This movie is produced by a total genius. The cast is of billions of actors that have taking there art to its peak. The story is so moving and no cost has been spared in the quality of the visuals, the soundtrack and all aspects this highly acclaimed event.
So your are trying to sit back and enjoy the story unfold , but the whole time their is some wise guy critic just behind you who thinks he's got a better idea about how things ought to have been done.
Their commentary goes on "... now that's well done, but no - awful, look what's she's wearing!, now he's hot, how could they do that, it's so sad, oh this is unbelievable, that's ok but it would be better if..., I would have it this way, I like that bit, awful!, horrifying, hilarious, beautiful, awesome, wild, disgusting, stupid, dum, atrocious, lovely, cute, I d like one of those, well not so sure about that bit, total crap......"
At some point you turn around and say " DONT YOU EVER GET SICK OF THE SOUND OF YOUR OWN VOICE? "
So they shut up.
Now you sit in silence and start to see the the subtle nuances in the actors expressions, you see the amazing attention to detail, the fly buzzing in the corner of the room, the sounds of the birds chattering out the window, the amazing extras each seem to acting out major roles in the background.
You start to appreciate the scope of this production, it's like your watching but living it at the same time, it's so real. The depth of each color starts to move you, you notice if you focus on even a leaf on a tree that the lighting is so perfect, it's life breathing and pumping of life to the rest of the tree.
You start to be aware of the enormous interplay of all the factors of this movie, evolving with such a natural harmony.
Now your so engrossed in the experience you become aware of the true magic of this producer is that not only is the screen part of her offering but the entire cinema is the set, and each of the other viewers! Oh god, even you have been somehow placed in this divinely inspired creation.
You start realize that not only has the building and the city become part of it, but the entire planet, the solar system, the moons, and suns, the galaxies, asteroids, comets.... Is there no end to this !?
Oh then comes the final twist in the plot!
It's already been enormous, beyond anything your mind could have even dreamt of, but the grand finally is literally MIND BLOWING!
It's not even about all the worlds and happenings! This masterpiece has a message... You now see that it's not about the awesome enormity of the production it's the space in which it's all be played out! The space so infinite that all those sets put together are just a speck, for even within each object the space can be found, and its all is immersed in it.
This space stretching out with no barriers and penetrates to the depths of each cell of every manifestation.
This space that is not commenting on the worlds within it, it's not condemning, approving, taking sides or stances, this space that is so huge that it can accept anything, even the chatter of the critic! This space is peacefully letting things unravel, this space is not only going with the flow, this space IS the flow, this space is unconditional love.
This space is your heart.
Take a moment out from judging everything, for a moment just trust the producer of all this might have a better idea of than the amateur know it all!
Take a moment to KNOW real love!
May all know inner peace 🙏
May all know inner peace 🙏
Hexagram 24: FU
A time of darkness comes to a close.
Receiving this hexagram is a sign that you have reached a turning point. This moment is akin to the winter solstice: the greatest adversity is past, and the light is beginning to return. Nonetheless, one cannot force the completion of the change, and it is wise to rest. Act only when you can move gently and innocently, and all will be well.
Fu also comes as a reminder to return to the light in yourself. Growth is only possible when we relinquish the expressions of the ego: pride, impatience, anger, and desire. To act forcefully or ambitiously now will only generate misfortune.
Let things develop naturally, in their own way. Simply observe and accept changes as you observe and accept the rising of the sun. Allow yourself to rest and gather strength for a time of growth ahead. By holding to modesty, gentleness, and correct conduct, you prepare the ground for a fruitful blossoming when the light fully returns.
There is danger of indulging in pride. Be tolerant of others and return to humbly following the good. | ||
The superior person avoids making excuses. Recognize errors, correct them, and there will be no misfortune. | ||
A wrong attitude prevents the return to light. It is time for careful self-examination and self-correction. Opportunity wasted returns very slowly. |
Hexagram 61: CHUNG FU
Through openness and gentleness
the correct solution is reached.
Arriving at the correct solution to a difficult situation requires a receptivity to inner truth. Unless we are willing to put aside the strong emotions of our egos and devote ourselves to discovering what is right, there can be no hope of progress at this time. Help only comes when we invite it with a sincere and innocent attitude.
The I Ching teaches a simple but effective method of influencing difficult people and arduous situations. It advises us first to lay aside our prejudices - our feelings of being wounded, angry, or in the right - and second to seek to understand the positions of others and the lesson that the Sage is teaching us with the situation. Even when another is truly out of line, it is only by accepting this and remaining balanced that you make it possible for positive change to occur. Gentleness and understanding create in others an unconscious willingness to be led.
