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Should you follow your heart or accept what ever is and see love in the present?

2010/03/31 - 0 Comments

I don't know!
I guess which ever way you choose do it 100%.
I m more into making peace with what turns up and when I have a choice to follow my heart I try to take it.
Life is just a puzzle, have fun putting the pieces together and remember in the end all the pieces are there and the picture is on the box.
Whatever happens it's all coming together, so chill and enjoy the game!


Then the sun shines through

2010/03/24 - 0 Comments

The clouds will always pass
The sun is always shining
The trick is not to chase the clouds away
'cause you don't know when to stop and you end up chasing them, becoming infatuated by them and lost in their every changing patterns of gloom.
And when the sun is recognized don't chase it either just know to be your source and give thanks!
The sun is always shining!



2010/03/23 - 0 Comments

Somedays you just feel down
It could be for any reason or none at all.
The trick is just watch like clouds drifting by, no need to identify with it, or change it, acceptance and observation are powerful friends.
I feel blue. I am not the blue.
The clouds will pass and sun will shine as is always does.
Accept the rain for what it is.


World garden - be a flower

2010/03/20 - 0 Comments

The little things

The sky is so infinite in expanse
The oceans quality of depth and openess are incomparable
Yet without the existance of the tiny flower we could never know the dimensions of unending space.
For this we appear separate and unique,
So we come recognize the greater truth
This meaningless, momentary life gains reason when we see it as part the universal whole.
Respect and accept your role as a tool to know the unification of undying, borderless love of creation.
Give praise and rejoice!


Acim lesson 93

2010/03/19 - 0 Comments

Light and peace and joy abide in me.
My sinlessness is garenteed by God.

Can you believe it?
Can you even say it to yourself and wait to see if some truth arises?
Try it.


2010/03/18 - 0 Comments

d appreciate them.

Donate. Go through your closets. Anything you haven't worn or used in the
past year, box it or bag it and take it to a place where those who are less
fortunate will benefit from your donation. Get your children involved!

Praise. Make time to praise. Look for and recognize the good in others.

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meaningful, stress-free life. Of course, it also makes a wonderful gift for
any occasion.

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as one of those people with a, "What's in it for me" attitude
when I started his class. By the end of the semester though, my philosophy
and my attitude had changed. Forever! This is what I learned:

"You can have anything you want in life, if you will just help enough other
people get what they want."
~Zig Ziglar

I challenge you to focus on this philosophy for an entire month! Here are
some action steps that will help you stay focused on this incredible gift:


Gratitude. Every night before you go to sleep, recite aloud at least ten things
for which you are grateful.

Forgive. Let go of the past. Forgive those who have hurt or angered you.
Stop carrying this poison around with you every day.

Love. Be sure to tell those people in your life who mean so much to you that
you love them an



"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be
happy, practice compassion."
~The Dalai Lama

What does "True Abundance" mean to you?

According to Wikipedia, the definition of abundance is "the opposite of
scarcity." I believe true abundance is not measured by what you have;
rather, it is measured by what you give.

In our culture, it seems that most people are caught up in their "need for
greed." Perhaps this is why so many people struggle to find their
happiness, and why over 25% of the people in our country suffer from
anxiety. We live in a culture where we are taught to judge a person based
on what they have, rather than on who they are and what they contribute
to society.

I was very fortunate to have met a professor that changed my whole way
of thinking. I w


Be yoursef

2010/03/16 - 0 Comments

As the seasons flow into each other
The blossums peacefully await their time
All unique and happy as they are
Accept yourself they whisper
Accecpt yourself


ShishigawA live!

2010/03/15 - 0 Comments

Sheer face plummetting to the ribbon of river below
Towering pinnacle a finger
of granite thrusting to the heavens above
Vista of peaks surrounding
Dancing wildly with space applauding every movement
A wild thing
Natural , naked, long hair flying in the wind
Apon this stage of rock
Alive!so alive!
Freak of nature
Natural freak!

Don't wait

You could see peace NOW
Just by coming into the present
Listen deeply to what ever is going on
Don't put any meaning on it
Look deeply at what ever you see
Don't judge
Accept the moment
It is what it is
You can fight it
Or just choose peace
Remember you always have freedom to choose
I choose peace...


New life

2010/03/14 - 0 Comments

Each moment
Every exhale
A new chance for new life
Reset and blossom


The colors of love
T'is the season of love


The steppe

2010/03/13 - 0 Comments

The gobi
The hypnotic rythm of the trains momentem
The dry desert smell
Sands disappearing into infinity of blueness
Heart filled with adventure and the youthful love
Romance and ecstasy,
Contemplative peace
Far far away

Thanks shiva

Thanks for destruction
For death
For endings
For demolition
For divorce
With every ending is a new beginning
That's the cycle
The death of winter
The birth of Spring
Rejoice in change
Lifes a rollercoaster!
Srcream and enjoy the ride!

Go on...

Take the leap
Nothing to really lose
You come from nothingness
Return to nothingness
You have only your fear to lose
Go on take the leap to freedom


Bali bliss

2010/03/11 - 0 Comments

Steamed in an aromatic sauna
Massaged into putty
Herbally scubbed
Showered with floral soaps
Bathed in healing salts with flowers floating on the scented water
literally relaxed out of my mind
A kite, just spec in the sky took me away with it's tac, tac, tacking rythmic fluttering
The bark of a distant dog wafting into presence on the warm sea breeze,
The entire expirience blended into a single moment of awaking in the infinite dimension of the now
That's the kind of meditation I could handle full time!



