Blossoms of peace, from seeds of peace.
2013/03/15 by Geoffree
Being peace is our nature.
Yet we stray from this awareness as we literally get lost in thought.
If we wish to see a peaceful world can only see it throught peaceful eyes, that is a peaceful mind.
How to quiet the mind?
Any kind of meditation, any practice which anchors our awareness in the present, so we have no space for judgment or thought of past or future, will put our mind at peace.
A peaceful mind creates a peaceful world around it.
Our very being transmits is vibe to all near and far.
Each of has the responsibility to act as locally are our own hearts and cultivate peace.
World peace starts with inner peace.
Lets rediscover the joy and love than still lie beneath the chatter of the mind!
Find peace within and let it sing to world it's song of unending bliss!
Let the day have a peaceful you!
May all know inner peace 🙏