intellectually we know this to be true,
we understand that every molecule within our bodies is a hand me down from some other form in some other time and place.
We know that every part of us in in process of returning back into the universal pool of resources waiting to be recycled into yet a new and unique form.
So why do act as though we are separate and need to protect and even in the most subtle ways attack others to accumulate what we erroneously hope will bring US more happiness?
Why don't we taken courage in what we know?
We are irrefutably one living being, lets live this way and know the peace of interexistance.
Its funny how we spend our lives doing stuff that never really satisfies, things that at best we enjoy momentarily.
Should they really satisfy why would we need to keep doing them?
What are we really looking for?
What is our true goal?
Is it not to know ourselves and to rediscover the joy we were born with that we see in infants and kids?
Why do bother with all the little pastimes and petty agendas, when we could use our lives to really follow the path to our hearts?
Maybe we need to GET REAL,
prioritize and focus on the real issues here...
Love and joy are the bottom line, things that are inherent in our souls!
We need but uncover the clutter of other meaningless doings so as to rediscover theses undying treasures - for who could tire of joy and love?
look within, know thyself, lets devote ourselves to such pursuits!
LOVE is all!
Let the day have a Real you!
Waiting silently, without judging we open the channel to our deepest guidance.
Freed from all our past - the basis of of all our judgements and without our own agendas for an uncertain future,
we enter the eternal now.
This is dimension of inner peace the space in which love dwells in its infinite glory.
No song of bird, a stillness almost deafening.
The air thick and dank,
Darkness seems to pervade and immobilize the wind and all that might stir in opposition to the silence.
Powerfully the earth awaits an eruption from heaven,
The monsoon has come.
While wait patiently, without expectation, we access the now, we experience silence within.
This the power of the entire universe, this is the realm from which all form comes and to which all returns.
this is our true, infinite all undying space, pure divine energy.
Wait in peace and no heaven on earth .
Do you hear the birds singing for joy?
It's an echo from your heart!
Did you see the glory of the sun rise or silently witness the breaking of the waves,
this is the vision of your soul!
In the peaceful awareness of a quiet mind we know the divinity of our human life, the life that we've been born live!
Let's live reflecting the infinite and dance in space for all to rejoice in a circle of love!
Lets live for love!
Let the Day have a truly Loving You!
...Let the day have have a loving you

May all know inner peace �
Whatever we think, say or do we experience firsthand.

May all know inner peace �