Waves may buffet,
The external may be wild and dangerous, fraught with fear and doubt,
But in the depths the ocean is silent, unchanged, at peace,tranquil.
See beneath the surface, beyond appearance and know the stillness of your being.
Freedom to meditate,
Meditate to freedom.
Freedom is ours.
Acceptance and forgiveness, pillars of healing, compassion and wisdom, the foundation,peace is space in which it stands.
Joy to all!
You might wanna check this out. The Kabbala map of the soul, and how to reconnect to it in these changing times.
Love geoffree
July 2009 Issue Preview, view the full talk at
Eckhart describes why the collapse of ego-based institutions is absolutely necessary for the planet and for humanity to survive.You can respond to geoffraiki1 by visiting your inbox.
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Sorry! Please stand by me!
The real link?
Music. Classic "Stand by Me" played by street musos linked up world wide by sound engineering genius.
The result - love.
From this simple notion we can begin and complete all healing.
Is not an inner state of peace that which defines oneness, wholeness, a lack of fear from separation from that which is our source?
When we as healers attain to be non-judgmental, when we cease to identify problems, we will awaken an awareness of the innate health and divinity of our own manifestation and simultaneously confer that message to anyone truly seeking to be transformed.
Herein lies the miracle of healing (becoming whole).
See the sun shining behide the cloud of every disease and we shall know the cloud as a passing thought with no connection to the eternal existance of the inifite space of sky that is our ultimate being.
Attain to peace now, and see the miracle of life.
Acceptance of the now.
From this simple notion we can begin and complete all healing.
Is not an inner state of peace that which defines oneness, wholeness, a lack of fear from separation from that which is our source?
When we as healers attain to be non-judgmental, when we cease to identify problems, we will awaken an awareness of the innate health and divinity of our own manifestation and simultaneously confer that message to anyone truly seeking to be transformed.
Herein lies the miracle of healing (becoming whole).
See the sun shining behide the cloud of every disease and we shall know the cloud as a passing thought with no connection to the eternal existance of the inifite space of sky that is our ultimate being.
Attain to peace now, and see the miracle of life.
Joy to all!
If we really want change we have to start this very instant and just do something different, in thought, word or action be new.
Break the pattern and new doors will fly open.
When they do choose to fly through or shake in fear of freedom unknown.
AikiSpice- love in a bottle.
http://world-garden.org/ http://twitpic.com/3xk6o7
It's all downhill.
Like river finds it's way easily to the sea, naturally seeking the lowest path, we to may reach the ultimate goal.
When the breaks are off you'll fly so fast it might be scary buy just enjoy the thrill! Life is a free fall!
Let go and fly!
Thanks master Murry for illuminating us.
Light spreads.
A candle flame, tiny as it is spreads to every corner of a room.
It's perceptible even in the