
What do YOU think?

What do you think?
Our reality is only known by the way we interpret things.
Our thoughts, based on past knowledge, experience and judgements define how we interpret our current situation.
As all of our basic sources are based on extremely limited information and biased view  points how can we ever hope to see to total picture of love, peace and harmony?
Our only way out is to forgive our errors, thus for forgive all others who similarly have erred, and let go  into the present without casting our commentary or judgment onto it.
In that moment we see life afresh!
In the now we are open to new life freed of all past discolorations, it is here that we reunite with the universe and receive undying wisdom, joy and release from fear.
We must simply choose to give up our values and goals that have till now only brought us dissatisfaction at best, and accept what is.
In this open space love may we at last be seen deep within our own hearts as pure as a new new born babe.
What do you think?

May all know inner peace 🙏

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