
The problem is your ego mind

When we act against something it is because we just it wrong, because it disturbs our peace, because we think it is in someway intrinsically evil.
This means basically we act from fear,  defense,  having faith in our judgement based on past experience begotten from our narrow perceptions. As we never know the full story how could any judgement be just? How can condemn with such flimsy evidence garnered from such unreliable witnesses?
If  the seeds of our our actions are in anyway negative, will not the fruits they bear also be such?
First forgive, trust the wisdom of the universe has not been lapse, do not presume that your ego has a greater grasp of totality!  Isn't this  highest of arrogance?
Let it be, learn acceptance, find forgiveness and inner peace with all you see.
When you trust that the life force is simply evolving according plan, then you'll see clearly your role and act in harmony with the flow of nature, planting such seeds will reap a harvest of the sweetest nourishment, the nectars of love!

May all know inner peace 🙏

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