Forgiveness is the first step
2012/01/29 by Geoffree
If we believe all are one, if we can understand that all simply seek happiness then we may see that this world holds no truth.For this world is defined by separation, all so called
reality is cut up into a million divisions by judgements of the separatist doctrine of the ego, which fears above all giving up its identity of being individual and in some way special.
Thus the ego judges good or bad, sick or healthy,black or white, us and them...
The cure for this misconception is forgiveness.
If we can see that at birth a babe is still pure and nonjudgemental but learns to be separate when it becomes aware of having a name and is programmed by the family, society, religion etc into which it is born. Than we see that the pure heart of a babe lies in all and know that no one be held guilty for the indoctrination they have swallowed as a naive innocent.
Thus we can forgive every thought we have and every action or word of another which is born from a thought which is in truth alien to their innate innocence.
Thus if we can forgive all we see, we will start see reality is perfect, a whole divine energy of pure life without conflict or division in any form.
If we have one lesson to learn that would break us free from the judgements we make in error that cause all our pains and anguish than it is the lesson of forgiveness.
Practice forgiveness every time you are aware of passing judgment in your mind, forgive all you perceive and make the effort to see the prevailing innocence in all forms.
These little steps towards the truth will be met by the support and rewards of the entire universe, and will bring all back to the awareness of our shared ocean of eternal joy and bliss.
Forgive. Tags: