
What is freedom?

Imagine just what freedom means.
Not enslaved or dependent on any external needs,
Freedom from the slavery we accept of this body and all it requires to be maintained.
If we look closely we will see much of pleasure and all our pains are derived because we identify with this gradually decaying composition of elements.
We must feed it, clothe it, house,exercise and medicate it, play with it and ensure it is companioned, continually fed with some kind of nutrient be it physical or emotional.
All these things it seems it must search for outside of itself, with no hope for freedom from the world.
The body is reliant on the things that come hand in hand will the very things we hope to free of.
Illness, hunger, competition for survival, worry, poverty, sadness, anger... and ultimately, inescapably pain and death.
Were we to realize truly that we are not our bodies, but undying consciousness, would not perfect freedom be the ensuing state?Separate from identifying with the physical. which lies in perpetual change and cycles of fear and extinction we would soar into the infinite, uninhibited by the constrains of the shackles in which we've bound ourselves.
Look deeply and we would not fail to see that beyond our names, positions and titles attached to this mass of flesh lies a pure and innocent heart, that like light shines, continually expanding, once all barriers of matter are removed from its path.
Let's let go of our selfish obsession with bodily self and win eternal freedom! Know a love unbridled by the constraints of need, desire and reciprocation.
Revel in the sublime peace born when anxieties of mortality and agonies are finally banished!
There is salvation for all once we take stock of our true nature, once we break the egos bonds to this form.
Once free the enjoyment available in this life through the human incarnation shall be incomparable to any fantasy we may have previously entertained.
Let's look inwards and rediscover our soul, love, peace and freedom await!
Let's let the day have a magnificant us!
(free-by Chrissy Paul)

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