The clairvoyant may see
forms which are elsewhere,
but he cannot see the formless.
The telepathic may communicate
directly with the mind of another,
but he cannot communicate with
one who has achieved no-mind.
The telekinetic may move an
object without touching it,
but he cannot move
the intangible.
Such abilities
have meaning only
in the realm of duality.
Therefore, they are meaningless.
Within the Great Oneness, though
there is no such thing as clairvoyance,
telepathy, or telekinesis, all things
are seen, all things understood,
all things forever in their
proper places.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
Work toward
emptiness and openness.
Cultivate stillness.
Breathe harmony.
Become tranquility.
As the ten thousand
things rise and fall, rise and fall,
just witness their return
to the root.
Everything that flourishes
dissolves again into the source.
To dissolve back into the source is to
find peace. To find peace is to recover
your true nature. To recover your true
nature is to know the constancy
of Tao. To know the constancy
of Tao is insight.
Insight opens your mind.
An open mind leads to an open heart.
Openheartedness leads to justice.
Justice is an expression of divinity.
Divinity is oneness with Tao.
with Tao is freedom from harm,
indescribable pleasure,
eternal life.
from the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace 🙏
There is
no one method for
attaining realization of the Tao.
To regard any method as the method
is to create a duality, which can only
delay your understanding of the
subtle truth. The mature person
perceives the fruitlessness of
rigid, external methodologies;
remembering this, he keeps
his attitude unstructured
at all times and thus
is always free to
pursue the
He studies the
teachings of the masters.
He dissolves all concepts of duality.
He pours himself out in service to
others. He performs his inner
cleansing and does not
disturb his teacher with
unnecessary entanglements,
thus preserving the subtle
spiritual connection with
the teacher's divine
Gently eliminating
all obstacles to his own
understanding, he constantly
maintains his unconditional sincerity.
His humility, perseverance, and
adaptability evoke the response
of the universe and fill him
with divine light.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace 🙏

Most of the
world's religions serve
only to strengthen attachments
to false concepts such as self and
other, life and death, heaven and
earth, and so on. Those who
become entangled in these
false ideas are prevented
from perceiving the
Integral Oneness.
The highest
virtue one can exercise
is to accept the responsibility
of discovering and transmitting
the whole truth. Some help others
in order to receive blessings and
admiration. This is simply
meaningless. Some
cultivate themselves
in part to serve others,
in part to serve their own pride.
They will understand, at best,
half of the truth.
But those
who improve themselves
for the sake of the world—to these,
the whole truth of the universe will
be revealed. So seek this whole truth,
practice it in your daily life, and
humbly share it with others.
You will enter the realm
of the divine.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace 🙏
Most of the
world's religions serve
only to strengthen attachments
to false concepts such as self and
other, life and death, heaven and
earth, and so on. Those who
become entangled in these
false ideas are prevented
from perceiving the
Integral Oneness.
The highest
virtue one can exercise
is to accept the responsibility
of discovering and transmitting
the whole truth. Some help others
in order to receive blessings and
admiration. This is simply
meaningless. Some
cultivate themselves
in part to serve others,
in part to serve their own pride.
They will understand, at best,
half of the truth.
But those
who improve themselves
for the sake of the world—to these,
the whole truth of the universe will
be revealed. So seek this whole truth,
practice it in your daily life, and
humbly share it with others.
You will enter the realm
of the divine.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace 🙏
To the ordinary being,
others often require tolerance.
To the highly evolved being, there
is no such thing as tolerance,
because there is no such
thing as other.
She has
given up all ideas of
individuality and extended her
goodwill without prejudice
in every direction.
Never hating,
never resisting,
never contesting,
she is simply always
learning and being.
Loving, hating,
having expectations:
all these are attachments.
Attachment prevents the
growth of one's true being.
Therefore the integral being is
attached to nothing and can
relate to everyone with an
unstructured attitude.
Because of
this, her very existence
benefits all things.
That which
has form is equal
to that which is without form,
and that which is alive is
equal to that which
This is the subtle truth,
not a religious invention,
but only those who are
already highly evolved
will understand this.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace 🙏
Can you
dissolve your ego?
