Pissed off- Peaced off.
2012/11/02 by Geoffree
When things don't turn out how I expect them too hell can break lose!

The hell maybe in mind leaving feeling victimized, angry, self righteous, disappointed or just down righted pissed off!
I might go off at innocent messenger of the news that triggered me.
So why set myself up for such pitfalls?
Is there a more skillful way to find the happiness I search?
Well I know the theory is to take things as they come, go with the flow, but the ego jumps in pulls me out of the peacefully meandering river of life and sticks me on a cliff face where I can't go up or retreat to safety below.
What to do?
Come back to the breath.
Escape into the present.
Become aware of the feelings without judging them and let them be.
See the ego for what is and accept.
I feel in little less involved already.
The problems seems to getting into the distance and I realize if I just let go and fall I' ll be back in the river of life!
It worked!
It helps to write it down, then I could blog it and probably do a workshop on it or even write a book....
May all know inner peace 🙏