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Happy New Year

2011/12/31 - 0 Comments

Remember the time to be happy is NOW!
Always New, always Now, all ways Happy!
May all being know happiness!


Give praise for the light

2011/12/29 - 0 Comments

There is divine light at the core of all form.
Seek this and know unending awe.


It is up to YOU

2011/12/21 - 0 Comments

The light is ONLY seen within.
Enlightenment is not really something to be attained.
It is, as well as we may attempt to describe using language,
a RE-alisation, i.e. to say its a RE - membering of our innate light. We and all things are at our very cores pure,infitine awareness,energy, omniconscious presence. Not separate or in anyway divided from the totally of all.
We are the universe!
We can never cease to be connected to our whole.
We are simply delaying our awakening, lost in a dream , afraid to get up from our slumber, having grown attached to the familiarity of this prison.
Were we to look within, deeply and wait for the mental chatter to subside we would start to experience this inner peace.
This is why some form of meditation is crucial if we are to change our futile pursuit of happiness from the external world to the source of joy that we carry within each of our souls, beyond the false promises and shady illusions of materialistic gratification awaits endless treasures unimaginable to our deluded egos.
When you have fallen is disappointment ten thousand times, you'll eventually seek within, or you could save your self the wait and commit today to the only path you know may save you from another romp down a one way lane to dissatisfaction.
It doesn't really matter for finally this time in hell will fade away, soon discarded and forgotten as dreams evaporate into the mists of time.
Take to express train home or the local 2nd class chugger the choice is yours!


Change of color

2011/12/19 - 0 Comments

You can change the color,
But the unchanging base of all things remains the same.
The form fluxes continuously, yet the essence of the form, the formless energy is always formless and pure. Enjoy the light show, but remember its just show and the truth is whitest,brightest reality of undefiled love.

Follow the light

Follow the light
Into the inner shrine
There!In your heart, see the face of God.
It's the true you.
Follow the light and know the peace that lies within.


Just a text test

2011/12/07 - 0 Comments

Wishing all joy on the path

Just a test


Laughter and peace

2011/11/28 - 0 Comments

A beautiful night of happy vibes,
Healing harmony,
Peaceful tones,
Belly laughter and joyful dance.
Thanks Kurakado.


Joy is sharing joy!

2011/11/26 - 0 Comments

The beauty we is the beauty within us.
The smiles and laughter around are reflections of our light and echoes of our love.
Your blessings are not my chance they are messages to remind of the infinite capacity for divine joy held within he the fibre of our existence.
See the blessings and know you are good (God)!


Perpetual sunrise

2011/11/24 - 0 Comments

Beyond time and space consciousness awaits the infinite.
The sun is rising somewhere all the time,as it is always setting every instant is happening now.
It's all here and now.
Why stress? We are unlimited and aware of it or not the truth, if examined can not be denied,accept that inevitably of your awakening, see your dramas as just that.
Don't be so serious, laugh aloud and let love flow freely.
This life a grand joke! Enjoy the trip!

Happiness shared

Happiness shared is happiness doubled.
In fact it's exponential.
Spread joy, celebrate life with those around and know a higher love.


Healing vibes live.

2011/11/21 - 0 Comments

If you wanna share in an intimate Wednesday nite in Takaharu from 1900-2100 (you can even crash over nite) a truly gifted couple will play and harmonize you into super mellow state of peaceful joy.
It's free and donations will be gratefully accepted.
Mail me at
Peace and joy to all!

There is always silence

Peace is canvas up on which we paint our lives,
Silence is beat to which the symphony of our dramas dance,
Know your inner silence and create divine art.


Find beauty

2011/11/20 - 0 Comments

You'll find beauty anywhere you look..


Focus and belief

2011/11/19 - 0 Comments

What you focus on you will see manifest,
Emotionally,physically,mentally,spiritually whatever you invest your thoughts in consciously or not will come to you.
Whatever you believe is yours.
Believe in peace, think loving kindness
And they are yours.