Can you abandon the idea of
self and other? Can you relinquish the
notions of male and female, short and
long, life and death? Can you let go
of all these dualities and embrace
the Tao without skepticism or
panic? If so, you can reach
the heart of the Integral
Along the way,
avoid thinking of the
Oneness as unusual, exalted,
sublime, transcendental. Because it
is the Oneness, it is beyond all that.
It is simply the direct, essential,
and complete
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace �
The tiny particles
which form the vast
universe are not tiny at all.
Neither is the vast universe vast.
These are notions of the mind,
which is like a knife, always
chipping away at the Tao,
trying to render it
graspable and
But that which
is beyond form is ungraspable,
and that which is beyond knowing
is unmanageable.
There is,
however, this consolation:
She who lets go of the knife will
find the Tao at her
Amazing that Laotsu had such insight into walk physics has recently discovered.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker~
May all know inner peace �
Do you wish to
inhabit sacred space?
To have the respect and
companionship of the highest
spiritual beings? To be protected
by the guardians of the eight
powerful energy rays?
Then cherish the
Integral Way:
these teachings with
reverence, practice their truths,
illuminate them to others. You will
receive as many blessings from the
universe as there are grains
of sand in the River of
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace �
Does one scent
appeal more than another?
Do you prefer this flavor, or that
feeling? Is your practice sacred and
your work profane? Then your
mind is separated: from
itself, from oneness,
from the Tao.
your mind free of
divisions and distinctions.
When your mind is detached, simple,
quiet, then all things can exist
in harmony, and you can
begin to perceive the
subtle truth.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace �
Thirty spokes
meet at a hollowed-out hub;
the wheel won't work
without its hole.
A vessel is moulded from solid clay;
its inner emptiness makes it useful.
To make a room,
you have to cut doors and windows;
without openings, a place
isn't livable.
To make
use of what is here,
you must make use of
what is not.
from the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace �
Do you imagine
the universe is agitated?
Go into the desert at night and look
out at the stars. This practice
should answer the
The superior
person settles her mind as the
universe settles the stars in the sky.
By connecting her mind with the
subtle origin, she calms it. Once
calmed, it naturally expands,
and ultimately her mind
becomes as vast and
immeasurable as
the night sky.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
He who
desires the admiration
of the world will do well to amass
a great fortune and then give it away.
The world will respond with
admiration in proportion to
the size of his treasure.
Of course, this is
Stop striving
after admiration. Place
your esteem on the Tao.
Live in accord with it, share
with others the teachings
that lead to it, and you
will be immersed in
the blessings that
flow from it.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace �
The teaching
of the Integral Way
will go on as long as
there is a Tao and someone
who wishes to embody it;
what is painted in these
scrolls today will appear
in different forms in
many generations
to come.
These things,
however, will never change:
Those who wish to attain oneness
must practice undiscriminating virtue.
They must dissolve all ideas of duality:
good and bad, beautiful and ugly, high
and low. They will be obliged to
abandon any mental bias born
of cultural or religious belief.
Indeed, they should hold
their minds free of any
thought which interferes
with their sense of the
universe as a
The beginning
of these practices
is the beginning of
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace �
I teach the
Integral Way of uniting
with the great and mysterious Tao.
My teachings are simple; if you try to
make a religion or science of them,
they will elude you. Profound yet
plain, they contain the entire
truth of the universe.
Those who
wish to know the
whole truth take joy in doing the
work and service that comes to them.
Having completed it, they take joy in
cleansing and feeding themselves.
Having cared for others
and for themselves,
they then turn to
the master for
This simple path leads to
peace, virtue, and abundance.
from the Hua Hu Ching, by Brian Browne Walker
May all know inner peace �
May all know inner peace �
praise is
lavished upon
the famous, the
people contend and
compete with one another.
When exotic goods are traded
and treasured, the compulsion
to steal is felt. When desires are
constantly stimulated, people
become disturbed and
the wise person
sets an example by
emptying her mind,
opening her heart,
relaxing her ambitions,
relinquishing her desires,
cultivating her character.
Having conquered her
own cunning and cravings,
she can't be manipulated
by anyone.
Do by
Act with non-action.
Allow order to
arise of
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.
Being and non-being create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.
Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn't possess,
acts but doesn't expect.
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever.