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Life success

2012/03/31 - 0 Comments

Hi lea, 
Thanks for the mail and call its always nice to know that people can find time to keep in touch.
I can really relate to your hectic life style that seems to the norm over there now.
But even as slow as things are here people never really seem to have time (and/or money) to do what they really want to do.
I think the key is knowing REALLY what is important to you, your deepest most profound values, the things things that truly bring you joy and then prioritizing all your actions towards reaching those goals.
Reaching them may or may not be realistic or ever even happen but the knowledge that each day you are taking steps in that direction will give us the motivation and stoke to keep on in enjoyable path thru the maze of life.
Getting real by asking yourself " does this serve my greatest good?" if the answer is no then drop  it. No apologies needed. If the answer s yes then you already have have the gumption to go for it wholeheartedly knowing from your very marrow that what brings you joy is doing your bit to add to the well of joy that that is stockpiled for all to bathe in.
Like any good business manager prioritizing and goal setting is essential to the business of life.

Success can only be measured in the moment in terms of current gross level of happiness.
Let's get real.Jjust be happy rather get stuck on binges of stress and then downtime of slovenly, indulgence, that we think we deserve for the hard slog we put it simply to exhaust ourselves in pursuit of of some unfulfillable cause.
Sounds all good but it takes the first baby steps before we can realize any truth in it.
 DISCLAIMER:As ever any advice given is thru me, for me and not by me.

May all know inner peace �

Green Drinks Miyazaki OPEN

Rainbow Tree, Suzuki Noa and green drinkers 39 for a great green night! A loving way to party!


Spring love

2012/03/30 - 0 Comments

Smell the love,
Feel the life going off!
Spring is singing "dance and enjoy!"


True gratitude

2012/03/29 - 0 Comments

True gratitude comes from giving.
To give we must have received and our gratitude is thus not reliant on the next receivers response to our gift.
Gratitude is in the giving heart and in the we all share the greatest presents of love and peace.
To give is KNOW you have received joy and joy is shared in joy.
Sometimes the feeling of gratitude wells up to the point of laughter, unrestrained tears of happiness flow!
Praise to creation!
Life is.


Breathe, see, feel...KNOW

2012/03/28 - 0 Comments


Make a smile

2012/03/27 - 0 Comments

Smiling yoga



Daytime shooting star

2012/03/26 - 0 Comments

His vibe was tangible. An inner fortitude, a tranquil depth of presence and an aura of self confidence that was immediately attractive.
All though we met in the smoky haze of "the Sanctuary" bar under the lubricating effect of some of Miyazaki's fine shochu, I knew I'd found both a friend and a teacher.
Suzuki Katsu was enjoying a resbit in our little paradise while sea kayaking around the main body of Japanese archipelago. He d already travell from the Shizuoka, where he'd left last autumn and it was now early in spring here in the south. 
To me this was the first thing to really wake me up to the awesome nature of his quest, when I compared it my ordeal of braving my first winter in The valley of Takaharu. While I was thinking "this cold is enough..." he was braving the far harsher northern climes in an open canoe, buffeted by the freezing winds and high swell that accompany that time of year in this part of our globe.
To be continued...

May all know inner peace �


Jump for joy retreat in the UK

2012/03/25 - 0 Comments

Care for Your Anger-Ram Dass/Thict Naht Hahn

Check out this video on YouTube:

May all know inner peace �


Smell ecstasy!

2012/03/17 - 0 Comments

Magnolia the scent of heaven, petals of angels, a gift of God.


Spring celebrate life!

2012/03/12 - 0 Comments

Time to dance!
Come out your cave, new life, new love, to dance and laugh in the joy of fresh beginnings !
See you at the party!

New Forms

The cycle of life,
No death, a rhythm of change,
We see the birth of gentle freshness,
It awakens the life that stirs in the core of our very being.
The spring vibration!
A chance to connect to love and start a new.
Breathe in and taste the joy!


In the silence..

2012/03/10 - 0 Comments

In silence we truly hear,
Eyes closed and focused on the nothingness we truly see.
Reality is within our very existence, our breathe, our heart beat, at the centre of all the pulse of life,is singing the unending chorus of love.
Meditation is a way within.


Fresh Pasta

2012/03/08 - 0 Comments

生パスタ 高原の恵み。美味しい!organic AiKi SPiCE トマトsauce!
Foodaly と 杜の穂倉 においてるよ!オススメ!


The wisdom of youth?

2012/03/07 - 0 Comments

Wow! This is something beautiful and thought provoking. Wow!

May all know inner peace �

Choose to see love

Lovely day to you all,
A great to practice seeing the sun that we know is shining just above the clouds.
Accepting the clouds and rain for their changing and impermanent nature, while be conscious of the infinitely expanding blue sky and shining sun in before which the clouds pass by harmlessly.
Then maybe we can beyond the external layers of flesh and character to the hearts of all others which remain as pure as they were as infants untainted by the ravages of passing experience.
Let's choose to see the love,
Let's choose see the peace,


Take a slow breathe...

2012/03/06 - 0 Comments

Listen carefully...
You can hear it,
Look deeply...
You can see it,
Take a slow breathe...
You can taste and smell it,
Talk a stroll...
You can feel it in the wind.
Spring is here!


Yoga is a choice

2012/03/04 - 0 Comments

Yoga is to accept your body and mind as it is now.
Yoga is be at peace with yourself and choose to open and accept the love that is held deep in your heart.
Yoga is choosing joy over pain,
Life is Yoga

Ain't it a beautiful day?


Healing is our choice

2012/03/03 - 0 Comments

Healing is a choice.
A choice to focus not on the clouds but on the infinite and eternal sky before which clouds pass harmlessly under.
Healing is choice to be aware of the ultimate answer to all problems.
To know that we are not bodies and a conglomeration of symptoms but are part of the ever expanding universal energy, unlimited and born of unconditional love.
Healing is a choice to lay the ground for this consciousness to flower and tend it patiently with our hearts concentrated on each moment in celebration of the present which holds the seed of that everlasting blossom that is in truth our divine nature.
Choose or not, the truth will always shine through and the darkness be gone like a long forgotten dream, our choice is whether or not to experience a taste of that freedom NOW or to lie in restless slumber dreaming of pain , fear and loss.
Choose peace, choose love, choose courage and know we are all one in the present and that heaven is here and now dwelling in our hearts.
Let's rejoice today! Let's re - choice now!
Gratitude to all!


See your brother, know truth

2012/03/02 - 0 Comments


Choose Joy!

2012/03/01 - 0 Comments

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