Can you imagine a more positive outcome?
The mere act of doing so will make that outcome more likely, and allow your mind to rest.
Text and image(c) from the Solace app
Joy to all!
Joy to all!
Please think about this...
We might say things like this "I think my body is tired " maybe it is because you think your body is tired that your body becomes tired. The fact is we are commanding our body. I think my body tired.
The body is a tool of our mind.
Try thinking "my body is strong and healthy, full of energy and light! "
Imagine it! Feel it! Tell yourself this when ever you remember.
It may take some time but you will start to see tour tiredness stops. We really need to do EFT or NLP,hypnotism to remove the subconscious program that 90% of the time maybe running the other affirmation "I'm tired"
Meditation helps us be more aware of the subconscious voice that is controlling our lives. We need to be aware so we can take control or better still say "I put this in the hands of God for the highest good of all."
I'm happy, strong and I love my body and it loves me!
Hey there,
Healingnatural@i.softbank.jp has shared a video with you that was made on his/her iPhone! You can watch it on your iPhone or your computer by following this link:
If you like it, why don't you try creating one yourself? You can get our app (for free!) in the app store with your iPhone, or in a regular web browser just head here:
The Animoto Team
The 7 th chackra is open fully.
Our connection to God has never severed for he is everywhere, within us and with out, we cannot be separate from him are we integral with all creation!
We can choose to be unaware of our divinity by focussing on fragments of reality through fearful and selfish eyes.
Be brave open your and know that there is nothing to fear! Only love and peace our real and these are infinite and undivided.
Know you are the lotus open to the morning sun, you may clouds now but have faith that behind them the sun is eternal and the clouds with soon pass.
Rejoice in the beauty of this very day!
Hey there,
Healingnatural@i.softbank.jp has shared a video with you that was made on his/her iPhone! You can watch it on your iPhone or your computer by following this link:
If you like it, why don't you try creating one yourself? You can get our app (for free!) in the app store with your iPhone, or in a regular web browser just head here:
The Animoto Team
Hey there,
Healingnatural@i.softbank.jp has shared a video with you that was made on his/her iPhone! You can watch it on your iPhone or your computer by following this link:
If you like it, why don't you try creating one yourself? You can get our app (for free!) in the app store with your iPhone, or in a regular web browser just head here:
The Animoto Team
God even gives us some help. The sunrise says but a single thing, the birds sing the message clearly the whole if existence tells us wake up and rejoice!
BTW this photo had not been changed at all just a snap from my 2megapix iPhone camera!
Gods has his own really cool Photoshop artist.
This way the teacher remains always the student and communication arises at the highest level.
Regardless of the form or content we can only really teach when it is a heart to heart transmission, then all creation benefits and supports.
Teach to learn and learn to teach, life is a school, enroll today!
Have a look at your life.
Are you keeping yourself so busy to keep your mind from seeing all it's madness?
Why can't you just sit at home alone and do nothing? What's are we afraid to face?
Fear not! The worst is but a phantom, a shadow without substance.
Look at it with light of awareness and consciousness will cause it to vanish as the rising sun banishes night into the realm of forgotten dreams.
Awaken and hear the singing if birds that in ceaseless joy celebrate your birth into the heavenly present!
Check out this video on YouTube:
Joy to all!
When forgiveness is a necessity for happiness,which it always is, try this.
Image someone as a new born. See the innocence in there eyes, feel the purity of their hearts, hear the divinity in the squeals of joy and delight. Know that this the heart with we are all born. See the scars, the misinformation,trials and pressures that have been heaped upon this heart.
See again the unchanged divinity, beneath the clouds of pain through which this individual has lived. Know you too are in the same situation. Feel that innocence that still lies deep in your true being. Forgive not the person, but that circumstances into which they were thrust. Let go of the past, and see them a fresh in this living moment, know that without your past you to are a being of unconditional love.
Forgive and laugh in innocent joy!
Laugh! This is all so funny!
Joy to all!