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green drinks Aoshima
Theme「Happy Smile」
Date: 19 May Sat. 19:00-23:00
Place: @Aoshima GH ( stay \2000)
Special guest speaker : Nagatomo Masami
Special live : Kiraku-do
Max: 40 people (Reservation required)
Ticket: \1500 (include 1drink+light meal)
Light meal By Aikispice
Drinks Bio wine, Beer, Green Cocktail (enzyme)
日時: 5月19日(土) 19:00-23:00
場所:青島ゲストハウス ( 宿泊 \2000)
ゲストスピーカー:HappySmileCreate 長友まさ美
スペシャルライブ:喜楽童 Toshi & 七海
参加費:\1500 (1ドリンク+軽食込)
ドリンク:Bioワイン, ビール, 酵素カクテル
green drinksとは ⇒
Contact: 090-9606-9795(Geoff) 090-5023-1895(Atsuko)
Theme「Happy Smile」
Date: 19 May Sat. 19:00-23:00
Place: @Aoshima GH ( stay \2000)
Special guest speaker : Nagatomo Masami
Special live : Kiraku-do
Max: 40 people (Reservation required)
Ticket: \1500 (include 1drink+light meal)
Light meal By Aikispice
Drinks Bio wine, Beer, Green Cocktail (enzyme)
日時: 5月19日(土) 19:00-23:00
場所:青島ゲストハウス ( 宿泊 \2000)
ゲストスピーカー:HappySmileCreate 長友まさ美
スペシャルライブ:喜楽童 Toshi & 七海
参加費:\1500 (1ドリンク+軽食込)
ドリンク:Bioワイン, ビール, 酵素カクテル
green drinksとは ⇒
Contact: 090-9606-9795(Geoff) 090-5023-1895(Atsuko)
There is always a relative and absolute truth to every matter.
In terms of recycling both sides appear to be of great value to our survival as a species both physically and spiritually.
The knowledge of modern science and wisdom of the sages meets in the truth that energy is the base of all things, that it is infinite, that is never depleted or increased only in a continuing state of flux between changing from form to form and going through formless stages returning back to form, ad infinitum.
On a relative basis the necessity to embrace this ideal is obvious.
The spiritual and ultimate truth that lies beneath the form of this ideal may not be so clear but is of the greatest value to our ultimate goals of true world peace and an inner experience of unending joy.
By practicing recycling in our daily life we become acutely aware that indeed all things are energy in flux, we see that a tree - energy, cut down- energy, burned releasing heat, light and smoke- all forms of energy may be used to boil water energy which changes it into steam-energy, used to drive a turbine-energy, to produce electricity-energy, which in turn may be used to provide energy for a myriad of other forms of energy transforming processes. It is even sold for money another form of stored energy.
We see that our simple life processes of breathing. eating, drinking, reproducing and dying are all indeed recycling energy, from one form to another and then into formless energy only to be again re formed into new forms.
As we witness with the awareness of a conscious exponent of recycling, the boundaries between forms begin to fade, the connection between all things becomes apparent and we realize that in fact we are not at all separate and we, nature and other humans all share in a single life pervading force of pure energy that is in fact perpetually being re-created into an ever evolving beautiful UNI-verse.
This loss of belief in a separate self, giving way to a true knowing of our innate oneness and connectedness is the ultimate enlightenment. This is where fear of death, loss or scarcity vanishes into the infinite space of pure energy and the undying life of divine existence.
This is nirvana, heaven, unification with god.. this is the ultimate reality.
So let us practice the holy religion of recycling and know that it will save both our physical world as well as our souls that all may live and that we may let everyday be a dawning of fresh new joy!
May all know inner peace 〓
In terms of recycling both sides appear to be of great value to our survival as a species both physically and spiritually.
The knowledge of modern science and wisdom of the sages meets in the truth that energy is the base of all things, that it is infinite, that is never depleted or increased only in a continuing state of flux between changing from form to form and going through formless stages returning back to form, ad infinitum.
On a relative basis the necessity to embrace this ideal is obvious.
The spiritual and ultimate truth that lies beneath the form of this ideal may not be so clear but is of the greatest value to our ultimate goals of true world peace and an inner experience of unending joy.
By practicing recycling in our daily life we become acutely aware that indeed all things are energy in flux, we see that a tree - energy, cut down- energy, burned releasing heat, light and smoke- all forms of energy may be used to boil water energy which changes it into steam-energy, used to drive a turbine-energy, to produce electricity-energy, which in turn may be used to provide energy for a myriad of other forms of energy transforming processes. It is even sold for money another form of stored energy.
We see that our simple life processes of breathing. eating, drinking, reproducing and dying are all indeed recycling energy, from one form to another and then into formless energy only to be again re formed into new forms.
As we witness with the awareness of a conscious exponent of recycling, the boundaries between forms begin to fade, the connection between all things becomes apparent and we realize that in fact we are not at all separate and we, nature and other humans all share in a single life pervading force of pure energy that is in fact perpetually being re-created into an ever evolving beautiful UNI-verse.
This loss of belief in a separate self, giving way to a true knowing of our innate oneness and connectedness is the ultimate enlightenment. This is where fear of death, loss or scarcity vanishes into the infinite space of pure energy and the undying life of divine existence.
This is nirvana, heaven, unification with god.. this is the ultimate reality.
So let us practice the holy religion of recycling and know that it will save both our physical world as well as our souls that all may live and that we may let everyday be a dawning of fresh new joy!
May all know inner peace 〓
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