2010/03/09 - 0 Comments

The universe is always balanced in all all ways
We too!
Looking for it we percieve imbalance. Look left you tend to the left...
Just stop look in and accept.
Just like a pendulum, balance will return to your mind and all you see will be so.
Trust in God


The sound of silence

2010/03/08 - 0 Comments

Awaking late in the night to relieve myself I ventured out from the tent into expanse of the central Kyushu plateau
The full moon cast softening glow over the already gentle landscape,
For as far as the eye could see, a blanket of grassy plains strenched out in all directions.
Freezing as it was I was in no hurry to return to the haven of my sleeping bag.
I was entranced by the sheer openness of the sky and 360 degree horizon, but something more the visual beauty was striking a chord deep on my soul.
A sound, what was it? So perceptable yet nothing I put a name on.
Still to cold for insects, to far from roads to be traffic, no electricity, or machinery nearby, not a bird, nor river, not even the slightest breeze.
In the stillness of this surreal vision it dawned on me, it was sound of no sound.
The silence took away my mind, sucking into the vortex of it's vacuum.
A profound peace enveloped the entirity of my being. Better to say I disappeared as drop does into the ocean. In those moments infinity was real and all barriers ceased to be.
I stood for a timeless age before the chattering of my teeth pulled me back into the limits of my mind and body.
Returning to my sanctuary I slumbered in bliss awaking with a freshness of life that nature had given me and for which I still give thanks.

Thank you Aso, thank you silence - thanks for nothing.


Aland Summer eyes

2010/03/07 - 0 Comments

I was only 20
I fell in love 10 times a day
Now I'm 42
And falls on my all day long
Thanks for gift of age
Thanks for wisdom
Thanks for this system of life, so rich in content
Unlimited in posibilities and ways to create
This life is an amazing movie


Glassy sea
We sailed silently through the light of sunrise
Thousands of tiny islands
Earthy brown rock contrasting with the Alpine green of the coniferous trees arrowing to the crispest morning sky
The islands so perfectly mirrored as to make navigation hazardous
Guiding the craft called for focus
And not a moment of the cruise was lost
As the idylic vision slowly slipped by
The memory of the Baltic still calms the storms of my mind.
Thanks to all the rings
Thanks to those pretty Finnish things
There eyes of brown and green
Smiles of minds so clean
Divine beings of summer dreams
Thanks for those midnight days
And memories that they raise
Thanks for those midnight days


Polite flower

2010/03/06 - 0 Comments

Nodding in Ready agreement
The daffodil - a polite flower indeed

Unity and the fly

Squatting over sandy earth
Looking out to infinity
Horizons filled to the brim with nothingness
All around, abosolute space
The skys All encompassing dimensions
Leaching away my insignicance
The sound of silence
The streching of awareness to match the infinite proportion of this scene
For a moment I disapeared into it's vastness
I became distinctly conscious of an almost deafing sound
As if a helicopter were about land on the ground where my form barely remained
Alert I searched the heavans for the menacing aircraft
It was huge
It's metallic rainbow coloured eyes and thick body buzzed with the dynamic vibrations of it's wings
A desert fly brought me back to my dream of separation
The moment was lost again in thought and comparison
But taste of that freedom lingers beyond the aspect of time


The gift of a baby

2010/03/05 - 0 Comments

unconditional love
the pouring out of love
the pure love recieves in return for simply being
she lay with her new born form
entirely on my chest
my heart chackra unblocked
utter,timeless joy
unconditional love
Aiki - the season of love


Thanks Patrick

2010/03/04 - 0 Comments

I understood the meaning of the phrase breath taking scenery
The fjords of Norway
Moving, my mind was stilled by the sheer enormity of it's pristine yet awesome beauty
Belief in God is easy in the environs of such pure nature
Huge, the air and water fresh and clear beyond compare
the silence deafing in it's intensity
a sublime expirience which leaves me invigourated at it rememberance

thanks for fjords

Use your happiness bank

Think happy
Be happy
It's free
Free choice
We have many banks in our head
Happy Bank, Sad Bank, Confidence Bank, Worry Bank...
Which one do you choose to make a withdrawal from?
Moment by moment WE freely choose.
I m off to the HAPPY BANK!



2010/03/03 - 0 Comments

Thankyou your holiness
For SEEing me

The 6 syllables

The Dalia Lama

the most important person in world
for those few moments was me
there was a deep sense of love and safety, inner peace.
his boyishly laughing eyes saw into my true self
In that instant I was recognised for perhaps the first time by total non judgemental eyes
he appeared tall, but so unremarkable
not charasmative or glowing with aura
more a profound stillness
a stillness
a vast nothingness of open compasionate
I felt unconditioned love



2010/03/02 - 0 Comments

Enjoy it!
Really taste it!
See the colours
Smell the aroma
Feel the texture on your tongue and lips
Notice how you feel as it satisfies your body
Eat it with love and gratitude
This how to be healthy
Not what you eat
But how
Not how much
But why
Really enjoy your food and it will fill not just your belly but your soul
Your body will love you back
Eat with love



2010/03/01 - 0 Comments

Rain and clouds
See them
So beautiful
Spring has come
The new life drinks gratefully of the heavenly offerings

One love

We can heal

But don't try to hard
Don't struggle
Start with acceptance
That's the reset button
Do that
And you can start to make your life a new
go with the flow
lighten up
love yourself, warts and all
laugh loudly and enjoy the ride!
Thanks for the naughty smile
It was like the sunrising in my heart
So sweet
It's memory lingers and brightens this rainy day
Thanks to angels
Thanks to fairies
Thanks goddess
I love you mother
And friend
Thanks daughter
No women, no cry
Jah rastafari!

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