motivated to help others in our own pursuit of happiness.
Modern research evidences this idea in a great volumes of work that has been done in recent times on what is and how do we attain happiness.
One particular experiment I read, involved measuring 3 different members of the experiments serotonin levels (the happy hormone), before and after the test.
All the Guinea pigs were unaware that the other two players were involved in the play.
One of the actors assumed the identity of a homeless person, one acting as a philanthropist was to give to that person a substantial sum of money and the third was to witness the act of compassion.
Results showed high increases of serotonin levels in all 3 of the participants.
In the movie-documentary "Happy" the researchers travel the world hoping to define the meaning of happiness and identify the basic requirements for attaining this most basic of needs. In their efforts to quantify various levels of happiness they used an arbitrary scale.
In the end they needed to recalibrate that scale when they found that meditators practicing "Metta" - "Loving Kindness" (as it's translates from Pali) achieved levels of happiness that went right off their previous scale.
So it would seem that compassion, in thought, word or deed, is the best way for humans to attain the loftiest heights of joy known to man.
Now as I look at my life on this horizontal time plane, I see clearly that through various means I've been doing my search for happiness as all others to varying degrees of success.
Each stage of my life lead me to realize that all must go through a process from where basics needs such as food, clothing, shelter and medication are needed before they may progress to higher desires where perhaps more sensual pleasures are sought, and defining this pursuit in to 3 broad phases, the final leg being that of internal happiness that is not reliant on external factors.
At last I come to peace with my need to embrace the relative and the ultimate!
I see that my path lies in helping others to help themselves to help others!
My passion to be holistic in my approach means offering modalities that people of all stages in their pursuit may benefit from my actions, which conclusively helps me to know the joy of compassion.
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