The superior person therefore avoids the use of anger and force in trying times, knowing that they only prolong conflict. It is far wiser to accept that each experience we have is necessary for us to learn something about ourselves and about the higher laws of life. The greatest openings come when we meet difficulty with acceptance, gentleness, and a desire to understand the lesson underneath.
Wanna feel the love?
Watch this and spread the love!
Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️
The image of this hexagram is that of a tree growing high on a mountaintop. If this tree grows too fast, without first properly rooting itself, it becomes susceptible to being torn up and destroyed by the winds. If, however, it establishes a proper foundation and is content to grow gradually, it will enjoy a long life and a lofty view.
Human beings are no different. While we often desire rapid progress - we want to change someone's mind today, obtain an apology now, achieve all our goalsimmediately - sooner or later we must come to understand that the only lasting progress is gradual progress. Chien comes to urge you to accept that fact and base your thoughts, attitudes, and actions upon it.
When we have allowed ourselves to be pulled off balance by another or by some event, the ego tempts us to believe that we can influence the situation through forceful behavior. This is incorrect; the actions of the ego inevitably complicate our difficulties. The greatest influence possible always comes through the patient and steady refinement of one's inner self. If you will devote yourself to the path of the sage, with every step along that path you will be strengthened, and progress will come automatically. It will be gradual, but it will last.
Be patient, modest, and accepting now. Life often demands that we wait longer than we might like for some change, and the only true comfort available during these times is the knowledge that we are steadfastly developing ourselves into superior people. In time, every honor comes to those who are persevering and correct.
THIRD LINE | Do not enter rashly into a conflict. Stand quietly in the center and keep your balance. This enables a true and lasting resolution to be found. |

Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️
Now given that change is constant, were we to rely on external circumstance and other reasons for happiness, then this goal could never be achieved and life would be a meaningless pursuit of fleeting moments of happiness when circumstances equal our particular requirement. This would in its self deny happiness as we would be in constant fear of the fall from that temporary state.
If we assume that lasting happiness is obtainable, we must then realize that it must be one that is not determined by any material factors. It must be a happiness beyond reasons, desires and needs.
This could only come then from feeling happy for no reason in each moment regardless of what is occurring. It would mean there was no room for judgement, just peaceful acceptance of what is. Beyond our training and past experiences which mold our perception of reality.
So, here in the now, as things are is the only time we can ever know true and lasting happiness.
Time to start, smile, laugh or dance for no reason at all! Just celebrate this being!
It's time to party is NOW!
Nothing special to get, to achieve, to avoid or attain . Nothing to get rid of, overcome or save.
No need to forgive or forget !
It's just as it always was, is and will be.
Perfect oneness, stillness, silence. Eternal and infinite!
Being here and now the mind is open and reality is seen once more !
Let the day have a beautiful you!☀️2014/04/10
The hexagram Tui teaches us how to come into possession of joy. In our search for success and happiness we are prone to think that we must take aggressive actions to achieve them. The instruction of the I Ching is just the opposite: only those who practice innocence, acceptance, and detachment inherit true joy in this world.
We often see around us how forcible effort brings about what appears to be progress. Our egos tempt us to believe that these gains are lasting and valuable, but the truth is otherwise. Whatever is won by the desirous, ambitious, demanding manipulations of the ego will soon be lost. Others can always be temporarily browbeaten into doing things our way, but only hearts won by friendliness and sincere goodwill are true over time.
The I Ching teaches us again and again that joy and success cannot be forced or stolen. They are achieved gradually - but steadily - by those who relate correctly to others and to the Higher Power. To relate correctly means to steadfastly practice innocence, detachment, acceptance, modesty, and gentleness. Life is full of shortcuts, but this is the only route that leads to true joy.
The image of the hexagram is that of two lakes joined together to keep from drying up. It is an encouragement to us to join with like-minded friends now in the discussion and contemplation of higher things. If we engage in an ongoing conversation about proper principles with our friends, our relationship to truth is steady and our ego cannot seduce us into the doubt, fear, and anxiety that lead away from joy.
In your heart, be firm in holding to what is good and honest and correct. In your thoughts and actions, be gentle and accepting. Those who persevere on this path will meet with true joy and lasting success.
May all know inner peace 🙏