Welcome back! Aki & Alex & Heli
Damian & Geoff Birthday Party!
アキ&アレックス&ヘリ おかえり!と
デイミアン&ジェフ のバースディ合同パーティ!
Theme : Green! - wear,cook or do something green!
テーマ:グリーン!- 着る物、 料理、その他、何でもグリーンのものやグリーンなこと!
Date & Time : September 3 Sat. PM4:00- All night
日時:9月3日(土) 夕方4:00〜 オールナイト(出入り自由)
Place : Kisaki ( In front of Northern toilets )
What to bring : BYO/Food/Drinks/Friends/Instruments/Chairs/BBQ's etc.
*Please take home your own garbage!
In case of Rain : Sogo Bunka Park
(Under cover area next to the Northern Car Park of the Kenritsu Library Near Miyazaki Jingu)
雨天の場合: 県総合文化公園(県立図書館北側駐車場横の屋根がある場所)
Contacts :
Geoff 090-9606-9795 healingnatural@softbank.ne.jp
Atsuko 080-4273-1895 worldgarden@softbank.ne.jp
Sometimes you need a friend
Sometimes you just need a friend,
A friend won't judge you,
They might just nudge you,
Gently give you a suggestion that propels you from a low back into the swing.
Thank you my queen.
Thank you my sister,
A swim in the sea did it for me!
We can do anything! Express yourself and live!
Joy to all!
Reiki too, a way if life to go beyond healing to a reality where healing is nit required as realized the innate perfection of the eternal universe in this holy instant - NOW!
Check out this video on YouTube:
Joy to all!
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Toimisaki himatsuri literally goes off!
Traditional, legend acted out with a backdrop of pacific ocean panorama deep green flora and the bluest of skies.
A slow build up of trance inducing circular dancing and rhythmic drumming leading up to the spectacle of young costumed men lobbing fire balls onto a 30 cm diameter nest atop a 30 meter pole and ending in a dynamic fireworks display from a frightfully close proximity.
Till the crescendo when the pole falls down to the ground.
A must see festival
I am listening to Weekend Lunch on ABC Triple J 105.7 with TuneIn Radio Pro. http://tunein.com/station/?stationId=25508
Joy to all!
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