For you

2011/11/18 - 0 Comments

This for you.
It's simple.
It's natural.
It colours are soft, kind and loving.
It's alive a moment of beauty unfolding.
It's for you.
Look and see, it's is you.
You too are kind, simple, loving and beautiful.
You unfold into darkness and then into divine light again.
This for you.
This is from my heart.
In the heart we meet and we know our nature.
This IS you.

Geoffree Paul shared an Animoto video with you!

Geoffree Paul shared a video with you!
One day,one moment

Watch your video!
Watch your video!

Upload, Create and Enjoy! Try it for free.

This for you

This for you.
It's simple.
It's natural.
It colours are soft, kind and loving.
It's alive a moment of beauty unfolding.
It's for you.
Look and see, it's is you.
You too are kind, simple, loving and beautiful.
You unfold into darkness and then into divine light again.
This for you.
This is from my heart.
In the heart we meet and we know our nature.
This is you.


Where is the beauty?

2011/11/16 - 0 Comments

There is no beauty in a photo,
No beauty in a scene,
Beauty is the eye of the beholder.
Be hold beauty in your mind and your world will be transformed.
And b


Morning peace

2011/11/15 - 0 Comments

Wake with the sun
Live in Rythm with creation
Know the God within


Choose consciously

2011/11/14 - 0 Comments

Be joyous and abundant
Yet simple and humble
Dance to the silence
Silently dance
All unique
Yet all from the same divine source
Choose freely your form
And rejoice in the gift if life !


No Nukes!

2011/11/13 - 0 Comments

No nukes ?
Make peace not war!
Drop acid not bombs!
It's not about being anti,
Not about being pro anything,
It's about being the peace,
Being the love, the space, the inspiration and source.
It's fun to act out this life with all it's diverse dramas, just be aware that it's a play, the ending is happy and as we play our roles joy is always there waiting for us to finish with our lines.
Today I play the 60's hippy!
Love and peace!
Fight the power!
Be the power!


Trust the Tao

2011/11/06 - 0 Comments

All you need is within you now.
The time has to release your potential for divine creativity.
Your joyous birthing if your inner vision is a gift to all and your giving is opening of your heart to light of love that's been waiting to heal your world.
Smile and act with joy.


Higashi Kirishima Jingu Festival

2011/11/05 - 0 Comments

Resting place of dragons,
2000 year old shrine at the base of the holy Mt.Takachiho, nestled in ancient forests high above the mystic lake Miike, teeming with rare birds and majestic deer.
This sublime temple home of the dharma protector Fudo sama is celebrating it's annual festival of the evening of the 8th and day of the 9 th of November.
Ready for your power to evoked by it's sublime beauty and tangible energy?
Come on!

Just a moment

Just a moment of peace,
Every moment a chance for peace.

Go slower

Take the time to go into everybreath, enjoy the awareness of every heartbeat, get into each movement and feel from the inside, savor every gust a wind, drop of rain or ray of
It's all here now everything we are looking is our PRESENT.
Give your self a PRESENT.

See the beauty

See the beauty of change,
Know the eternal joy.

Fun collage app. It's a blessing in life to always be surrounded by such objects of beauty that you photograph endlessly and never get board of.
It really helps remind that every mood is just another passing expression of the weather of the mind, neither good or bad just what the brain does.
Like Kirishima the mountain itself remains basically unmoved and constant only the light and other external factors make it appear so different.
Respect your moods and love your essence of eternal peace.


Takaharu collage

2011/11/02 - 0 Comments

So much on offer in place that few ever see.

Contrast makes beauty

Contrast makes beauty,
Beauty gives rise to it's opposite idea of lack of beauty.
See the whole picture, compare not, judge not, dance in the freedom of appreciation of the gracious present.

See what you like

If you believe it from the depths of your heart, you'll see it manifest in time.
Go beyond time in to the now and you'll KNOW beauty beyond anything you could believe.

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