Fear vs Trust
2013/11/20 by Geoffree
Fear vs Trust
choosing to allow love to blossom
Worry, anxiety, stress... are all aspects of a deeply ingrained fear, the fear of not being able to handle what might occur.
So what's the antidote for such a seemingly human trait?
Well, if we feel inadequate in our abilities to cope with what life may throw at us, maybe we need to trust in a someone or something that will handle whatever may raise its head.
Whether this thing be real or not, would we not be relieved of our debilitating emotions, and find instead a care free, relaxed state from which we may make our choices more clearly and with an intent based on the present rather that stuck in ideas stemming from past events which may have seemed painful?
This step of trust may at first be blind but should it prove effective, that trust may grow into faith, belief and finally a wise and sagely knowledge.
Looking at things in the big picture how could we possibly feel secure in our own chances of navigating this life which is well beyond our control and foresight.
Choosing to try to rely on mere thought and perception must always leave us inadequately prepared to meet the unpredictable future, only by trusting are we released to enjoy this present moment for what it is and step with a tranquil mind into the moment that is waiting to happen.
Our awareness of the present is born when we are freed from the concerns of the future and the ghosts of the past.
Try trusting and fly into freedom!
Let the day have a trusting you!
May all know inner peace ๐