Letting go of the need to be healed,
Allowing things to take thier natural path,
We cannot escape our nature,
For naturally we are all nature,
We are nature,
One perfect system
Don't get stuck on comparision ,
Just be aware and compassionate to what is going on in each moment
It's all according to plan.
That's the way!
You make the policies,rules and laws
Are you a kind president?
Do you have peace with other planets?
Do you run a prosperous,happy world?
You decide.
Be a good leader of planet you!
Thanks for inspiration
Thanks for lotto house
Thanks for Rockuro
Thanks fire
Thanks Kirishima
That we are simply a changing form of that basic energy
Why do we get so hung up on this form?
I don't know!
Let's just try and remember
It's all just energy changing form
Let it do it's thing
And we ll see the one thing that remains constant
The real us
The universal consciousness
Just enjoy the change
Laugh at crazy world!
It is so beautiful
When you have a beautiful mind
A silent mind
Is beautiful
Feelings are simply signs
Messages telling us our status of connection to our true selves.
Accect them, witness them, don't react.
Just come into the now and act as the moment dictates.
The deepest truth is that know one is judging us and we are always coonected to god.
Remember that and relax
in peace.
Thanks for spices
Thanks for mums
Thanks for knives
Thanks for curry
Thanks for electricians
Thanks for peace
Thanks for love
Thanks for compassion
Thanks for wisdom
Real teaching will always shine through
Our hearts our like the sun
The clouds can never block them out
The sun is always shining
Your heart is always full of love
Just look a little higher and you will see the truth
Love is.
Just live! Easy to say, easy to do!
Why do we waste time worrying!
Breathe out,
It's over,
Breathe in it's new!
Live and die every moment
Life is always new!
Thanks for Yuko
Thanks for G
Thanks for chickens
Thanks for fishermen
When no one is special
Everyone becomes special
To love your friends and family is not special
True love is the love of all
Boundless, unconditional, joyful love
That is our truth
Realizing it is our responsibility
Our only responsiblity
If we have a set back we can get negative and just go into a tail spin
The idea is to turn it round and realize things can be good often better than how we planned
Be open to changes cause it's not failure to achieve but a gift, all wrapped up.
Just wait in happy expectation and it will show itself.
John Lennon said " lifes what happens while we are making other plans "!
let's live this life!
Thanks for happy onzen
Thanks for sleep
Thanks for pain
Thanks for Akemi
Thanks for gusto
Click on this for a little bliss!
Creativity is sharing
Sharing is creation of love
Love is the becoming whole
Remembering our oneness
This is healing
This is truth
This is god
Yes create! And know that you and God are one!
Unshaded love is not love
Sharing is love
Please click this link or copy / paste to browser to view video
Thanks for everyones' generosity
Thanks for wine
Thanks for cheese
Thanks wow 'd
We are light
We may hide are light, deny it or choose to ignore it ,
But it the end the light will always shine through darkness,
By forgiving and accepting ourselves ,
Making peace the reality as we percieve it now,
We remove the barriers to the light.
Let go of your judging and comparing
open up and let the light shine out
We are all stars
We can see the light!
Thanks for truth
Thanks for optimism
Thanks for devotion
Thanks for this precious human rebirth
When we give space to our emotions they soon lose their power.
The power of now is not what happens, it is not the content.
The now is the space in which things happen.
Acknowledge the infinite space and the focus on content diminishes and we can get perspective.
Problems become miniscule in relative the vastness of creation, the ego fades, and the dawn of true peace can be witnessed, we can dance in the freedom of this divine universe.
Let go of your opinions and dance!
Thanks for friends
Thanks for the Simpsons
Thanks for laughter
Thanks for pain
Every emotion is a call
A call to wake up
To step back and witness it
See it, give it space
Know that is not you
It's just a a cloud
The mood will pass
But the real you will remain
Like the cloud in the sky
The sky remains untouched, infinite and perfect
We are the sky!
We are one!
We are the world!
We are.